

New J. Phys. 连接边与相依边的重叠对网络渗流的重要影响

已有 4896 次阅读 2013-9-25 23:47 |个人分类:统计物理复杂系统研究进展|系统分类:论文交流| 重叠, 连接边, 相依边, 网络渗流

2013 New J. Phys. 15 093013
( )









Critical effects of overlapping of  connectivity and dependence links on percolation of networks

Ming Li1,  Run-Ran Liu2,4,  Chun-Xiao Jia2 and


Bing-Hong Wang1,3,4



1  Departmentof ModernPhysics, Universityof Science and Technologyof China, Hefei 230026, Peoples Republic of China


 2 Institute of Information Economy, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036,

Peoples Republic of China


 3 Complex System Research Center, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and

Shanghai Academy of System Science, Shanghai 200093, Peoples Republic of China


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New Journal of Physics 15 (2013) 093013 (9pp)


Received 27 April 2013
Published 10 September 2013
Online at

Abstract. In a recent work Parshani et al (2011 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108 1007), dependence links have been introduced to the percolation model and used to study the robustness of the networks with such links, which shows that the networks are more vulnerable than the classical networks with only connectivity links. This model usually demonstratesarst order transition, rather than the second  order transition found in classical network percolation. In this paper, considering the real situation that the interdependent nodes are  usually connected, we study the cascading dynamics of networks  when dependence links partially overlap with connectivity links. We find that the percolation transitions are not always sharpened by  making nodes interdependent. For a high fractionofoverlapping, the networkis robust for randomfailures, and the percolation transition is second order, while for a low fraction of overlapping,  the percolation process shows a rst order transition. This work  demonstrates that the crossover between two types of transitions does not only depend on the densityof dependence links  but also on the overlapping fraction of connectivity and dependence links. Using generating function  techniques, we present exact solutions for the size of the giant  component and the critical point, which are in good agreement  with the simulations.

 NJP article download:

NJP 1367-2630_15_9_093013.pdf



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