How to download information from KEGG
We can use a website to download information from KEGG database. Here, we use GNAS gene as example.
1,你需要事先查询基因/通路的KEGG ID,GNAS的ID是KO4632
You must know the KEGG ID of GNAS gene, i.e. KO4632
2, 你可以打开这个网址 http://rest.kegg.jp/get/K04632
如果是其他的KEGG ID, 则是 http://rest.kegg.jp/get/****
You can open website, http://rest.kegg.jp/get/K04632
3. 你可以在Linux环境下用wget下载,或者在window环境下右键另存为一个文件。
You can use wget(Linux command) or right click save as a file.
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