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JGE-2篇 JAES-25篇 AG-3篇

已有 197 次阅读 2024-10-10 11:13 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Journal of Geochemical Exploration-2

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-25

Applied Geochemistry-3

Geochemical and isotopic characterization of the shallow aquifers from the Mugello Basin (Tuscany, central Italy): Implications for assessing a monitoring network in a seismically active area


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Late Paleozoic tectonic switching and metallogenic evolution of the southern Yili arc terrane, NW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Characterization and Solubility Measurement of Synthetic Uranophane and Sklodowskite under Oxic Groundwater Conditions


Applied Geochemistry


Reactive transport model of the long-term geochemical evolution in a HLW repository in granite at the disposal cell scale: variants, sensitivities, and model simplifications


Applied Geochemistry


Mineralogy and environmental geochemistry of copper slag from Butte, Montana


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Characteristics and genesis of geothermal systems in the southern Junggar Foreland Basin, NW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


3D structural modelling of Kopili fault zone in North-East India: Seismotectonic analysis utilising focal mechanism solutions of small-to-moderate earthquakes


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The role of magma recharge in producing compositional modality in post-collisional volcanic rocks, Konya volcanic field, Central Anatolia (Türkiye)


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Geochemical characterization of Upper Cretaceous organic-rich deposits: Insights from the Azraq Basin in Jordan


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Hydrocarbon accumulation and reconstruction in the Ediacaran Dengying carbonate reservoirs of the southeastern and central Sichuan Basin, SW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Obstacle leads to local stress reorientation: Insights from the formation mechanism of the Maiduoshan superimposed fold in the Weiningbeishan fold-thrust belt, NW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Morphotectonic analysis of strike-slip faults in the Sayan-Tuva Upland (North Mongolia and South Siberia): Age and displacement rates


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Late paleozoic to mesozoic tectonic evolution of the qinling orogenic belt: Structural and geochronological constraints from the Devonian Liuling Group, eastern Qinling area, China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


A review of the taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Plio-Pleistocene rhinoceroses in Japan


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Development of arcuate faults and controls on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Tiantai slope, Xihu Depression, East China Sea basin


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Geochemistry and low-temperature thermochronology of Kunyang phosphate deposit in the Yangtze block and its regional uplift history


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Detrital clay mineral input reconstructed based on weathering records and its influence on organic matter enrichment: A case study of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Reworking of a Caledonian (Early Paleozoic) granodiorite porphyry in a collisional zone in South China and its contribution for tungsten mineralization


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Dyke emplacement under mixed loading conditions: Insights from the Dharwar Craton, India


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Industrially induced warming triggered synchronous intensity changes in the East Asian summer and winter monsoons


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Tectonic evolution of the early Paleozoic intraplate orogen in the South China Block: Insights from Ductile Shear Zones in North Wuyishan


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Explicit role of seamount subduction in upper plate deformation as exemplified in the Ryukyu subduction zone


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Late Holocene extraordinary palaeoflood events and their climatological context in the Shahe River, Huaihe River Basin, China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Collisional orogeny between the Siberian and Sino paleoplates: Evidence from geochronology and metamorphism of the metamorphic ophiolite mélange in the Banlashan area near the Xar Moron River in the southeastern Central Asian orogenic belt


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The mechanism of dolomitization in a stromatolite mound in the late Cambrian Chaomidian Formation, Shandong Province, China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Investigating the influence of climate on structural evolution in Tianshan fold-and-thrust belts: A 2D doubly vergent numerical model approach


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the Triassic monzogranite from the central segment of the East Kunlun Orogen, NW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Discovery of Late Cretaceous basalts in the Asuo area, Central: Implications for orogenic root removal beneath the Lhasa-Qiangtang orogenic belt


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Tectonic framework of Iraq. A critical review and discussion


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Lithium isotope systematics in an endorheic saline lacustrine system: Insights from Qinghai Lake, China


Applied Geochemistry





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