“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务。意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队。
Quaternary Science Reviews-12篇
Earth-Science Reviews-4篇
GSA Bulletin-7篇
Metamorphic evidence of the Kuunga orogeny in South China: High-pressure pelitic granulites and gneisses from the Gaozhou Complex
GSA Bulletin
Lacustrine nitrogen cycling linked to redoxcline fluctuations during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event
GSA Bulletin
Key factors controlling the late Mesozoic diverse porphyry Mo, Cu, and Au mineralization in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China
GSA Bulletin
Chilean margin sediments reveal millennial-scale Patagonian ice sheet fluctuations and Antarctic Circumpolar Current variability over the last 160,000 years
智利边缘沉积物揭示了过去 16 万年来巴塔哥尼亚冰盖的千年尺度波动和南极环流的变率
Quaternary Science Reviews
A systematic review on rainfall patterns of Thailand: Insights into variability and its relationship with ENSO and IOD
泰国降雨模式的系统综述:对变率及其与 ENSO 和 IOD 关系的见解
Earth-Science Reviews
Correlation and cyclicity of stratigraphic sequence boundaries and chronostratigraphic stage boundaries of the last 253 My: Synchrony of tectonism, sea level, climate and biotic change
过去 2.53 亿年地层序列边界和年代地层阶段边界的相关性和周期性:构造运动、海平面、气候和生物变化的同步性
Earth-Science Reviews
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a fjord catchment NW Scotland, UK since the Last Glacial Maximum: A multi-geochemical approach
Quaternary Science Reviews
Salt production, trade and consumption in European pre-industrial societies: Analytical methods and socioeconomic contexts
Quaternary Science Reviews
Paleoprecipitation variations from LGM to early-middle Holocene on the southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from land snail shells δ<sup>13</sup>C
中国东南部黄土高原从最后冰盛期到早中全新世的古降水变化:来自陆生蜗牛壳 δ<sup>13</sup>C 的证据
Quaternary Science Reviews
Mid-Holocene hydroclimatic optimum recorded in a stalagmite from Shalaii Cave, northern Iraq
Quaternary Science Reviews
A millennial record of lake ecosystem responses to climatic variability in the Yellow River Source Area
Quaternary Science Reviews
Earliest sustained settlement by farmers and symbiotic relationship with foragers at high altitude on the
Quaternary Science Reviews
Magnetotactic bacterial activity indicates redox conditions in an upland lake in southwest China since the last glaciation
Quaternary Science Reviews
Historical evolution of the input parameters of ergodic and non-ergodic ground motion models (GMMs): A review
Earth-Science Reviews
The Paleoproterozoic Otish and Mistassini basins of Quebec, Canada: A record of Superia supercraton breakup and the end of the Lomagundi-Jatuli carbon isotope excursion
GSA Bulletin
Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific plate subduction effect revealed by 3-D magnetotelluric imaging in the southeastern Great Xing’an Range, Northeast China
GSA Bulletin
Using New Zealand's late-Quaternary fossil record to estimate the past distribution and habitats of a relict species (kākāpō: <em>Strigops habroptila</em><em>)</em>
利用新西兰晚第四纪化石记录估算一种残遗物种(卡卡波鹦鹉:<em>Strigops habroptila</em>)的过去分布和栖息地
Quaternary Science Reviews
A novel mean-value-based approach for correcting radiocarbon age anomalies in terrestrial gastropods: Insights from the
一种基于均值的校正陆生蜗牛碳 - 14 年龄异常的新方法:来自青藏高原的见解
Quaternary Science Reviews
Lithofacies types and formation mechanisms of Carboniferous - Permian shales: Insights from big data and machine learning
石炭纪 - 二叠纪页岩的岩相类型和形成机制:来自大数据和机器学习的见解
Earth-Science Reviews
Genesis of high-grade skarn iron deposits: Insights from the Litun deposit in the Luxi district, eastern China
GSA Bulletin
Neoproterozoic mantle connections during the West Gondwana assembly in the Vazante Carbonate Platform, Central Brazil
GSA Bulletin
Multi-domain magnetic particles in speleothems as a proxy for past cave-stream flooding: A 33 kyr record from central North Island, Aotearoa New Zealand
洞穴石笋中的多域磁性颗粒作为过去洞穴 - 河流洪水的代用指标:来自新西兰北岛中部的 3.3 万年记录
Quaternary Science Reviews
Geoarchaeological study of the evolution of rice farming fields in prehistoric Yangtze Delta and Huai River regions of China
Quaternary Science Reviews
CMP-3篇 JP-2篇 Lithos-14篇下一篇:
OGR-16篇 EG-4篇 MD-1篇