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Thermal Percolation in Stable Graphite Suspensions

已有 4587 次阅读 2011-12-30 17:40 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:论文交流| percolation, 热传输, 石墨微流体

Thermal Percolation in Stable Graphite Suspensions
Nano Lett., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/nl203276y
Publication Date (Web): December 6, 2011
Different from the electrical conductivity of conductive composites, the thermal conductivity usually does not have distinctive percolation characteristics. Here we report that graphite suspensions show distinct behavior in the thermal conductivity at the electrical percolation threshold, including a sharp kink at the percolation threshold, below which thermal conductivity increases rapidly while above which the rate of increase is smaller, contrary to the electrical percolation behavior. Based on microstructural and alternating current impedance spectroscopy studies, we interpret this behavior as a result of the change of interaction forces between graphite flakes when isolated clusters of graphite flakes form percolated structures. Our results shed light on the thermal conductivity enhancement mechanisms in nanofluids and have potential applications in energy systems.
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