fatal error C1189: #error : This file requires _WIN32_WINNT to be #defined at least to 0x0403
Visual C++ 2010 no longer supports targeting Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT. If your WINVER or _WIN32_WINNT macros are assigned to one of these versions of Windows, you must modify the macros. When you upgrade a project that was created by using an earlier version of Visual C++, you may see compilation errors related to the WINVER or _WIN32_WINNT macros if they are assigned to a version of Windows that is no longer supported(From MSDN)
#if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0403
#error This file requires _WIN32_WINNT to be #defined at least to 0x0403. Value 0x0501 or higher is recommended.
解决方法:在VTK目录中所有的stdafx.h文件中参照 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383745.aspx 修改WINVER,_WIN32_WINNT,_WIN32_WINDOWS和_WIN32_IE的定义,例如:#define WINVER 0x0501
注意2:以上解决办法中注意一个词:所有!!!慢慢改,找到地方全改成0x0601 IE那如果是IE8改为0x0800
LINK : warning LNK4199: 已忽略 /DELAYLOAD:vtkIO.dll;未找到来自 vtkIO.dll 的导入
解决办法:在这几个链接错误的工程上,右键属性,在link——Input——Additional dependencies里,加上vtkIO.ilb,就OK了。记得添加路径要正确
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