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Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 33篇

已有 1632 次阅读 2023-4-20 16:53 |系统分类:科研笔记

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 33

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Characterizing the Final Stage of Simulated Earthquake Nucleation Governed by Rate‐and‐State Fault Friction


Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


The effect of mechanical shaking on the rising velocity of bubbles in high‐viscosity shear‐ hinning fluids


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Seismic source characterization from GNSS data using deep learning


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Hydrogen and Silicon Effects on Hexagonal Close Packed Fe Alloys at High Pressures: Implications for the Composition of Earth’s Inner Core


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Tracing Sediment Melt Activity in the Sub‐Continental Lithosphere: Insights From Zn‐Fe Stable Isotopes

亚大陆岩石圈沉积物熔融活动的追踪:来自Zn - Fe稳定同位素的认识

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Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield


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Lithosphere structure, processes and physical state of the Alpine‐Apennine system


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High‐Temperature Fracture Growth by Constrained Sintering of Jadeite and Quartz Aggregates


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New GNSS and geological data from the Indo‐Burman subduction zone indicate active convergence on both a locked megathrust and the Kabaw Fault


Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


Redox‐Independent Low Water Solubility in Quartz and Implications for Water Storage in the Crust


Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


Crosshole Ground‐Penetrating Radar in Clay‐Rich Quaternary deposits: Towards Characterization of High‐Loss Media


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A High‐order Accurate Summation‐y‐Parts Finite Difference Method for Fully‐dynamic Earthquake Sequence Simulations within Sedimentary Basins


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Development of Amphibole Crystal Preferred Orientations (CPOs) and Their Effects on Seismic Anisotropy in Deformed Amphibolites


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Multichannel Sparse Deconvolution of Teleseismic Receiver Functions With f − x Preconditioning


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The Effect of Clay Content on the Dilatancy and Frictional Properties of Fault Gouge


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Deep Geophysical Anomalies Beneath the Changbaishan Volcano


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FWIGAN: Full‐waveform inversion via a physics‐informed generative adversarial network


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Preparatory Slip in Laboratory Faults: Effects of Roughness and Load Point Velocity


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Disruptive Role of Vertical Land Motion in Future Assessments of Climate Change‐Driven Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Hazards in the Chesapeake Bay


Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


Influence of Melt‐Peridotite Interactions on Deformation and Seismic Properties of the Upper Mantle Beneath a Destroyed Craton: A Case Study of the Damaping Peridotites From the North China Craton


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Capturing Seismic Signals From Karst Aquifer Injection Experiments and a Natural Recharge Event


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Influence of Viscous Lubricant on Nucleation and Propagation of Frictional Ruptures


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Highly Unradiogenic Pb Isotopes Revealed by Plagioclase‐Hosted Melt Inclusions in E‐MORB From the South China Sea

南海E - MORB中斜长石熔融包裹体显示的高非放射性成因Pb同位素组成

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Qualitative Dissolution Modeling of Etch‐Pit Formation on the K‐Feldspar Surface Through Phase‐Field Approach


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Convection Cells With Accumulating Crust: Models of Continent and Mantle Evolution


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Less‐Well‐Developed Crustal Channel‐Flow in the Central Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Receiver Function and Surface Wave Joint Inversion


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Airborne Absolute Gravimetry With a Quantum Sensor, Comparison With Classical Technologies


Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


The Redox State of Incipient Oceanic Subduction Zones: An Example From the Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus)


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The Effect of Shear Displacement and Wear on Fault Stability: Laboratory Constraints


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A Geodynamic Investigation of Plume‐Lithosphere Interactions Beneath the East African Rift


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Sluggish Slab Rollback at the Early Stage of Flux Melting During Subduction Initiation: Li Isotopic Evidence From the Coto High‐Al Chromite Deposit, Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines


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Shallow Low‐Velocity Layer in the Hyuga‐Nada Accretionary Prism and Its Hydrological Implications: Insights From a Passive Seismic Array

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Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth




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下一篇:Ore Geology Reviews 15篇;Mineralium Deposita 7篇
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