

What is the difference between land cover and land use

已有 3117 次阅读 2018-1-11 00:19 |个人分类:科研杂记|系统分类:科研笔记

Land cover data documents how much of a region is covered by  forests, wetlands, impervious surfaces, agriculture, and other land and water  types. Water types include wetlands or open water. Land use shows how people use  the landscape – whether for development, conservation, or mixed uses. The  different types of land cover can be managed or used quite differently.

Land cover can be determined by analyzing satellite and  aerial imagery. Land use cannot be determined from satellite imagery. Land  cover maps provide information to help managers best understand the current  landscape. To see change over time, land cover maps for several different years  are needed. With this information, managers can evaluate past management  decisions as well as gain insight into the possible effects of their current  decisions before they are implemented.

Coastal managers use land cover data and maps to better  understand the impacts of natural phenomena and human use of the landscape. Maps  can help managers assess urban growth, model water quality issues, predict and  assess impacts from floods and storm surges, track wetland losses and potential  impacts from sea level rise, prioritize areas for conservation efforts, and compare  land cover changes with effects in the environment or to connections in  socioeconomic changes such as increasing population.

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