北京时间10月9日下午5点45分,瑞典皇家科学院宣布将2019年诺贝尔化学奖授予美国德州大学奥斯汀分校的John B. Goodenough 教授,纽约州立大学Binghamton分校的 M. Stanley Whittingham 教授,以及日本旭化成公司化学家 Akira Yoshino,以表彰其在锂电池研究开发的卓越贡献。
CPB已发表多篇有关锂电池研究的优秀论文,包括本次诺奖得主John B. Goodenough教授的合作工作。另外值得一提的是,2015年编辑部邀请陈立泉院士和李泓研究员担任客座编辑,在2016年第一期组织出版高质量综述专题“Fundamental physics research in lithium batteries”。此专题出版后引起了国内外同行的广泛关注,特重新整理发布,以飨读者。
Entropy and heat generation of lithium cells/batteries
Songrui Wang(王松蕊)
Mechanics of high-capacity electrodes in lithium-ion batteries
Ting Zhu
Li-ion batteries: Phase transition
Peiyu Hou(侯配玉), Geng Chu(褚赓), Jian Gao(高健), Yantao Zhang(张彦涛), Lianqi Zhang(张联齐)
Soft x-ray spectroscopy for probing electronic and chemical states of battery materials
Wanli Yang(杨万里) and Ruimin Qiao(乔瑞敏)
Electrochromic & magnetic properties of electrode materials for lithium ion batteries
Zheng-Fei Guo(郭正飞), Kun Pan(潘坤), Xue-Jin Wang(王学进)
Interfacial transport in lithium-ion conductors
Shaofei Wang(王少飞) and Liquan Chen(陈立泉)
Size effects in lithium ion batteries
Hu-Rong Yao(姚胡蓉), Ya-Xia Yin(殷雅侠), Yu-Guo Guo (郭玉国)
Understanding oxygen reactions in aprotic Li-O2 batteries
Shunchao Ma(马顺超), Yelong Zhang(张业龙), Qinghua Cui(崔清华), Jing Zhao(赵婧), Zhangquan Peng(彭章泉)
Xiqian Yu(禹习谦), Enyuan Hu(胡恩源), Seongmin Bak,Yong-Ning Zhou(周永宁), Xiao-Qing Yang(杨晓青)
Physics of electron and lithium-ion transport in electrode materials for Li-ion batteries
Musheng Wu(吴木生), Bo Xu(徐波), Chuying Ouyang(欧阳楚英)
Wavy structures for stretchable energy storage devices: Structural design and implementation
Lei Wen(闻雷), Ying Shi(石颖), Jing Chen(陈静), Bin Yan(严彬), Feng Li(李峰)
High-throughput theoretical design of lithium battery materials
Shi-Gang Ling(凌仕刚), Jian Gao(高健), Rui-Juan Xiao(肖睿娟), Li-Quan Chen(陈立泉)
Surface structure evolution of cathode materials for Li-ion batteries
Yingchun Lyu(吕迎春), Yali Liu(刘亚利), Lin Gu(谷林)
Brief overview of electrochemical potential in lithium ion batteries
Jian Gao(高健), Si-Qi Shi(施思齐), Hong Li(李泓)
Lithium-ion transport in inorganic solid state electrolyte
Jian Gao(高健), Yu-Sheng Zhao(赵予生), Si-Qi Shi(施思齐), Hong Li(李泓)
Multi-scale computation methods: Their applications in lithium-ion battery research and development
Siqi Shi(施思齐), Jian Gao(高健), Yue Liu(刘悦), Yan Zhao(赵彦), Qu Wu(武曲), Wangwei Ju(琚王伟), Chuying Ouyang(欧阳楚英), Ruijuan Xiao(肖睿娟)
Redox-assisted Li+-storage in lithium-ion batteries
Qizhao Huang(黄启昭) and Qing Wang(王庆)
Scientific and technological challenges toward application of lithium-sulfur batteries
Ya-Xia Yin(殷雅侠), Hu-Rong Yao(姚胡蓉), Yu-Guo Guo(郭玉国)
All-solid-state lithium batteries with inorganic solid electrolytes: Review of fundamental science
Xiayin Yao(姚霞银), Bingxin Huang(黄冰心), Jingyun Yin(尹景云), Gang Peng(彭刚), Zhen Huang(黄祯), Chao Gao(高超), Deng Liu(刘登), Xiaoxiong Xu(许晓雄)
FT-Raman spectroscopy study of solvent-in-salt electrolytes
Liumin Suo(索鎏敏), Zheng Fang(方铮), Yong-Sheng Hu(胡勇胜), Liquan Chen(陈立泉)
SPECIAL TOPIC — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang
TOPICAL REVIEW — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang
SPECIAL TOPIC — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics
TOPICAL REVIEW — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics
TOPICAL REVIEW — Topological semimetals
TOPICAL REVIEW — New generation solar cells
TOPICAL REVIEW — Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
SPECIAL TOPIC — Amorphous physics and materials
TOPICAL REVIEW — Soft matter and biological physics
SPECIAL TOPIC — Nanophotonics
SPECIAL TOPIC — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications
SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological semimetals
TOPICAL REVIEW — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications
TOPICAL REVIEW — Physics research in materials genome
TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental research under high magnetic fields
SPECIAL TOPIC — 80th Anniversary of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
TOPICAL REVIEW — Spin manipulation in solids
TOPICAL REVIEW — Nanophotonics
TOPICAL REVIEW — SECUF: Breakthroughs and opportunities for the research of physical science
TOPICAL REVIEW — Electron microscopy methods for emergent materials and life sciences
SPECIAL TOPIC — Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
TOPICAL REVIEW — Thermal and thermoelectric properties of nano materials
TOPICAL REVIEW — Solid-state quantum information processing
SPECIAL TOPIC — New generation solar cells
SPECIAL TOPIC — Soft matter and biological physics
Virtual Special Topic — High temperature superconductivity
Virtual Special Topic — Magnetism
TOPICAL REVIEW — ZnO-related materials and devices
TOPICAL REVIEW — Topological electronic states
TOPICAL REVIEW — 2D materials: physics and device applications
TOPICAL REVIEW — Amorphous physics and materials
TOPICAL REVIEW — High pressure physics
TOPICAL REVIEW — Low-dimensional complex oxide structures
TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental physics research in lithium batteries
TOPICAL REVIEW — Interface-induced high temperature superconductivity
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