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已有 6734 次阅读 2009-10-22 02:08 |个人分类:美国麻省理工学院见闻|系统分类:海外观察| 奥巴马, MIT, 清洁能源, 毛宁波

        奥巴马总统10月23日中午12点(美国东部时间)将在MIT做题为“美国在清洁能源中的领导作用”的演讲。MIT正在紧锣密鼓的准备之中。演讲的地点在著名的kresge Auditorium。按照惯例23日中午前后MIT附近的交通会有所紧张。MIT在网站上告诉师生员工座位比较紧张,希望大家谅解!我看看到时候有没有运气了,请大家关注我的跟踪报道。2009年3月奥巴马总统在白宫和MIT校长Susan Hockfield共同敦促大力推动清洁能源的研究资助,博主曾经做过相关报道(http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=222389)。



                                                 空中俯瞰奥巴马总统发表演讲的   kresge 礼堂

kresge 礼堂全景图


President Barack Obama will visit MIT on Friday, Oct. 23. Details of the event were described in an e-mail sent this evening to the MIT community from Kirk Kolenbrander, MIT's Vice President for Institute Affairs and Secretary of the Corporation. The letter follows

It is my great pleasure to announce that on Friday, October 23, President Barack Obama will be visiting MIT, where he will deliver an address in Kresge Auditorium on clean energy after meeting some of the MIT faculty and students whose work centers on energy. The President will be joined by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.
President Obama’s decision to speak about energy from our campus is a high honor — and one that can truly be shared by the entire MIT community. Students, faculty and staff at the Institute are helping to frame the national policy debate on energy, push the frontiers of energy research, and revitalize energy education. With our flagship energy initiative — MITEI — MIT is bringing real-world solutions to the most challenging problems in energy.
President Obama and President Hockfield both believe that the leading minds in science and technology must bring their talent squarely to bear on creating transformational energy solutions. We are thrilled to see MIT recognized as central to that historic effort.


TO RSVP: Members of the media who wish to cover the visit should contact the White House Office of Media Affairs — details here: www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/MediaRSVPMITRemarks10-23-09/
NOTE: All names submitted for credentials must be accurate and reflect the identification media presents at the check point.

WHEN: Friday, Oct. 23. Press check in: 10-11 a.m.; Program: 12 p.m.

WHERE: Kresge Auditorium, 48 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Note: This is directly across from the main MIT entrance at 77 Massachusetts Ave. See map here.)

Patti Richards, MIT News Office, 617.253.8923; prichards@mit.edu


  • Harry Truman was scheduled to speak here while he was in office at MIT's mid-century convocation, but canceled the appearance because he was afraid he would be upstaged by the appearance of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He did appear for a speech years later, in 1956, as an ex-president.
  • Franklin Roosevelt made an appearance at MIT long before his presidency, in 1916, for the dedication of MIT's campus, when he was assistant secretary of the Navy.
  • George H. W. Bush appeared at MIT in 1981, to address the annual dinner meeting of the MIT Sustaining Fellows in DuPont gymnasium, when he was vice-president.
  • John F. Kennedy made a taped appearance, which was played during MIT's centennial celebrations in 1961.
  • There is an unconfirmed report that Calvin Coolidge visited MIT and drank tea at Walker Memorial, but no information about when this might have taken place.

从 Main MIT entrance at 77 Massachusetts Ave看Kresge Auditorium



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