胞浆钙振荡分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zjcui 胰腺腺泡细胞生理学,分子与细胞光生物学


北京师范大学细胞生物学博士生导师 崔宗杰 教授

已有 4131 次阅读 2019-8-16 15:40 |系统分类:科研笔记

北京师范大学细胞生物学博士生导师 崔宗杰 教授

崔宗杰    博士 

Zong Jie Cui, PhD (Cantab.), Professor

Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China


联系方式:010-58809162 (Tel)



客座教授:Michael Xi Zhu, Ph.D., Professor, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dept. Integr Biol Pharmacol (http://ibp.med.uth.tmc.edu/faculty/bio-zhu-michael.html)      



1989年获得英国剑桥大学博士学位,1990-1994在美国耶鲁大学、哈佛大学做博士后研究。 1994-1998在中国农业大学生物学院/农业生物技术国家重点实验室任副教授。1998年至今任北京师范大学教授、所长、博导。1996年获HFSP资助,1998年入选教育部跨世纪人才计划,同年获国家杰出青年科学基金。1999年获国务院政府特殊津贴。现为《Biophysics Reports》副主编,《生理科学进展》、《The Pancreapedia》编委。曾任中国细胞生物学会理事,中国生物物理学会理事兼光生物物理学专业委员会主任委员。共同主讲国家精品课程《人体与动物生理学》。



胞浆钙振荡发生机制(generation of calcium oscillations):


细胞分泌的分子基础(molecular basis of exocytosis):


单线态氧在细胞信号转导中的作用(singlet oxygen as a signaling molecule):

在自然界中存在有多种可以特异性吸收一定波长光子的化合物。某些化合物吸收一定波长的光子后可以将所吸收的光能转移给分子氧,产生单线态氧分子。因为单线态氧分子具有极高的化学势能(94 kJ/mole),在细胞内寿命极短(1μs),因而其有效反应距离局限在< 10 nm。所以光动力作用过程中所产生的单线态氧分子可以亚细胞特异性地调控细胞功能。本实验室重点研究光动力作用在胞内的分子靶点及其对具有重要生命意义的信号转导分子靶点的化学修饰,并探讨单线态氧分子作为内源性信使发生的分子基础。使用基因编码的蛋白质光敏剂(毒杀红、迷你单),产生亚细胞器特异性定位、细胞类型特异性定位、中枢或外周神经核团特异性定位的单线态氧分子。发现目前唯一的一个可被单线态氧分子永久性激活的G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR-ABSO,对应中文名词初步表征为“嘎嘣脆”受体)。

细胞之间的接触性相互作用(cell contact interactions):


川楝素与突触传递(toosendanin on synapse):


招生目录: 071009 细胞生物学专业 –  分泌细胞的信号转导


Liu JS, Cui ZJ (2019) Pancreatic stellate cells serve as a brake mechanism on pancreatic acinar cell calcium signaling modulated by methionine sulfoxide reductase expression. Cells 8: 109. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/8/2/109   

Guo HY, Cui ZJ (2019) Extracellular histones activate TLR9 to induce calcium oscillations in rat pancreatic acinar tumor cell AR4-2J. Cells 8: 3. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/8/1/3   

Jiang WY, Li Y, Li ZY, Cui ZJ (2018) Permanent photodynamic cholecystokinin 1 receptor activation – dimer-to-monomer conversion. Cell Mol Neurobiol 38: 1283-1292. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10571-018-0596-3 

Jiang HN, Li Y, Jiang WY, Cui ZJ (2018) Cholecystokinin 1 receptor - a unique G protein-coupled receptor activated by singlet oxygen (GPCR-ABSO). Front Physiol 9: 497. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2018.00497/full 

Jiang HN, Li Y, Cui ZJ (2017) Photodynamic physiology - photonanomanipulations in cellular physiologywith protein photosensitisers. Front Physiol 8: 191.  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2017.00191/full 

Li ZY, Jiang WY, Cui ZJ (2015) An essential role for NAD(P)H oxidase 2 inUVA-induced calcium oscillations in mast cells. Photochem Photobiol Sci 14: 414-428.

Liang HY, Song ZM, Cui ZJ (2013) Lasting inhibition of receptor-mediated calcium oscillations in pancreaticacini by neutrophil respiratory burst - a novel mechanism for secretoryblockade in acute pancreatitis? BiochemBiophys Res Commun 437: 361-367.

Cui ZJ, Han ZQ, Li ZY (2012)  Modulating protein activity and cellular function by methionine residue oxidation. Amino Acids 43: 505-517.

Jia YH, Cui ZJ (2011) Tri-phasic modulation of ACh- and NE-maintained calcium plateau by high potassium in isolated mouse submandibular granular convoluted tubular cells. Arch Oral Biol 56: 1347-1355.

Fang XF, Cui ZJ (2011) The anti-botulism triterpenoid toosendanin elicits calcium increase and exocytosis in rat sensory neurons. Cell Mol Neurobiol 31: 1151-1162.

Duan YJ, Liang HY, Jin WJ, Cui ZJ (2011) Substance P conjugated to CdTe quantum dot triggers cytosolic calcium oscillations and induces QD internalization in the pancreatic carcinoma cell line AR4-2J. Analyt Bioanalyt Chem 400: 2995-3003.

Chen BD, Guan DD, Cui ZJ, Wang X & Shen X (2010) Thioredoxin 1 downregulates MCP-1 secretion and expression in human endothelial cells by suppressing nuclear translocation of activator protein 1 and redox factor-1. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 298: C1170-C1179.

Wang BJ, Liang HY & Cui ZJ (2009) Duck pancreatic acinar cell as a unique model for independent cholinergic stimulation-secretion coupling. Cell Mol Neurobiol 29: 747-756.

Zhou YD, Fang XF & Cui ZJ (2009) UVA induced calcium oscillations in rat mast cells. Cell Calcium 45: 18-28. (Yan Dong Zhou: https://profiles.psu.edu/profiles/display/73800983)   

Hu F, Sun WW, Zhao XT, Cui ZJ & Yang WX (2008) TRPV1 mediates cell death in rat synovial fibroblasts through calcium entry-dependent ROS production and mitochondrial depolarization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 369: 989-993.

Wang BJ & Cui ZJ (2007) How does cholecystokinin stimulate exocrine pancreatic secretion? From birds, rodents, to humans. Am J Physiol 292: R666-R678.

Ma CY & Cui ZJ (2004) Selective use of a reserved mechanism for inducing calcium oscillations. Cell Signal 16: 1435-1440.

Xiao R & Cui ZJ (2004) Mutual dependence of VIP/PACAP and CCK receptor signaling for a physiological role in duck exocrine pancreatic secretion. Am J Physiol 286: R189-R198.  (Rui Xiao: http://aging.ufl.edu/profile/rui-xiao-ph-d/)

Cui ZJ, Zhou YD, Satoh Y & Habara Y (2003) A physiological role for protoporphyrin IX photodynamic action in the rat Harderian gland? Act Physiol Scand 179: 149-154.

An YP, Xiao R, Cui H & Cui ZJ (2003) Selective activation by photodynamic action of cholecystokinin receptor in the freshly isolated rat pancreatic acini. Br J Pharmacol 139: 872-880.

Publications List on 11 Feb. 2019

ZJCui Publications List 2019.pdf


1/      2010-2012, 大鼠肥大细胞胞浆钙振荡

2/      2013-2016, 中性白细胞活动调节胰腺腺泡细胞钙信号。

3/      2017-2020, 蛋白质光敏剂光动力调控G蛋白偶联受体

4/      2020-2023,“嘎嘣脆”(GPCR-ABSO)受体的基因编码光动力激活。


4/ 2011-2015, 细胞钙信号的时空特异性调控。


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