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已有 13711 次阅读 2012-7-9 00:14 |系统分类:科研笔记| 2011

[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ ls -al 
total 200 
drwxr-xr-x  8 zhenghui users  4096 Jul  8 19:32 . 
drwxr-xr-x  8 zhenghui users   108 Jul  8 19:32 .. 
drwxr-xr-x 16 zhenghui users  4096 Jul  8 16:31 ALOS_preproc 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 12767 Sep 30  2011 CHANGES_5.0.txt 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 12938 May 15 08:39 CHANGES_5.2.txt 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 13206 Jul  3 05:29 CHANGES_5.3.txt 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users   174 Jul  3 05:23 create_tar.csh 
drwxr-xr-x  2 zhenghui users    23 Jul  8 16:31 doc 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 12292 Apr 17  2011 .DS_Store 
drwxr-xr-x 12 zhenghui users  4096 Jul  8 16:31 ENVISAT_preproc 
drwxr-xr-x 11 zhenghui users  4096 Jul  8 16:31 ERS_preproc 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users    61 Aug  3  2010 .gmtcommands4 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users  2727 Aug  3  2010 .gmtdefaults4 
drwxr-xr-x 10 zhenghui users   129 Jul  8 16:31 gmtsar 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users  2398 Jul  8 17:16 gmtsar_config 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users  2188 Jul 21  2011 gmtsar_config_orig 
-rw-r--r--  1 zhenghui users 12288 Jul  8 16:57 .gmtsar_config.swp 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 35147 Mar 13  2010 LICENSE.TXT 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users   295 Dec 29  2010 Makefile 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 11733 Mar 10 03:18 README.txt 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 11733 Mar 10 03:16 README.txt.030912 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 zhenghui users 24576 Sep 29  2010 .README_V3.6.swp 
drwxr-xr-x  5 zhenghui users    76 Jul  8 16:31 snaphu 
[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ source gmtsar_config 
[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ printenv 
SSH_CLIENT= 34504 22 
LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s 
M64=-m32 -O3 
VEC=-framework veclib 
[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ clear

[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ ls 

ALOS_preproc     create_tar.csh   gmtsar              Makefile 
CHANGES_5.0.txt  doc              gmtsar_config       README.txt 
CHANGES_5.2.txt  ENVISAT_preproc  gmtsar_config_orig  README.txt.030912 
CHANGES_5.3.txt  ERS_preproc      LICENSE.TXT         snaphu 
[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ ls 
ALOS_preproc     create_tar.csh   gmtsar              Makefile 
CHANGES_5.0.txt  doc              gmtsar_config       README.txt 
CHANGES_5.2.txt  ENVISAT_preproc  gmtsar_config_orig  README.txt.030912 
CHANGES_5.3.txt  ERS_preproc      LICENSE.TXT         snaphu 
[zhenghui@node10 GMTSAR]$ cd .. 
[zhenghui@node10 ~/GMTSAR]$ ls 
Example  GMT4.5.8  GMT_install_files  GMTSAR  netcdf-3.6.3  Orbit_Data 
[zhenghui@node10 ~/GMTSAR]$ cd Example/

[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ ls 

ALOS_Baja_EQ.tar.gz  SLC  topo 
[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ tar xvf ALOS_Baja_EQ.tar.gz 
[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ ls 
ALOS_Baja_EQ.tar.gz  config.alos.txt  figures  raw  README.txt  topo 
[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ clear

[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ more README.txt  

February 17, 2011 
David T. Sandwell

This is an example set of ALOS PALSAR data to make an interferogram of T212, F06 

40 spanning the M7.2 Easter Sunday Earthquake in Northern Baja California.  The  
raw data consist of an FBS image before the earthquake and an FBD image after th 
e earthquake.  The file configure.txt contains reasonable processing parameters. 
  Note the /topo directory already contains a file dem.grd that is needed for re 
moval of the topographic phase.  There is a  web site http://topex.ucsd.edu/gmts 
ar that will generate a dem.grd file for a selected area based on the best avail 
able data (SRTM or ASTER).

The command to process this pair follows.  Note that the processing can be inter 

rupted an restarted using the proc_stage number in the file config.alos.txt.

p2p_ALOS.csh IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A IMG-HH-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A confi 


The /raw directory should contain 4 files. 

IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A LED-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A 
IMG-HH-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A LED-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A 
[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ clear

[zhenghui@node10 Example]$ p2p_ALOS.csh IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A IMG-HH-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A config.alos.txt

clean up raw/ folder 

rm: No match. 
rm: No match. 
rm: No match.




pre_process master image 
.... swapping bytes 
 near_range, shift = 846717 192  
.... calculating doppler for IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A.raw 
 Working on line 2000  
 Working on line 4000  
 Working on line 6000  
 Working on line 8000  
 Working on line 10000  
 Working on line 12000  
 Working on line 14000  
 Working on line 16000  
 Working on line 18000  
 Working on line 20000  
 Working on line 22000  
 Working on line 24000  
 Working on line 26000  
 Working on line 28000  
 Working on line 30000  
 Working on line 32000  
 Working on line 34000  
pre_process slave image 
 setting fd1 to 40.647230  
 setting near_range to 846267.00  
 setting radius to 6372234.503270  
 setting npatches to 3  
 setting fd1 to 40.647230  
.... swapping bytes 
 near_range, shift = 846717 96  
Convert the slave image from FBD to FBS mode 
ALOS_fbd2fbs: Command not found. 
Overwriting the old slave image 
mv: cannot stat `IMG-HH-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A_FBS.PRM': No such file or directory 
mv: cannot stat `IMG-HH-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A_FBS.raw': No such file or directory 

clean up SLC/ folder 

rm: No match.


focussing master 
esarp: Command not found. 
The range sampling rate for master and slave differ 
Need to run the interferogram in steps until process2pass.csh is fixed 

clean up topo/ folder


processing ALOS FBS data 
blockmedian: W: 0 E: 11304 S: 0 N: 27648 nx: 5653 ny: 6913 
blockmedian: Working on file trans.dat 
blockmedian: N read: 9070485 N used: 9045018 N outside_area: 25467 
blockmedian: N_cells_filled: 9007452 
surface: W: 0 E: 11304 S: 0 N: 27648 nx: 5652 ny: 6912 
surface: Minimum value of your dataset x,y,z at: surface: 7494.85595703 27629.9453125 -593.942810059 
surface: Maximum value of your dataset x,y,z at: surface: 291.927764893 30.720079422 1480.42419434 
surface: Grid Mode Iteration Max Change Conv Limit Total Iterations 
surface:   36 D       29 0.00686470737961 0.00810764929956        29 
surface:   12 I       20 0.024085716674 0.0243229478987         49 
surface:   12 D      149 0.0241545350008 0.0243229478987        198 
surface:    4 I       16 0.0680404576879 0.072968843696        214 
surface:    4 D       53 0.0719525100003 0.072968843696        267 
surface:    2 I       13 0.142517997724 0.145937687392        280 
surface:    2 D       19 0.135366794417 0.145937687392        299 
surface:    1 I       10 0.281354183252 0.291875374784        309 
surface:    1 D       22 0.278116867677 0.291875374784        331 
surface: Fit info: N data points  N nodes mean error rms error curvature 
surface:  9007452 39079189 6.76361963577e-07 0.00371669513701 39909.4242187 
grd2cpt: Reading colortable /public/users/zhenghui/GMTSAR/GMT4.5.8/share/cpt/GMT_gray.cpt 
grd2cpt:  Mean and S.D. of data are -191.689873275 435.323137753 
grd2cpt: z = -593.875061035 and CDF(z) = 0 
grd2cpt: z = -442.873014068 and CDF(z) = 0.228318736431 
grd2cpt: z = -138.774453654 and CDF(z) = 0.788716316739 
grd2cpt: z = 80.5016705811 and CDF(z) = 0.857996453904 
grd2cpt: z = 267.863102628 and CDF(z) = 0.885788746061 
grd2cpt: z = 442.989532471 and CDF(z) = 0.902327288437 
grd2cpt: z = 618.115962314 and CDF(z) = 0.912681958714 
grd2cpt: z = 805.47739436 and CDF(z) = 0.922731355613 
grd2cpt: z = 1024.75351859 and CDF(z) = 0.947004480014 
grd2cpt: z = 1328.85207901 and CDF(z) = 0.99783948564 
grd2cpt: z = 1479.85412598 and CDF(z) = 1 
grdimage: Allocates memory and read data file 
GMT_grd_is_global: no! 
GMT_grd_is_global: no! 
grdimage: Evaluate pixel colors 
grdimage: Creating PostScript image [8-bit grayshade image] 
pslib: LZW compressed 39066624 to 5839947 bytes 
processing ALOS FBS data 
 Can't open input data  IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A.SLC  
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: amp-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
Segmentation fault 

clean up intf/ folder 

rm: No match.


using command line


Range_sampling_rate is not consistant. 
You need to do FBD/FBS conversion.

...satellite: ALOS 

......master LED file LED-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A  
.........slave LED file LED-ALPSRP227730640-H1.0__A  
lon_tie_point =  244.459604 
lat_tie_point =  32.430625 
running phasediff... 
 can't open file IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A.PRM  
making amplitudes... 
 Can't open input data  IMG-HH-ALPSRP207600640-H1.0__A.SLC  
 Can't open  amp1_tmp.grd  
 Can't open input data  XXXXXXXX  
 Can't open  amp2_tmp.grd  
filtering interferogram... 
 Can't open  real.grd  
 Can't open  real_tmp.grd  
 Can't open  imag.grd  
 Can't open  imag_tmp.grd  
making amplitude... 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: realfilt.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: amp.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdinfo: Could not find file [display_amp.grd] 
grd2cpt: Could not find file [display_amp.grd] 
grdimage: GMT Fatal Error: Error when decoding display_amp.cpt - aborts! 
making correlation... 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: amp1.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: tmp.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: amp.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
 Can't open  tmp2.grd  
grdimage: Could not find file [corr.grd] 
making phase... 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: imagfilt.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdimage: Could not find file [phase.grd] 
filtering phase... 
phasefilt: Command not found. 
grdinfo: Could not find file [mask.grd] 
grdedit: Could not find file [filtphase.grd] 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: filtphase.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdimage: Could not find file [phasefilt.grd] 
grdimage: Could not find file [phasefilt.grd] 
mv: cannot stat `mask.grd': No such file or directory 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: tmp.grd is not a number, operator or file name 


threshold_geocode: .12 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: corr.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: phase.grd is not a number, operator or file name 
grdimage: Could not find file [phase_mask.grd] 
project correlation, phase, unwrapped and amplitude back to lon lat coordinates 
grd2xyz: Could not find file [corr.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
grdtrack: Could not find file [raln.grd] 
grdtrack: Could not find file [ralt.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
blockmedian: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
xyz2grd: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
grd2xyz: Could not find file [phase_mask.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
grdtrack: Could not find file [raln.grd] 
grdtrack: Could not find file [ralt.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
blockmedian: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
xyz2grd: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
grd2xyz: Could not find file [display_amp.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
surface: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
grdtrack: Could not find file [raln.grd] 
grdtrack: Could not find file [ralt.grd] 
minmax: No input data found! 
blockmedian: GMT SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify -R option 
minmax: No input data found! 
xyz2grd: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Must specify -R option 
make the KML files for Google Earth 
grdinfo: Could not find file [display_amp_ll.grd] 
gmtmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Operation "INV" requires 1 operands

grdgradient: Could not find file [display_amp_ll.grd] 

grdimage: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  DOTS_PR_INCH given illegal value ()! 
grdimage:  1 conversion errors from command-line default override settings! 
grdimage: GMT Fatal Error: Error when decoding display_amp.cpt - aborts! 
ps2raster: Processing display_amp_ll.ps: Find HiResBoundingBox ERROR: /rangecheck in --.peekstring-- 
Operand stack: 
   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   (%!n%) 
Execution stack: 
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack: 
   --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:102/200(L)-- 
Current allocation mode is local 
ps2raster: GMT FATAL ERROR: The file display_amp_ll.ps has no BoundingBox in the first 20 lines or last 256 bytes. Use -A option. 
rm: cannot remove `grad.grd': No such file or directory 
grdinfo: Could not find file [corr_ll.grd] 
gmtmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Operation "INV" requires 1 operands

grdgradient: Could not find file [corr_ll.grd] 

grdimage: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  DOTS_PR_INCH given illegal value ()! 
grdimage:  1 conversion errors from command-line default override settings! 
grdimage: Allocates memory and read data file 
grdimage: Could not find file [corr_ll.grd] 
ps2raster: Processing corr_ll.ps: Find HiResBoundingBox ERROR: /rangecheck in --.peekstring-- 
Operand stack: 
   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   (%!n%) 
Execution stack: 
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack: 
   --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:102/200(L)-- 
Current allocation mode is local 
ps2raster: GMT FATAL ERROR: The file corr_ll.ps has no BoundingBox in the first 20 lines or last 256 bytes. Use -A option. 
rm: cannot remove `grad.grd': No such file or directory 
grdinfo: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll.grd] 
gmtmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Operation "INV" requires 1 operands

grdgradient: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll.grd] 

grdimage: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  DOTS_PR_INCH given illegal value ()! 
grdimage:  1 conversion errors from command-line default override settings! 
grdimage: Allocates memory and read data file 
grdimage: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll.grd] 
ps2raster: Processing phase_mask_ll.ps: Find HiResBoundingBox ERROR: /rangecheck in --.peekstring-- 
Operand stack: 
   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   (%!n%) 
Execution stack: 
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack: 
   --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:102/200(L)-- 
Current allocation mode is local 
ps2raster: GMT FATAL ERROR: The file phase_mask_ll.ps has no BoundingBox in the first 20 lines or last 256 bytes. Use -A option. 
rm: cannot remove `grad.grd': No such file or directory 
grdinfo: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll_bw.grd] 
gmtmath: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  Operation "INV" requires 1 operands

grdgradient: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll_bw.grd] 

grdimage: GMT SYNTAX ERROR:  DOTS_PR_INCH given illegal value ()! 
grdimage:  1 conversion errors from command-line default override settings! 
grdimage: Allocates memory and read data file 
grdimage: Could not find file [phase_mask_ll_bw.grd] 
ps2raster: Processing phase_mask_ll_bw.ps: Find HiResBoundingBox ERROR: /rangecheck in --.peekstring-- 
Operand stack: 
   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   (%!n%) 
Execution stack: 
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack: 
   --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:102/200(L)-- 
Current allocation mode is local 
ps2raster: GMT FATAL ERROR: The file phase_mask_ll_bw.ps has no BoundingBox in the first 20 lines or last 256 bytes. Use -A option. 
rm: cannot remove `grad.grd': No such file or directory 
[zhenghui@node10 Example]$



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