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已有 7687 次阅读 2013-10-19 19:47 |个人分类:诱导氢气|系统分类:论文交流

Colonic Hydrogen Generated from Fructan Diffuses into the Abdominal Cavity and R.pdf



最近日本名寄城市大学营养学学者的研究发现,给动物口服寡聚果糖可以促进腹腔和门静脉内氢气的浓度,推测为来自大肠内细菌消化寡聚果糖而产生。实验组动物口服2550 g/kg体重寡聚果糖7天或14天,对照组饮食中不含有寡聚果糖。结果发现,口服寡聚果糖可以十动物血液中氢气浓度明显增加,腹腔组织特别是脂肪组织内氢气的浓度是对照组的5.6 43倍,腹腔内氢气的浓度是对照组的11倍。如果给高脂肪饮食的动物连续喂寡聚果糖或菊粉28天,在氢气产生增加的同时,脂肪组织NFkB mRNA明显降低,其中喂寡聚果糖氢气产生比菊粉更明显。和对照组对比,喂寡聚果糖或菊粉组动物白细胞介素6CCL2基因表达也有下降趋势(无统计学差异)。这一研究结果提示,口服一些无法直接吸收的寡聚果糖或许可通过促进大肠内细菌产生氢气,并通过抗炎症对抗代谢综合症。这一文章最近发表在营养学杂志上。当然文章这一推论仍值得推敲,因为氢气只是细菌的一种产物,只考虑氢气的作用未免太过武断。细菌的类型改变和其他细菌代谢产物,例如脂肪酸、甲烷等物质也许有更大贡献。


Hydrogen(H2) protects against inflammation-induced oxidative stress. Nondigestiblesaccharides (NDSs) enhance colonic H2 production. We examined whether colonicH2 transfers to tissues in the abdominal cavity and whether it affectsexpression of proinflammatory cytokines. In Expts. 1 and 2, rats were fed dietscontaining fructooligosaccharides [FOSs; 25 (Expt. 1) and 50 g/kg (Expts. 1 and2)] for 7 and 14 d, respectively. The no-FOS diet was used as the control diet.At the end of the experiment, H2 excretion and the portal H2 concentration weresignificantly greater in the FOS group than in the control group. In the FOSgroup, the arterial H2 concentration was no more than 1.5% of the portal H2concentration (P = 0.03). The H2 concentration in abdominal cavity tissues,especially adipose tissue, in the FOS group was 5.6- to 43-fold of that in thecontrol group (P < 0.05). The H2 content in the abdominal cavity in the FOSgroup was 11-fold of that in the control group (P < 0.05). In Expt. 3, ratswere fed a high-fat diet containing FOS and inulin (50 g/kg) for 28 d. The areaunder the curve for H2 excretion between 0 and 28 d and portal and adipose H2concentrations were significantly higher in the FOS and inulin groups than inthe high-fat control group. Adipose mRNA abundance of nuclear factorkappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells 1 was lower in the FOS groupthan in the control group (P = 0.02) and those of interleukin-6 and chemokine(C-C motif) ligand 2 tended to be lower (P < 0.11). Colonic H2 generatedfrom NDS diffuses to the abdominal cavity before transferring to abdominaltissues. Reduced cytokine expression by FOS feeding might be dependent onincreased colonic H2. Colonic H2 may have important implications in thesuppressive effect on metabolic syndrome via oxidative stress.


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