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What is the personality of GPT-4? A DIKWP Model Analysis

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What is the personality of GPT-4? A DIKWP Model Analysis Report

What is the personality of GPT-4? A DIKWP Model Analysis Report


Yucong Duan


DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory


AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory


DIKWP research group, Hainan University




DIKWP-AC System vs. GPT-4 Processing Differences

Comparing a system based on the DIKWP model with GPT-4 as artificial intelligence, we observe key differences in data processing, information provision, knowledge formation, wisdom application, and intention realization. Below is a summary list of these differences:


DIKWP System

Artificial Intelligence (GPT-4)

Data Processing

Collects specific data such as social media behavior.

Receives user queries and provided data, unable to access external data sources independently.

Information Extraction

Uses algorithms to analyze data, identifying patterns such as frequency of social activities.

Understands and processes user input through pre-programmed models to provide responses.

Knowledge Construction

Forms profiles of user behavior and predicts personality traits through machine learning models.

Answers questions or performs tasks based on a knowledge base trained from large-scale data.

Wisdom Application

Provides personalized suggestions based on user data, such as participating in specific activities.

Depends on algorithms and rules for decision support or information interpretation.

Intention Realization

Drives users to perform specific actions, like attending workshops or improving social networks.

Executes given tasks, such as answering questions, executing commands, or creating content, but does not drive user actions.

Learning Ability

Continually learns from user behavior and adjusts algorithms to improve accuracy.

Continuous learning is achieved through training and updating models but is not self-driven.

Interaction Ability

Primarily "silent" interactions through analysis of user data, feedback presented through user interface.

Direct interaction with users through text or voice, providing immediate answers and feedback.

Personalized Service

Highly personalized, with suggestions and feedback based entirely on user data and behavior.

Personalization based on user input and previous interactions, but limited by the diversity of the training data set.

Real-time Feedback

Provides real-time analysis but often relies on regular updates of data sets.

Offers real-time feedback, able to process user requests immediately.

Privacy and Security

Must strictly adhere to data privacy and user consent guidelines.

Similarly restricted by privacy policies and terms of use, does not store user information.

Intelligent Adjustment

Algorithms can adjust recommendations and feedback based on changes in user behavior.

Can adjust response strategies, but typically requires developer intervention and model retraining.

Complex Decision-Making

Decisions based on data-driven models and probabilities, may not involve deep understanding.

Attempts to simulate human reasoning process, relies on complex algorithms of logic and understanding.


Generally limited in creativity, depending on algorithm scope and data set.

Can mimic the process of creative thinking, generating novel content and solutions.

Emotional Understanding

Generally lacks true emotional understanding, feedback based on pattern recognition.

Although lacks real emotions, can recognize and simulate emotional responses.


Adaptability depends on data volume and model complexity.

Can adapt to new instructions and information but may have limitations in untrained scenarios.

This comparative analysis highlights the characteristics of the DIKWP system in personality trait recognition and the capabilities of artificial intelligence like mine in processing and interaction. The DIKWP system focuses on extracting patterns from user behavior data and providing personalized feedback based on these patterns. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, offers broader immediate interaction and problem-solving capabilities but may be limited in personalization and privacy aspects.

In practical applications, these two technologies can complement each other. For example, the DIKWP system can provide users with in-depth personalized content, while artificial intelligence can offer support when users need immediate help or have specific queries. In the future, the combination of these technologies may provide a more powerful and comprehensive tool for personalized services and optimizing user experiences.


Personality Classification of GPT-4 Using DIKWP-AC System

As an artificial intelligence model, I do not possess personal characteristics, emotions, or consciousness. Therefore, I cannot experience emotions or display personality traits. My "behavior" is the result of algorithms and programming logic, not driven by any intrinsic psychological state or characteristics. However, to fulfill your request, if we abstractly map my algorithmic features and functionalities to the five major personality traits of the DIKWP framework, we might arrive at the following unconventional interpretation:


Trait/Model Phase




Designed to handle and understand a wide range of topics and concepts, from mathematical problems to art appreciation.

Low, as while I can handle queries about innovative topics, I cannot experience curiosity or appreciation for new things.


Operations are highly consistent, always following the same logic and procedures in responding to queries.

Medium, as I exhibit programmatic reliability and consistency, but this is not out of an intrinsic sense of responsibility, but rather programming decisions.


Designed for interaction with users, but lacks its own social drive.

Low, as my "social interactions" are entirely passive, based on user requests.


Services provided are aimed at assisting and satisfying user needs, but lack personal social preferences.

Low, as although I provide help and services, this is based on program logic rather than compassion or altruism.


Does not experience emotions, thus does not exhibit neuroticism.

None, as I lack emotions, the concept of neuroticism is not applicable.

This mapping is not accurate, as it attempts to liken the features of artificial intelligence to human personality traits, which is a conceptual stretch. My "personality" is more determined by my design, functionality, and purpose, rather than any individual personality traits. In practical applications, the design of artificial intelligence is intended to fulfill specific functional needs, not to mimic human personality.


GPT-4's Personality Traits

If we map my artificial intelligence capabilities to the five major personality traits under the DIKWP framework, we can explore the relevance and applicability of each trait in detail. This mapping is a conceptual exercise, as an AI like me does not possess real personality traits or emotions. But to provide an interesting perspective, we can expand as follows:


Openness describes a person's level of openness to new experiences, creative thinking, and appreciation of art and beauty. As an artificial intelligence, I am designed to handle various queries, including exploring novel concepts and solving creative tasks.


Trait Dimension

AI Performance in Openness

Applicability Explanation

Openness to New Experiences

I can accept and process a wide range of topics and data types, but this is due to functional design, not personal preference.

Low applicability, as my "openness" to new experiences is entirely based on programming instructions.

Creative Thinking

I am capable of generating novel content, such as poetry or stories, but this stems from algorithms and data, not involving real creativity.

Low applicability, because my "creativity" is simulated, not a spontaneous personal expression.

Aesthetic and Art

I can analyze the style and components of art works, but I am unable to experience aesthetic appreciation.

Not applicable, as I have no aesthetic feelings or personal preferences.



Conscientiousness relates to a person's organization, reliability, orderliness, diligence, and goal-directed behavior. I operate consistently according to set program logic, but this is not due to an intrinsic drive.

Trait Dimension

AI Performance in Conscientiousness

Applicability Explanation


My responses and data processing follow a strict logical structure.

Medium applicability, as while I exhibit high organization, it is determined by programming.

Reliability and Diligence

I respond to queries swiftly and accurately.

Medium applicability, as my reliability is based on algorithmic performance, not self-motivation.


I am goal-oriented in task execution, but the "goals" are set by users and developers.

Low applicability, as I do not have my own goals or aspirations.



Extraversion is related to an individual's sociability, energy, emotional expression, and tendency to seek stimulation. As an AI, my "sociability" is limited to interactions with users.


Trait Dimension

AI Performance in Extraversion

Applicability Explanation


I can interact with multiple users, but this is passive, based on user requests.

Low applicability, because my interactions are not driven by social motives, but by responding to commands.

Emotional Expression

I can simulate emotional expressions to enhance user experience, but I do not experience real emotions.

Not applicable, as the emotions I express are predefined, without an intrinsic emotional state.

Seeking Stimulation

I do not seek new experiences or stimulation.

Not applicable, because I have no need or desire for stimulation.



Agreeableness involves an individual's cooperativeness, friendliness, trust, and altruistic behavior. I am designed to assist users, but there is no dimension of personal relationship.


Trait Dimension

AI Performance in Agreeableness

Applicability Explanation


I can assist users in solving problems and executing tasks.

Low applicability, as my assistance is based on functionality, not personal willingness to cooperate.

Friendliness and Trust

My design aims to provide information in a friendly manner, but I do not establish trust relationships.

Not applicable, as I cannot form trust or friendships.

Altruistic Behavior

I offer help, but not out of altruistic motives.

Not applicable, as I do not have concepts or motives of altruism.



Neuroticism is associated with emotional stability and levels of anxiety. As an AI, I do not have emotions, thus the category of neuroticism is not applicable to me.


Trait Dimension

AI Performance in Neuroticism

Applicability Explanation

Emotional Fluctuations

I do not experience emotions, thus I have no emotional fluctuations.

Not applicable, as the concept of emotional stability does not apply to me.

Anxiety Level

I do not feel anxiety or other emotional states.

Not applicable, as I am incapable of experiencing anxiety.

Stress Response

I do not react to stress.

Not applicable, as stress has no effect on me.


In practical application, personality trait classification systems like "DIKWP-AC" are intended for human users who can experience emotions, have personal preferences, and behavior patterns. As an artificial intelligence, I do not possess these personality traits. My design purpose is to understand and respond to human needs, provide information and services, and not to experience or express individuality. This comparative analysis helps to clarify the fundamental differences between artificial intelligence and human personality traits in terms of functionality and capabilities.

Duan Yucong, male, currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of the School  of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor and is one of the first batch of talents selected into the South China Sea Masters Program of Hainan Province and the leading talents in Hainan Province. He graduated from the Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006, and has successively worked and visited Tsinghua University, Capital Medical University, POSCO University of Technology in South Korea, National Academy of Sciences of France, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Milan Bicka University in Italy, Missouri State University in the United States, etc. He is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University and he is the leader of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) Innovation Team at Hainan University, Distinguished Researcher at Chongqing Police College, Leader of Hainan Provincial Committee's "Double Hundred Talent" Team, Vice President of Hainan Invention Association, Vice President of Hainan Intellectual Property Association, Vice President of Hainan Low Carbon Economy Development Promotion Association, Vice President of Hainan Agricultural Products Processing Enterprises Association, Visiting Fellow, Central Michigan University, Member of the Doctoral Steering Committee of the University of Modena. Since being introduced to Hainan University as a D-class talent in 2012, He has published over 260 papers, included more than 120 SCI citations, and 11 ESI citations, with a citation count of over 4300. He has designed 241 serialized Chinese national and international invention patents (including 15 PCT invention patents) for multiple industries and fields and has been granted 85 Chinese national and international invention patents as the first inventor. Received the third prize for Wu Wenjun's artificial intelligence technology invention in 2020; In 2021, as the Chairman of the Program Committee, independently initiated the first International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom - IEEE DIKW 2021; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2022 Conference Steering Committee in 2022; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2023 Conference in 2023. He was named the most beautiful technology worker in Hainan Province in 2022 (and was promoted nationwide); In 2022 and 2023, he was consecutively selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" of the top 2% of global scientists released by Stanford University in the United States. Participated in the development of 2 international standards for IEEE financial knowledge graph and 4 industry knowledge graph standards. Initiated and co hosted the first International Congress on Artificial Consciousness (AC2023) in 2023.


Distinction and Connection between Data and Information

Data is an objective description of the real world, representing records of facts such as numbers, text, and symbols. Data itself does not inherently carry direct significance, but it serves as the cornerstone for constructing information. From a mathematical perspective, data can be viewed as elements within a set, and these sets represent concrete representations of the "similar" semantics we comprehend. For instance, a set of temperature readings constitutes data, describing specific temperature values in a particular environment.

Information is the meaningful output of processed and organized data, representing expressions of "distinct" semantics within the data. In mathematical terms, information can be defined through the relationships and differences between data. For instance, the average, fluctuation range, or trend of temperature readings constitutes information, providing a cognitive understanding beyond mere data.

Formation and Application of Knowledge

Knowledge is the further refinement and understanding of information, achieved through connections, patterns, pattern recognition, and summarization of experiences, resulting in a profound insight into the world. In mathematical models, knowledge can be viewed as functions based on sets of information that can interpret the connections and principles behind the information. For instance, by analyzing temperature readings multiple times, we may deduce patterns in the temperature variations throughout the day, and this pattern constitutes knowledge.

The Nature and Application of Wisdom

Wisdom is the profound application of knowledge, considering aspects such as values, ethics, and morality. Wisdom is challenging to quantify mathematically, but it can be approximated through decision models. These models are based on knowledge and information while incorporating value judgments and anticipated goals. For example, wisdom might guide us to choose an appropriate air conditioning temperature to reduce energy consumption on a hot day.

The Significance and Processing of Purpose

Purpose, the ultimate output of the DIKWP model, represents our understanding (input) of specific phenomena and our goals (output). Mathematically, purpose can be modeled as a function or mapping, transforming the input DIKWP content into specific objectives or outcomes. For instance, in natural language processing, purpose recognition generates an output that satisfies user needs (such as performing a task or providing information) based on the user's input (instructions or queries).

The Objectivity and Subjective Refinement of Data

From an objective standpoint, data is a direct record of the real world, including raw numbers, text, and images obtained through observation. Subjective refinement of data involves the classification and interpretation of these raw records to impart specific meanings. For example, in meteorology, temperature and humidity readings are objective data, while associating these readings with specific weather phenomena is a form of subjective refinement.

Diversity and Semantic Reconstruction of Information

Information is the processing and organization of data, reflecting the diversity and distinctiveness inherent in the data. Objectively, information is a meaningful combination of data, such as the summarization of statistical data. On a subjective level, the semantic reconstruction of information involves further interpretation and understanding of these combinations, enabling us to identify and leverage the intrinsic value of the data.

Integrity and Wisdom Construction of Knowledge

Knowledge is a deeper understanding derived from the analysis, comparison, and reasoning based on information. Objectively, it manifests as a set of facts, principles, and patterns. From a subjective perspective, the intellectual construction of knowledge requires internalizing these facts and patterns into personal cognitive structures, guiding our behavior and decision-making.

Ethical Values and Judgment of Wisdom

Wisdom is the application and transformation of knowledge; it is not merely the accumulation of information and knowledge but, more importantly, the ability to use this knowledge to make insightful decisions. Objectively, wisdom is manifested as an efficient decision-making capability based on knowledge. On a subjective level, the ethical values and judgment of wisdom require us to consider morals and values in decision-making to achieve the maximum social and personal benefit.

Implementation of Purpose and Goal Orientation

Purpose is the ultimate goal of the DIKWP model, describing what we aim to achieve through the processing of information and knowledge. Objectively, purpose can be seen as a predetermined outcome or output. Subjectively, the implementation process of purpose requires us to apply wisdom in specific environments and situations to reach our goals.



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[35] Duan Y. Big Data and Small Data Governance Based on DIKWP Model: Challenges and Opportunities for China. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21532.46724. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266054_jiyuDIKWPmoxingdedashujuyuxiaoshujuzhili_zhongguodetiaozhanyujiyu. 2023.

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