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Applied Geochemistry 5篇;Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 16篇

已有 1136 次阅读 2023-5-31 20:05 |系统分类:科研笔记

Applied Geochemistry 5篇;Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 16

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Geochemistry of major elements in soil-saprolite of different rocks in a microclimate of the Bambouto Mountains (Cameroon)


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A geochemically informed leak detection (GILD) model for CO<sub>2</sub> injection sites


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On Silica's roles in controlling americium migration in contaminated sediments


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Influences of paleoclimatic environment and hydrogeochemical evolution on groundwater salinity in an arid inland plain in northwestern China


Applied Geochemistry


Hydrologic connectivity between water in permafrost active layer and river water in a small alpine catchment in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau


Applied Geochemistry


Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of surface sediments in the equatorial western Indian Ocean and implications for sediment sources and the Antarctic bottom water inputs


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Origin and tectonic setting of Cretaceous ophiolites in the Gaoligong tectonic belt, SW China: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Bangonghu–Nujiang Meso–Tethys


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Discrepant age records of Permian thermal overprint in metapelite in the Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt (SW China)


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Mode and timing of the Early Cretaceous transgression in Iran: insights from the stratigraphic evidence of sea-level changes and geodynamic events


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


In situ titanite ages and Mesozoic metamorphism of Paleoproterozoic mafic granulites from the Wuhe metamorphic complex, southeastern North China Craton


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Comments on <a name="bb0025" href="#b0025" id="c0020">Malik et al., 2023</a> (Malik, J. N., Arora, S., Gadhavi, M. S., Singh, G., Kumar, P., Johnson, F. C.,Thakur, M., Raoof, J. 2023. Geological evidence of paleo-earthquakes on transverse rightlateral strike slip fault along the NW Himalayan front: Implications towards Fault Segmentation and Strain Partitioning. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 244, 105518. Doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105518)


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Improved lithospheric seismic velocity and density model building from ambient seismic noise data with machine learning: A case study in Korean Peninsula


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Local provincialism of late Permian plant–arthropod associations in South Cathaysia: Evidence of arthropod-mediated damages in a Wuchiapingian assemblage of South China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Change of marine redox environment in the western Okinawa Trough since the mid-Holocene: Evidence based on geochemical records


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Insight into seismotectonics of the central-south Tanlu Fault in East China from P-wave tomography


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Ar-Ar ages and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous basalts in the Nanxiong Basin, SE China: Constraints on the subduction and rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic metamorphic history of the North Wulan terrane, NW China: New constraints on the evolution of Rodinia


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Neogene Block Rotation Inside the Dextral Fault Zone at the Adriatic-European Collision Zone: Reexamination of Existing Results


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Developing sediment provenance discrimination tracers using major elements in East China Sea mud deposits


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Formation of the V-shaped conjugate strike-slip faults revealed by crustal anisotropy in the central Tibetan Plateau


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The Uttarakhand Himalaya: An image of the main Himalayan thrust, Moho, and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences




上一篇:Lithos 17篇;Journal of Petrology 8篇;CMP 2篇
下一篇:Geophysical Research Letters 28篇
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