

组学能否定量? 组学如何定量?

已有 7088 次阅读 2019-7-19 17:55 |系统分类:科普集锦










对于标准品的数量,为了校正每种脂质类别中各个类别的不同酰基链长度所导致的离子响应因子的差异,通常推荐使用两个或两个以上的与分析脂类相对应的内标。这对中性脂质如三酰甘油(TAG)和蜡酯(WES)尤其重要[4],由于其缺少极性头部基团,导致脂肪酰链长度和不饱和度对脂质的整体极性的贡献更大,由此影响离子对质谱的响应[5]。此外,由于中性脂质作为能量储存和/或细胞外结构成分发挥着主要作用[3] ,它们通常比极性脂质在脂肪酰链长度的范围更大。因此,为了准确地定量每类中性脂质,有时可能需要三个或三个以上跨酰基链长度有效范围的内标。


-部分内容摘自脂质组学专家评述专刊封面论文“Lipidomics,en route to accurate quantitation”,BBA Mol Cell Biol Lipidomics,2017,1862(8):752-761.

Defining “Quantitation” in Omics Research

Accurate quantitation is the sine qua non of analytical chemistry, and is indispensable for the sustainable development of lipidomics via enabling its wide applications in the biological as well as biomedical settings. Specific conditions needs to be fulfilled along the entire lipidomics workflow in order to qualify the data as accurately quantitative (Figure 1). Over the years, lipid analysis has evolved tremendously, from the application of traditional techniques that only permit the detection of a rather limited set of lipid species/classes to an exponential outburst in the sizes of the characterized biological lipidomes, often culminating to hundreds or even thousands of individual species in number (Figure 2). The emergence and advancement in MS technologies is the major catalyst for these changes, and with the continual improvements in methodology, coupled with the accompanying augmentations in accuracy, specificity, sensitivity as well as the number of detectable lipid species, lipidomics is transiting steadily from being solely qualitative towards accurate quantitation. With the outpour in lipidomics studies over the recent years, perhaps it is timely for researchers to lay out proper definitions of terms and analytical considerations for lipidomics data to be deemed sufficiently quantitative in order to render their applications in the larger clinical settings (e.g. in the definition of disease biomarker thresholds). In essence, quantitative accuracy may substantially impact upon the persevering development of lipidomics in the long run.


Figure 1. Factors that may impact upon quantitation accuracy along a typical lipidomics workflow. Various factors along the routine workflow can potentially introduce sources of errors that may compromise the ultimate quantitative accuracy.


Figure 2. the transformation of lipidomics towards quantitative accuracy. Advancements in mass spectrometry has fueled the rapid methodological developments in lipidomics towards the ultimate goal of quantitative accuracy, a key determinant towards the continual growth and expansion of lipidomics as an emerging branch of omics science.

The strict requirement for isotopically-labelled internal standards to achieve absolute quantitation on the MS is a recognized fact, which is principally attributed to the lack of a definite association between ion counts (i.e. intensity) of any molecular ion with its absolute concentration. Based on this strict definition, in the absence of isotope-labelled analogs with identical ionization and fragmentation properties to the analyte itself, no amount of post-acquisition data correction will achieve absolute quantitation.  The lack of commercially available isotope-labeled analogs for a major portion of the biological metabolome, coupled with the soaring costs for one to custom-synthesize isotope-labelled standards for each and every single metabolites constituting the biological metabolome, have made absolute quantitation more idealistic than realistic to attain in real life applications. Instead of absolute quantitation, relative quantitation with high accuracy is often sufficient to fulfill the requirements for a prevailing amount of omics-oriented scientific and translational studies. Nonetheless, specific requirements pertaining to the nature and number of internal standards need to be satisfied in order to attain accurate quantitation.

Typically, lipids containing odd-chain fatty acids or stable isotope-labelled analogs are spiked into the samples as internal standards for quantitation. The use of comparable lipids comprising odd-chain fatty acids is based on preliminary observations that such fatty acyls are usually found in low endogenous abundance (typically <1 %) in higher organisms (e.g. mammals); but caution needs to be exercised for distinct tissues such as the brain, which may contain notably higher proportion of such odd-chain fatty acids [1]. Furthermore, standards based on odd-chain fatty acids will not be applicable for organism models such as plants, microbes and Caenorhabditis elegans, which inherently comprise appreciable amounts of odd-chain fatty acids [2]. Thus, there is no simple rule to justify the application of such internal standards, and the conditions for distinct organismal models and tissue/cell types must be pre-determined to exclude the presence of odd-chain acids before the corresponding standards can be applied. This highlights the critical importance of constructing an all-encompassing lipidome inventory for each model organism commonly utilized in lipid research [3], since these valuable information can come in handy for researchers in their choice of internal standards for different studies. On another note, stable isotope-labeled analogs denote ideal internal standards for accurate quantitation, as their identical chemical properties would translate to equal ion response factors to the corresponding endogenous species. Nevertheless, it is advisable to first verify the purity of these isotopically-labeled standards prior to use, as impurities in stable isotope-labelling may potentially lead to confounding peaks with adjacent endogenous species, especially in the absence of HRMS, resulting in quantitative errors.

As for the number of standards, in order to correct the differences in ion response factors attributed to varying acyl chain lengths for individual species within each lipid class, two or more internal standards corresponding to each class of lipids being analysed is usually recommended.  This is particularly important for neutral lipids such as the triacylglycerols (TAGs) and wax esters (WEs) [4], since the absence of polar head groups would translate greater contribution of fatty acyl chain lengths and unsaturation to the overall polarity of individual species, and henceforth the resulting ion response on MS [5]. Furthermore, neutral lipids often span a greater range than polar lipids in terms of fatty acyls chain lengths, given their predominant roles as energy stores and/or extracellular structural components [3]. As such, three or more internal standards spanning an effectively wide range in acyl chain lengths may at times be required for accurate quantitation of each class of neutral lipids.

Besides the overall polarity of the lipid molecules of interest, another critical issue to consider in accurate quantitation using MS/MS is the fragmentation pattern of the compound of interest relative to the internal standard for which normalization is based upon. The use of MS/MS greatly extends the linear dynamic range of an analytical method by virtue of its reduced baseline drift and lowered background noise, primarily attributed to double filtering offered by tandem MS. It must be noted, however, that fragmentation of individual species within the same lipid class during collision induced dissociation can be varied, principally due to the distinct kinetics of dissociation and the differing thermodynamic stability of resultant product fragments. As a result, care needs to be exercised in the selection of internal standards during quantitation in order to curtail variations introduced by the tandem MS factor [5]. This is especially relevant for lipid classes for which MRMs for individual species are not constructed upon the loss of a common fragment, but distinct fragments instead (e.g. individual fatty acyls attached to each species).

  - Excerpt edited from “Lipidomics, en route to accurate quantitation”, cover paper for special issue on lipidomics opinion articles from BBA Mol Cell Biol lipids, 2017, 1862(8): 752-761


1. S.M. Lam, G.H. Chua, X.J. Li, B. Su, G. Shui, Biological relevance of fatty acyl heterogeneity to the neural membrane dynamics of Rhesus macaques during normative aging, Oncotarget (2016).

2. S.M. Lam, Z. Wang, J. Li, X. Huang, G. Shui. Sequestration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids of Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larva attenuates eicosanoid biosynthesis for prolonged survival, Redox Biology (2017).

3.  S.M. Lam, G. Shui, Lipidomics as a principal tool for advancing biomedical research, J Genet Genomics 40 (2013) 375-390.

4. S.M. Lam, L. Tong, B. Reux, M.J. Lear, M.R. Wenk, G. Shui, Rapid and sensitive profiling of tear wax ester species using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, J Chromatogr A 1308 (2013) 166-171.

5.  M. Wang, C. Wang, X. Han, Selection of internal standards for accurate quantification of complex lipid species in biological extracts by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry-What, how and why?, Mass Spectrom Rev (2016).

Sin Man Lam 博士简历

中科脂典技术总监。2009年获得新加坡国立大学生物学一级荣誉学士学位,同年获新加坡国立大学华莱士奖项(授予生物系第一名毕业生),新加坡国立大学校长研究生奖学金(President Graduate Fellowship)获得者。2013-2017年,在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所工作; 2014年获益海嘉里优秀博士后奖项, 同年获得第7届中国博士后特别资助; 2015年获国家自然基金委青年基金资助。研究方向包括基于液相色谱与质谱联用的高通量、高覆盖脂质组和代谢组半定量/精准定量方法开发,并应用于临床和生物学研究中。博士期间建立了最全面的泪液、睑板腺脂质谱图并应用于干眼病治疗过程的检测分析,发现治疗干眼病潜在新靶点(系列文章发表在Journal of Lipid Research, 3篇)。自2010年来,在Science, Cell Research, Development Cell, PNAS, Redox Biology, Nature Communications, Cell Reports, Diabetes, Plos Pathogens, Plant Physiology, Plos Genetics, Neurobiology of Aging, Journal of Lipid Research, BBA-molecular and cell Biology of Lipids, Analytica Acta Chimica, Journal of Chromatography A, Metabolomics等国际期刊发表41篇SCI文章。

(本文由Sin Man Lam和税光厚共同完成)

上一篇:2019脂质代谢调控盛会:5th Lipidall会议第一轮通知
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