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跨越半个世纪的历史回声:关于季节突变 精选

已有 7147 次阅读 2017-9-5 23:31 |系统分类:观点评述| 大气环流, 季节突变


   近日,笔者和美国加州理工学院的Tapio Schneider 教授为《大气科学进展》(Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, AAS)纪念叶笃正先生百年诞辰专刊合作撰写的综述《大气环流季节突变-演化中的视角》(Evolving perspectives on abrupt seasonal changes of the general circulationhttp://讲述了这一大气环流季节突变的相似理论观点在跨越了半个世纪后的对话。而这历史的回声,正如文章摘要的第一句所说的那样,充分说明了叶笃正先生对这一大气环流重要现象的理论认识领先于他所处的时代整整几十年。

  1957年7月,为庆祝罗斯贝(现代气象学和海洋学的开拓者)即将到来的六十寿辰,他的同事和朋友们邀请了当时国际上最负盛名的气象学家和海洋学家,准备出版专集以回顾罗斯贝的科学贡献;但一个月后罗斯贝的骤然离世让这本专集变成了永久的罗斯贝纪念专集,这就是于1959年出版的《运动中的大气和海洋》(The Atmosphere and The Sea in Motion)一书。


  几乎半个世纪以后的2008年,Nature Geoscience杂志发表了来自加州理工学院的博士后Simona Bordoni及其合作导师Tapio Schneider的《Monsoons as eddy-mediated regime transitions of the tropical overturning circulation》一文。该文首次提出了在理想化的没有下垫面非均匀性(比如海陆差异或者大地形的存在)条件下,只要改变下垫面的热惯性就足于产生季风及其季节突变现象。在此基础上,他们指出季节突变现象本身并不依赖于上述下垫面的非均一性,而主要地是由于环流内部的反馈,尤其是来自中纬度的大尺度涡旋和平均的纬向环流及热带的经圈翻转环流之间的相互作用和反馈导致的这一研究的意义在于通过采用理想化的纬向均匀的模式大气和海洋设置,有效地隔离出了对造成季风和大气环流季节突变的本质性因素和非本质的调节性因素,从而为对这些现象的进一步认识开辟了道路。


  Bordoni和Schneider(2008)发表5年以后的一次小型学术会议上,本文的两位作者在和Michael McIntyre教授一起午餐讨论时相遇相识。笔者遂向Tapio Schneider介绍了叶笃正先生等1959的工作,并把文章扫描给了他。当时叶笃正先生已经住院多时并于四个月后离世,所以他们不再可能就此进行面对面交流。尽管如此,相信读者通过本文能够感受到1959年和2008年两篇文章在思想、方法和主要结论上的强烈共鸣。


It is not unusual that two similar scientific ideas on a particular phenomenon may echo each other across a long time span, unknown to the authors. Such an unintentional duet over history illustrates the amazing beauty of science by clearly showing that progress of science is not necessarily a linear process, but it is often accumulative.  

A recent paper  "Evolving perspectives on the abrupt seasonal changes of the general cicrculation", which has just appeared in issue No. 10 of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, tells of such a story in the field of atmospheric science.  

Carl-Gustaf Rossby, the founder of modern dynamical meteorology, wrote in a short note published in 1951 that "there is [...] every reason to expect, during the next few years, an extremely vigorous development of Chinese meteorology and, as a result, many significant realistic contributions from that part of world." Exemplifying Rossby's expectation, Tu-cheng Yeh (Duzheng Ye) -- one of Rossby's protégés -- together with his colleagues Shih-yen Dao and Mei-tsun Li from Chinese Academy of Sciences published "The abrupt change of circulation over the Northern Hemisphere during June and October" in the Rossby Memorial Volume eight years later.

Yeh-Dao-Li (1959) viewed the abrupt seasonal change of the general circulation, of which monsoons are a part, as a broad phenomenon, and further conjectured that it was caused by a certain type of "instability" in the atmosphere. They went on to propose a model experiment to test whether such an instability can occur without the inhomogeneities of the underlying boundary conditions (e.g., land-sea contrasts), which have traditionally been taken to be essential for monsoons and abrupt seasonal changes.The advent of numerical general circulation models (GCMs) put the experiments proposed by Yeh-Dao-Li (1959) within reach. Indeed, numerical simulations successfully reproduce abrupt seasonal transitions of the general circulation, including monsoon transitions. However, by including lower-boundary inhomogeneities, these modeling studies were still not the numerical version of the experiment proposed by Yeh-Dao-Li (1959).

Half a century passed after the publication of Yeh-Dao-Li (1959) before GCM experiments corresponding to the laboratory experiment proposed by Yeh-Dao-Li (1959) were conducted (Schneider and Bordoni, 2008; Bordoni and Schneider, 2008), without the authors of these recent studies being aware of Yeh-Dao-Li's proposal decades earlier. They did indeed find abrupt seasonal transitions of the circulation, without inhomogeneities at the lower boundary.

The paper in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences summarizes the circulation feedbacks that lead to the abrupt seasonal transitions found in the model experiments without lower-boundary inhomogeneities. It also emphasizes the work that still remains to be done to establish a comprehensive theoretical framework of seasonal transitions and to answer open questions such as:

(1) How does the strength and structure of a Hadley cell depend on external factors such as the solar declination angle?

(2) What controls when and how rapidly the circulation undergoes seasonal transitions?

(3) How and to what extent do surface inhomogeneities such as land-sea contrasts modulate the internal rearrangement of the atmospheric circulation during the seasonal transitions?

(4) Can the seasonal transitions be understood as an instability of the circulation as forcing parameters move through a critical region, as originally conjectured by Yeh-Dao-Li (1959)?  


 [感谢AAS编辑部林征和Tapio 对上面中英文稿的修改]


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