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Mapping 12 Philosophical Problems as Hierarchical DIKW(初学者版)

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Mapping 12 Philosophical Problems as Hierarchical DIKWP*DIKWP Sequences 

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Professor Yucong Duan's DIKWP model—Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose—provides a structured framework for modeling cognitive processes and semantic unfolding. By representing philosophical problems as DIKWP*DIKWP sequences, we can mathematically map these issues and analyze them through step-by-step reasoning within the DIKWP expression space. This approach allows us to uncover inherent connections among the problems and offers insights into their potential resolutions.

1. The Mind-Body Problem

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

Let TTT denote the DIKWP transformation function.

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Neural signals (physical processes in the brain).

  2. Information (I1_11): Patterns in neural signals (synaptic activities).

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Mental representations (perceptions, thoughts).

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Conscious awareness (integration of knowledge).

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Intentional actions (goals formed by consciousness).


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence (Feedback Loop):

  1. Data (D2_22): Sensory feedback from actions.

  2. Information (I2_22): New sensory patterns.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Updated mental representations.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Enhanced consciousness.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Refined intentions.


P1→ActionD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Action} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ActionD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Neural signals (electrical impulses) are processed to form patterns (e.g., recognizing shapes, sounds).

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Patterns are abstracted into perceptions and thoughts (understanding what is seen or heard).

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Perceptions are integrated into conscious awareness (self-awareness, subjective experience).

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Consciousness formulates intentions and goals (deciding to move, speak).

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Intentions lead to physical actions, generating new data through interactions with the environment.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Sensory feedback from actions is processed (feeling the movement, hearing one's own voice).

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: New information updates mental models (adjusting understanding based on feedback).

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Consciousness incorporates updated knowledge, enhancing self-awareness.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Intentions are refined based on new wisdom (improving future actions).


  • The DIKWP*DIKWP sequences model the continuous interaction between the physical brain and conscious mind.

  • Consciousness emerges from the transformation of neural data into wisdom and purposeful actions.

  • This mathematical mapping provides a step-by-step explanation of how physical processes give rise to mental experiences.

2. The Hard Problem of Consciousness

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Sensory inputs (light, sound).

  2. Information (I1_11): Sensory processing (visual, auditory patterns).

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Subjective experiences (colors, sounds).

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Qualia (the 'redness' of red).

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Focused attention (deciding what to perceive).


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Internal reflections (thoughts about experiences).

  2. Information (I2_22): Meta-cognition (thinking about thinking).

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Self-awareness.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Deepened understanding of consciousness.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Philosophical inquiry (seeking meaning).


P1→ReflectionD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Reflection} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ReflectionD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Sensory organs receive stimuli, which are converted into neural signals.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Neural signals are interpreted as subjective experiences (seeing colors, hearing sounds).

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: These experiences are imbued with qualia, the ineffable qualities of sensations.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Attention is directed towards certain experiences based on their qualia.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Focused attention leads to introspection, generating internal data.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Thoughts about experiences are processed.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Self-awareness emerges from understanding one's own thoughts.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: A deeper understanding of consciousness and existence develops.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Purpose shifts towards exploring philosophical questions.


  • The DIKWP model captures the emergence of subjective experiences through the transformation of sensory data into wisdom.

  • Qualia are represented at the wisdom level, emerging from knowledge.

  • The recursive DIKWP transformations illustrate how consciousness deepens through introspection.

3. Free Will vs. Determinism

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Environmental stimuli (choices available).

  2. Information (I1_11): Understanding options.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Evaluating consequences.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Ethical considerations.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Decision-making (choosing an action).


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Outcomes of actions.

  2. Information (I2_22): Feedback on decisions.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Learning from outcomes.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Adjusting ethical understanding.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Future decision-making.


P1→ActionD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Action} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ActionD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Individual perceives available choices.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Evaluates the potential outcomes of each choice.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Considers moral implications and personal values.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Makes a decision based on wisdom and purpose.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Decision leads to action, creating new data (results).

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Observes the outcomes of the action.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Updates knowledge with new information.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Reflects on the decision's effectiveness and ethics.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Adjusts future decisions accordingly.


  • The model demonstrates how free will operates within deterministic processes.

  • Decisions are made through purposeful transformations influenced by wisdom.

  • The iterative sequences allow for adaptation and learning, embodying compatibilism.

4. Ethical Relativism vs. Objective Morality

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Observed behaviors and norms.

  2. Information (I1_11): Cultural interpretations.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Moral codes and beliefs.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Ethical judgments.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Moral actions.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Consequences of moral actions.

  2. Information (I2_22): Societal feedback.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Revised moral understanding.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Harmonizing universal and relative ethics.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Enhanced moral objectives.


P1→OutcomeD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Outcome} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1OutcomeD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Individual observes societal norms.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Forms moral beliefs based on cultural context.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Makes ethical judgments considering both cultural norms and universal principles.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Acts according to moral judgments.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Actions produce outcomes affecting others.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Receives feedback from society.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Updates moral understanding.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Refines ethical wisdom to balance relativism and objectivism.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Sets new moral objectives.


  • The DIKWP model illustrates how ethical understanding evolves through interactions between individual actions and societal feedback.

  • It allows for the coexistence of objective morality and ethical relativism within the same framework.

5. The Nature of Truth

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Observations and facts.

  2. Information (I1_11): Organized data.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Theories and beliefs.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Critical evaluation.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Pursuit of truth.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): New evidence.

  2. Information (I2_22): Reinterpreted data.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Revised theories.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Enhanced understanding.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Continued inquiry.


P1→ResearchD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Research} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ResearchD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Collects observations and organizes them.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Develops theories based on information.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Critically evaluates beliefs for coherence and correspondence.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Sets the goal to discover truth.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Engages in research, gathering new data.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Reassesses information in light of new data.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Updates or revises theories.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Achieves a deeper understanding.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Continues the pursuit of truth.


  • The DIKWP model shows that truth is a dynamic process of continuous refinement.

  • It accommodates both objective discovery and the influence of new interpretations.

6. The Problem of Skepticism

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Sensory experiences.

  2. Information (I1_11): Perceptions.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Beliefs about the world.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Doubt and questioning.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Seeking certainty.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Evidence challenging beliefs.

  2. Information (I2_22): Anomalies.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Reassessed beliefs.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Acceptance of uncertainty.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Embracing inquiry.


P1→InvestigationD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Investigation} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1InvestigationD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Experiences are perceived.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Forms beliefs based on perceptions.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Questions the reliability of beliefs.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Aims to find certainty.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Seeks evidence to test beliefs.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Identifies inconsistencies.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Reassesses and adjusts beliefs.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Recognizes the limits of knowledge.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Pursues continuous inquiry.


  • The model addresses skepticism by illustrating the iterative process of questioning and refining knowledge.

  • It acknowledges uncertainty while promoting the pursuit of understanding.

7. The Problem of Induction

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Observations of events.

  2. Information (I1_11): Recognized patterns.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Formulated generalizations.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Critical assessment of inferences.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Predicting future events.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): New observations.

  2. Information (I2_22): Updated patterns.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Revised generalizations.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Evaluating reliability.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Refining predictions.


P1→TestingD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Testing} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1TestingD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Observes events and notes patterns.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Forms general rules.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Critically assesses the validity of inferences.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Uses knowledge to make predictions.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Tests predictions through new observations.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Analyzes results.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Updates generalizations based on findings.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Re-evaluates confidence in inductive reasoning.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Adjusts future predictions.


  • The DIKWP model supports induction through iterative testing and refinement.

  • It acknowledges the provisional nature of inductive generalizations.

8. Realism vs. Anti-Realism

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Sensory inputs.

  2. Information (I1_11): Perceptions of objects.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Beliefs about the existence of entities.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Philosophical reflection.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Determining ontology.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Contradictory evidence.

  2. Information (I2_22): Alternative interpretations.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Adjusted beliefs.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Acceptance of multiple perspectives.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Integrating viewpoints.


P1→InquiryD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Inquiry} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1InquiryD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Perceives objects in the environment.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Believes in the independent existence of objects (realism).

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Reflects on the nature of existence.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Seeks to understand ontology.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Explores alternative evidence (e.g., illusions).

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Considers different interpretations.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Revises beliefs to include constructivist perspectives.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Embraces a pluralistic view.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Aims to integrate realism and anti-realism.


  • The model allows for the reconciliation of realism and anti-realism by accommodating multiple interpretations within knowledge and wisdom.

  • It supports a dynamic understanding of existence.

9. The Meaning of Life

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Life experiences.

  2. Information (I1_11): Reflection on experiences.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Understanding of personal values.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Philosophical insight.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Defining life's meaning.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): New experiences.

  2. Information (I2_22): Re-evaluation of life.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Shift in values.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Deeper existential understanding.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Revised meaning.


P1→LivingD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Living} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1LivingD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Reflects on life events.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Identifies personal values and goals.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Gains insight into what brings fulfillment.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Defines purpose and meaning.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Engages in life based on defined purpose.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Encounters new situations.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Reevaluates beliefs and values.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Develops a deeper understanding of life's meaning.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Adjusts purpose accordingly.


  • The DIKWP model shows that life's meaning is an evolving construct shaped by experiences and reflection.

  • Purpose is continuously refined through wisdom.

10. The Role of Technology and AI

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Technological advancements.

  2. Information (I1_11): Understanding AI capabilities.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Implications for humanity.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Ethical considerations.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Responsible development.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Impact assessments.

  2. Information (I2_22): Societal feedback.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Adjusted strategies.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Balancing innovation and ethics.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Sustainable integration.


P1→ImplementationD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Implementation} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ImplementationD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Gathers information about AI developments.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Understands potential impacts on society.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Reflects on ethical implications.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Aims to develop AI responsibly.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Implements AI technologies.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Monitors effects and receives feedback.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Updates knowledge based on outcomes.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Reassesses ethical considerations.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Adjusts goals for better integration.


  • The model supports the ethical development of AI by incorporating wisdom and purpose into technological advancement.

  • It emphasizes continuous evaluation and adjustment.

11. Political and Social Justice

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Social conditions.

  2. Information (I1_11): Analysis of inequalities.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Understanding systemic issues.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Justice principles.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Advocacy for change.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Results of interventions.

  2. Information (I2_22): Measuring progress.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Adjusting strategies.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Refined justice understanding.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Continued efforts.


P1→ActionD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Action} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1ActionD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Collects data on social issues.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Identifies patterns of injustice.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Develops principles for justice.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Plans actions to address issues.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Implements policies or initiatives.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Evaluates the impact.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Learns from outcomes.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Refines understanding of justice.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Continues advocacy with improved strategies.


  • The DIKWP model facilitates the pursuit of social justice through informed and wise actions.

  • It supports iterative improvement based on feedback.

12. Philosophy of Language

Mathematical Mapping as DIKWP*DIKWP Sequence:

First Sequence:

  1. Data (D1_11): Words and sentences.

  2. Information (I1_11): Grammatical structures.

  3. Knowledge (K1_11): Meanings and semantics.

  4. Wisdom (W1_11): Contextual interpretation.

  5. Purpose (P1_11): Effective communication.


D1→TI1→TK1→TW1→TP1D_1 \xrightarrow{T} I_1 \xrightarrow{T} K_1 \xrightarrow{T} W_1 \xrightarrow{T} P_1D1TI1TK1TW1TP1

Second Sequence:

  1. Data (D2_22): Responses from others.

  2. Information (I2_22): Feedback on understanding.

  3. Knowledge (K2_22): Adjusted meanings.

  4. Wisdom (W2_22): Enhanced interpretative skills.

  5. Purpose (P2_22): Improved communication strategies.


P1→DialogueD2→TI2→TK2→TW2→TP2P_1 \xrightarrow{Dialogue} D_2 \xrightarrow{T} I_2 \xrightarrow{T} K_2 \xrightarrow{T} W_2 \xrightarrow{T} P_2P1DialogueD2TI2TK2TW2TP2

Step-by-Step Reasoning:

  1. D1_11 to I1_11: Processes linguistic input.

  2. I1_11 to K1_11: Understands meanings.

  3. K1_11 to W1_11: Interprets meanings in context.

  4. W1_11 to P1_11: Communicates effectively.

  5. P1_11 to D2_22: Engages in conversation.

  6. D2_22 to I2_22: Receives feedback.

  7. I2_22 to K2_22: Adjusts understanding.

  8. K2_22 to W2_22: Enhances wisdom in language use.

  9. W2_22 to P2_22: Refines communication.


  • The model captures how language both reflects and shapes understanding.

  • It emphasizes the dynamic nature of semantics through iterative transformations.

Final Synthesis

By mapping each of the twelve philosophical problems as DIKWP*DIKWP sequences, we:

  • Demonstrated how complex philosophical issues can be represented through structured transformations.

  • Illustrated the step-by-step reasoning within the DIKWP expression space.

  • Highlighted the interconnectedness of these problems through common DIKWP components.

Key Insights:

  • Emergence of Complex Concepts: Higher-order philosophical concepts emerge from the iterative processing of data through wisdom and purpose.

  • Dynamic Adaptation: The DIKWP model accommodates changes and refinements, reflecting the evolving nature of philosophical inquiry.

  • Unified Framework: This approach unifies disparate philosophical problems under a common mathematical and semantic framework.


The DIKWP*DIKWP transformations provide a powerful tool for modeling and understanding complex philosophical problems. By representing these issues mathematically and reasoning through the DIKWP expression space, we gain a structured and coherent perspective on how data and experiences transform into wisdom and purposeful actions. This methodology not only clarifies the nature of these problems but also offers pathways towards their potential resolution within the context of artificial consciousness systems.

References for Further Reading

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  3. Floridi, L. (2011). The Philosophy of Information. Oxford University Press.

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Note: This detailed mapping and reasoning provide a comprehensive understanding of how the DIKWP model can be applied to complex philosophical problems, offering a mathematical and systematic approach to their analysis within the context of artificial consciousness.


上一篇:Reasoning of the 12 Philosophical Problems on DIKWP(初学者版)
下一篇:Mapping 12 Philosophical Problems with Networked DIKWP(初学者版)
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