Science Blog of Dr. Yuan分享 This blog is mainly on Molecular molecular modelling and simulations



已有 8949 次阅读 2009-12-4 03:40 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 分子模拟, 同源建模



拿我自己作建模的结果来说:identiy=54%, similiarity=81%。但统计下来还是有不合性,具体结果见下面。
理论上说模型应当是很不错的才对,但并没有完全好。感觉很奇怪,今天花费了一天的时间用scifinder查找同源建模的文章,发现很多已经发表的文章都没怎么做优化就发表了;有些自称是自己highly optimization了,我下载了他的pdb文件检测发现,atom clash非常多,键参数也有很多的问题。


最近看到的有一篇专门针对modeller的结构评估: protein science 2008(17)1881-1893

If you look at your structure and it seems plausible enough, I'd say it's ok to ignore those errors. Besides, if you're doing docking and the interacting region seems to be ok, that's more than enough. Unless you expect some large conformational changes upon binding.

另外请教一个曾经发表在JMC建模的作者Marta Filizola 讨论他的工作,并引出本贴问题,他的回复是:
You are correct that models may have a small percentage of atomsbonds/dihedral/angles etc that deviate far from ideal values. However,the more models you build, the better chance you have (depending onwhich scoring function you are using) to select a best score model withminimal errors.
Whether or not improper bonds or angles, far away from theactive-site, would impact the active site conformation is possible,though unlikely. In any case, it may be irrelevant if you are usingyour model for rigid protein - flexible ligand docking, which is whatwe used the models for in our paper.




Planarity      37 .ASN.C        38 .PRO.N        38 .PRO.CA       38 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    25.814
Planarity      70 .LYS.C        71 .PRO.N        71 .PRO.CA       71 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    25.745
Planarity     110 .VAL.C       111 .PRO.N       111 .PRO.CA      111 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    26.279
Planarity     124 .LYS.C       125 .PRO.N       125 .PRO.CA      125 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    34.951
Planarity     186 .HIS.C       187 .PRO.N       187 .PRO.CA      187 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    29.622
Planarity     203 .PHE.C       204 .PRO.N       204 .PRO.CA      204 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    27.584
Planarity     230 .LEU.C       231 .PRO.N       231 .PRO.CA      231 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    32.365
Planarity     251 .ILE.C       252 .PRO.N       252 .PRO.CA      252 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    30.416
Planarity     378 .GLU.C       379 .PRO.N       379 .PRO.CA      379 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    28.846
Planarity     381 .ASP.C       382 .PRO.N       382 .PRO.CA      382 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    25.169
Planarity     405 .GLY.C       406 .PRO.N       406 .PRO.CA      406 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    27.089
Planarity     421 .THR.C       422 .PRO.N       422 .PRO.CA      422 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    39.361
Planarity     498 .TYR.C       499 .PRO.N       499 .PRO.CA      499 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    29.264
Planarity     531 .THR.C       532 .PRO.N       532 .PRO.CA      532 .PRO.CD
code = N   -CH2  ,angle =    35.266

----------  Set number   1


Strongest energies for the  vdWaals  interactions
     1     420 .TYR.HD1 -    422 .PRO.HD1    1.024         1368.3740
     2      75 .TYR.HE1 -     99 .ASP.HA     1.206          192.4885
     3     446 .THR.HG22-    448 .GLN.H      1.030          141.9660
     4     367 .VAL.HG12-    524 .LEU.HD13   1.295           81.4790
     5     531 .THR.C   -    532 .PRO.HD1    1.693           70.7275


Strongest energies for the  H-bonds  interactions
     1     392 .VAL.O   -    396 .LYS.H      1.598            4.5827
     2     134 .ASP.OD2 -    164 .ARG.HH12   1.600            4.3958
     3      21 .ASN.H   -     33 .PHE.O      1.617            3.1636
     4      58 .ASN.OD1 -    533 .LYS.H      1.623            2.7584
     5     353 .ILE.O   -    511 .ALA.H      1.626            2.5749


Strongest energies for the  Elect.   interactions
     1     339 .ASN.OD1 -    526 .ALA.O      2.543            6.8403
     2     298 .ASN.OD1 -    298 .ASN.O      2.566            6.5724
     3       9 .HIS.HE2 -    483 .GLU.OE2    1.747           -6.5305
     4     454 .CYS.O   -    456 .PRO.O      2.594            6.4314
     5      37 .ASN.HD21-     42 .THR.O      1.657           -6.1484


                            Non-bonded contributions

   Normal pairs
               H-bonds :   N.pairs=  14009  energy=  -480.
               Elect.  :   N.pairs= 660798  energy= -0.417E+04
               vdWaals :   N.pairs= 671296  energy=   264.

    1-4 pairs
               H-bonds :   N.pairs=      9  energy= -0.251
               Elect.  :   N.pairs=  21298  energy=  0.460E+04
               vdWaals :   N.pairs=  21289  energy=  0.156E+04

               H-bonds :   N.pairs=  14018  energy=  -480.
               Elect.  :   N.pairs= 682096  energy=   425.
               vdWaals :   N.pairs= 692585  energy=  0.183E+04

Total non-bonded energy :  0.177E+04

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