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一代大师、约束理论TOC创始人Eliyahu M. Goldratt 去世!

已有 9838 次阅读 2011-6-14 04:45 |系统分类:人物纪事| 创始人, 以色列, TOC, 物理学家, 约束理论


Eli Goldratt

Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Founder, Author, Mentor, Friend
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1947-2011) passed away on June 11, 2011. He founded the Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute (AGI), named for his father, in 1986 as he worked to further expand the TOC base of knowledge and its applications. Eli retired from actively running AGI in 1997. For all of his contributions, we are very thankful.      
Sixty-four years ago a giant was born.

Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt spent his entire adult life fighting to show that it is possible to make this world a better place. We must have the honesty to see reality as it is, we must have the courage to challenge assumptions, and above all, we must use the gift of thinking. Having applied these principles to various management fields, he created the Theory of Constraints. His concepts and teachings have expanded beyond management and are being used in healthcare, education, counseling, government, agriculture and personal growth - to name a few fields using TOC. His legacy is invaluable.

On June 11th, 2011 at noon, Eli Goldratt passed away at his home in Israel in company of his family and close friends.

"I smile and start to count on my fingers: One, people are good. Two, every conflict can be removed. Three, every situation, no matter how complex it initially looks, is exceedingly simple. Four, every situation can be substantially improved; even the sky is not the limit. Five, every person can reach a full life. Six, there is always a win-win solution. Shall I continue to count?"



2011年6月11日中午,以色列物理学家、企业管理顾问、约束理论的创始人Eliyahu M. Goldratt在以色列家里去世,他的家人及亲密的朋友陪他走完了最后一程,享年64岁。

Eliyahu M. Goldratt博士用尽他的整个成年生活来证明,这个世界有可能变得更加美好。我们必须诚实的看待现实,敢于挑战假设,尤其是,我们要思考。他将这些理念应用到不同的管理领域,创造了约束理论。他的理念和教义,已超出管理领域,应用于医疗,教育,咨询,政府,农业以及个人成长领域,这些被称之为约束理论。他的遗产是无价的。


约束理论(Theory of Constraints, TOC)是(Dr.Eliyahu M.Goldratt在他开创的优化生产技术(Optimized Production Technology,OPT)基础上发展起来的管理哲理,该理论提出了在制造业经营生产活动中定义和消除制约因素的一些规范化方法,以支持连续改进(Continuous Improvement)。同时TOC也是对MRPⅡ和JIT在观念和方法上的发展。Goldratt创立约束理论的目的是想找出各种条件下生产的内在规律,寻求一种分析经营生产问题的科学逻辑思维方式和解决问题的有效方法。可用一句话来表达TOC,即找出妨碍实现系统目标的约束条件,并对它进行消除的系统改善方法。Goldratt博士最后的希望是将约束理论上升到一个新的层次——真正的站在巨人的肩膀上。

“我微笑着掰着手指:一、人们是好的。二、每一次冲突可以解除。三、每一种境遇,无论最初看起来是多么复杂,实则非常的简单。四、每一个处境都可以大大改善;即使是天空也没有限制。五、每个人都有一个完整的生命。六、总是有一个双赢的解决方案。我还需要继续吗?”——Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Share how your life was influenced by his work and the Theory of Constraints


下一篇:以色列物理学家、约束理论创始人 埃利亚胡·戈德拉特 生平简介
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