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已有 2671 次阅读 2019-10-30 11:36 |系统分类:论文交流| 可持续转型, 组织创新, 多层视角, 战略优化, 组织能力 |文章来源:转载




Governance, Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Transition

Submission Deadline


May 20, 2020

Submission Guidelines: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/home/submission


Renuka Thakore

Research Innovation & Partnerships, University College of Estate Management, Reading, Berkshire, UK


  • Stanley Njuangang

    University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK

  • Steven Ruddock

    University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

  • Abimbola Windapo

    University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

  • Francine Baker

    University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK

  • Irene Lill

    Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

  • Kwok Shum

    Akio Morita School of Business, Anaheim University, Kisho Kurokawa Green Institute, Anaheim, USA

  • Xingwei Li

    School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China


Scholarly discussions on sustainable transition focus mainly on critical success of innovative technical niches. Generally innovative technical niches fail to contribute towards the transition process. Such niches attract less research attention than the small number of successful ones. Through this call, attempt is made to answer the question of why organisations fail in their sustainable transition process. Strategies adopted for sustainable transition have been widely discussed in research literature; however they tend to be either very remonstrating or unpredictable. The failures which are mentioned most frequently include lack of essential characteristics in niches at micro-level such as lack or organisational capabilities; or lack of possible potential in policies at macro-level such as flexible policy framework, existing as different entities on their own. Lack of multi-level perspective, such as estrangement of essential characteristics at all three level: macro, meso and micro, unemployed and dynamically unengaged, incapable of assisting sustainable transition, can also contribute to the failure. From a systematic point of view, these failures hamper the sustainable transition, and thus should be adequately acknowledged in theoretical constructs.

This track proposes to contribute scholarly discussion of the aspects of characteristic of the state of the art and the future theoretical and methodological challenges of sustainable transition research. The aim is to enhance theoretical foundation for potential explanations to assist achieving characteristics required for sustainable transition from a multi-level perspective.

This track is an invitation to researchers to submit papers that would contribute to the concepts, theories, case studies and methods, including but are not restricted to, the following themes:

  1. Organisational innovation and sustainable transition

  2. Theories underpinning strategic optimisation of organisation capabilities for sustainable transition

  3. Characteristics of multi-level perspective system for transition

  4. Characteristics of multi-level actors for strategic optimisation linking to sustainable transition

  5. Methods applied to investigate failures for strategic optimisation

  6. Comparison of transitional strategies and strategies applied for optimisation to assist designing sustainable transition

  7. Strategies to overcome the barriers at each level and/or multi-level


  1. Sustainable transition

  2. Organizational innovation

  3. Multi-level perspective

  4. Strategic optimization

  5. Organization capabilities

  6. Systemic thinking


Manuscripts should be formatted according to the guidelines for authors
(see: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/guideforauthors?journalid=175).

Please download the template to format your manuscript.



Science Journal of Business and Management


ISSN Print: 2331-0626

ISSN Online: 2331-0634


Science Publishing Group


Science Publishing Group
1 Rockefeller Plaza,
10th and 11th Floors,
New York, NY 10020










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