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世界人工意识大会发起人:段玉聪 (Yucong Duan) 教授简介

已有 603 次阅读 2024-2-24 10:43 |系统分类:论文交流


段玉聪 (Yucong Duan) 教授简介



世界人工意识大会发起人Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023, AC2024)

国际数据、信息、知识、智慧大会发起人(IEEE DIKW 202120222023









海南大学教授,博士生导师, 第一批入选海南省南海名家计划、海南省领军人才,2006年毕业于中国科学院软件研究所,先后在清华大学、首都医科大学、韩国浦项工科大学、法国国家科学院、捷克布拉格查理大学、意大利米兰比克卡大学、美国密苏里州立大学等工作与访学。现任海南大学计算机科学与技术学院学术委员会委员、海南大学数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图DIKWP创新团队负责人、兼北京信用学会高级顾问、重庆警察学院特聘研究员、海南省委双百人才团队负责人、海南省发明协会副会长、海南省知识产权协会副会长、海南省低碳经济发展促进会副会长、海南省农产品加工企业协会副会长、海南省网络安全与信息化协会理事、海南省人工智能学会理事、中国医药卫生文化协会医工融合分会委员、美国中密西根大学客座研究员及意大利摩德纳大学的博士指导委员会委员等职务。自2012年作为D类人才引进海南大学以来,累计发表论文260余篇,SCI收录120余次,ESI高被引11,引用统计超过4500次。面向多行业、多领域设计了241件(含15PCT发明专利)系列化中国国家及国际发明专利,已获授权第1发明人中国国家发明专利及国际发明专利共85件。2020年获吴文俊人工智能技术发明三等奖;2021年作为程序委员会主席独立发起首届国际数据、信息、知识与智慧大会-IEEE DIKW 20212022年担任IEEE DIKW 2022大会指导委员会主席;2023年担任IEEE DIKW 2023大会主席;2022年获评海南省最美科技工作者(并被推全国);2022年与2023年连续入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家的终身科学影响力排行榜榜单。参与研制IEEE金融知识图谱国际标准2项、行业知识图谱标准4项。2023年发起并共同举办首届世界人工意识大会(Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023)

Introduction of Professor Yucong Duan

  • Founder of the DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness (Global) Team

  • Founder of the AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

  • Initiator of the World Artificial Consciousness Conference (Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023, AC2024)

  • Initiator of the International Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom Conference (IEEE DIKW 2021, 2022, 2023)

  • The only one selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Impact Leaderboard" of top global scientists in Hainan Information Technology by Stanford

  • The sole recipient of the national award in the field of AI technology invention in Hainan (Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Award)

  • Holder of the best record for the China Innovation Method Contest Finals (representing Hainan)

  • The individual with the highest number of granted invention patents in the field of information technology in Hainan Province

  • Holder of the best achievement for Hainan in the National Enterprise Innovation Efficiency Contest

  • Holder of the best performance for Hainan in the National Finals of the AI Application Scenario Innovation Challenge

Professor at Hainan University, doctoral supervisor, selected as part of the first batch for the Hainan Province South China Sea Eminent Scholars Plan and Hainan Province Leading Talents. Graduated from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006, he has worked and studied at Tsinghua University, Capital Medical University, POSTECH in South Korea, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Charles University in Prague, University of Milan-Bicocca, and Missouri State University in the USA. He currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of the College of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University, leader of the DIKWP Innovation Team at Hainan University, senior advisor to the Beijing Credit Association, distinguished researcher at Chongqing Police College, leader of the Hainan Province Double Hundred Talents Team, vice president of the Hainan Inventors Association, vice president of the Hainan Intellectual Property Association, vice president of the Hainan Low-Carbon Economic Development Promotion Association, vice president of the Hainan Agricultural Products Processing Enterprise Association, director of the Hainan Cyber Security and Informatization Association, director of the Hainan Artificial Intelligence Society, member of the Medical and Engineering Integration Branch of the China Health Care Association, visiting researcher at Central Michigan University, and member of the PhD advisory committee at the University of Modena in Italy. Since being introduced to Hainan University as a Class D talent in 2012, he has published over 260 papers, with more than 120 indexed by SCI, 11 highly cited by ESI, and over 4500 citations. He has designed 241 Chinese national and international invention patents for various industries and fields, including 15 PCT patents, and has been granted 85 patents as the first inventor. In 2020, he received the Third Prize of the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award; in 2021, he independently initiated the first IEEE DIKW 2021 as the chair of the program committee; in 2022, he served as the chair of the steering committee for IEEE DIKW 2022; in 2023, he served as the chair of IEEE DIKW 2023. In 2022, he was named the most beautiful science and technology worker in Hainan Province (and recommended for national recognition); in 2022 and 2023, he was consecutively listed in the "Lifetime Scientific Impact Leaderboard" of the world's top 2% scientists published by Stanford University. He has participated in the development of 2 international standards for the IEEE Financial Knowledge Graph and 4 industry standards for knowledge graphs. In 2023, he initiated and co-organized the first World Artificial Consciousness Conference (Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023).



下一篇:[转载]Nature: 人工智能意识:科学家说我们需要答案 (第2届世界人工意识大会速递系列)
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