

[转载]亮点文章 | 单重态五重态混合的j=3/2超导体的表面马约拉纳零能带

已有 1446 次阅读 2020-5-18 15:22 |系统分类:论文交流|文章来源:转载




第一作者 | 于家斌

通讯作者 | 刘朝星




在一类被称作half-Heusler化合物的材料中,研究人员发现其中的一些超导态可以由有效自旋j=3/2的电子形成的库帕对(Cooper pairs)来产生。并且通过伦敦穿透深度的测量,实验人员发现这类超导材料的超导能隙中可能存在线节点(line nodes)。之前的理论认为,这些线节点是通过单态和七重态混合导致的,而这种混合需要空间反演的破坏。而作者之前的文章(Phys. Rev. B 98, 104514)则提出了另外一种可能性。对于有效自旋j=3/2的超导材料,即使空间反演没有被破坏,超导态也可能存在单态和五重态的混合,并且这种混合同样可以在一定参数条件下给出线节点。在之前的文章中,作者进一步指出这些线节点是由拓扑保护的,因而在材料表面上会存在表面马约拉纳零能带。由于目前的实验只证明了线节点的存在,而不同的理论都可以给出这个实验现象。所以,如何在实验上区分这些机制便是亟待解决的问题。






Chin. Phys. B, 2020, 29 (1): 017402


Surface Majorana flat bands in j=3/2 superconductors with singlet-quintet mixing

Jiabin Yu(于家斌), Chao-Xing Liu(刘朝星)

Department of Physics, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA

Keywords: surface Majorana flat band, half-Heusler superconductor

Recent experiments[Science Advances 4 eaao4513 (2018)] have revealed the evidence of nodal-line superconductivity in half-Heusler superconductors, e.g., YPtBi. Theories have suggested the topological nature of such nodal-line superconductivity and proposed the existence of surface Majorana flat bands on the (111) surface of half-Heusler superconductors. Due to the divergent density of states of the surface Majorana flat bands, the surface order parameter and the surface impurity play essential roles in determining the surface properties. We study the effect of the surface order parameter and the surface impurity on the surface Majorana flat bands of half-Heusler superconductors based on the Luttinger model. To be specific, we consider the topological nodal-line superconducting phase induced by the singlet-quintet pairing mixing, classify all the possible translationally invariant order parameters for the surface states according to irreducible representations of C3v point group, and demonstrate that any energetically favorable order parameter needs to break the time-reversal symmetry. We further discuss the energy splitting in the energy spectrum of surface Majorana flat bands induced by different order parameters and non-magnetic or magnetic impurities. We propose that the splitting in the energy spectrum can serve as the fingerprint of the pairing symmetry and mean-field order parameters. Our theoretical prediction can be examined in the future scanning tunneling microscopy experiments.





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