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Practical schemes for phonon calculations (见castep说明)
A good review of the existing schemes can be found in Baroni et al.
(2001). The theoretical study of phonon properties has to rely on one of
the three available methods for determining the force constants matrix:
analytical calculations, supercell calculations or linear response
calculations. The analytical approach is only viable when the energy
model is sufficiently simple to allow a direct evaluation of the second
derivatives of the energy with respect to atomic displacements (e.g.,
empirical pair potential models). Therefore, it is unsuitable for first
principles calculations. Further alternatives such as extracting
vibrational properties from molecular dynamics runs (Arias et al. 1992)
are less transparent and noticeably more expensive.
The supercell method involves perturbing the positions of the atoms
slightly and calculating the reaction forces (Ackland et al. 1997). It
is necessary to use supercells of the original cell when interatomic
interaction in the system is long ranged. The main advantage of this
method (and of the closely related frozen phonon technique) is that
there is no need for a new formalism; any total energy scheme like
CASTEP can be used to evaluate the forces at a number of carefully
selected distorted configurations. The original frozen phonon scheme
requires a displacement with the given wave vector and has been
successfully used since the early 1980s (Yin and Cohen 1982, Ho et al.
1984). The force constants matrix evaluation in this formalism has been
used to calculate interplanar force constants (Wei and Chou 1994) and
thus phonon dispersion along high symmetry directions. More recent
applications are based on the full reconstruction of the force constants
matrix (Ackland et al. 1997, Parlinski et al. 1997, and references in
Baroni et al. 2001).
Linear response calculations seek to evaluate the dynamical matrix
directly for a set of q vectors. The starting point of the linear
response approach is evaluation of the second-order change in the total
energy induced by atomic displacements. The main advantage of the scheme
is that there is no need to artificially increase the cell size in
order to accommodate small values of the q vectors, as in the frozen
phonon method, or to overcome the long range interaction problem (force
constants matrix from supercell calculations). A more detailed
description of the linear response method can be found in Baroni et al.
2001. The CASTEP implementation is described in the Linear Response
splitting,只有在计算了Born effective charge和dielectric constant之后,进一步考虑了
non-analyticity term,才能计算出;但Direct Method本身并不能给出Born effective
charge和dielectric constant.所以这也是它的一个缺陷.目前,vasp+phonon用的就是这种方法.
1,PHONON Software
by Krzysztof PARLINSKI
Phonon is a software (see list of Publications) for calculating phonon
dispersion curves, and phonon density spectra of crystals, crystals with
defects, surfaces, adsorbed atoms on surfaces, etc. from either a set
of force constants, or from a set of Hellmann-Feynman forces calculated
within an ab initio program (not included). One can use VASP, Wien2k,
MedeA of Materials Design , Siesta, or other ab initio code which is
able to optimize a supercell and calculate the Hellmann-Feynman forces.
Phonon builds a crystal structure, using one of the 230 crystallographic
space groups, finds the force constant from the Hellmann-Feynman
forces, builds the dynamical matrix, diagonalizes it, and calculates the
phonon dispersion relations, and their intensities. Phonon finds the
polarization vectors, and the irreducible representations (Gamma point)
of phonon modes, and calculates the total and partial phonon density of
states. It plots the internal energy, free energy, entropy, heat
capacity and tensor of mean square displacements (Debey-Waller factor).
Phonon finds the dynamical structure factor for the coherent inelastic
neutron scattering and the incoherent doubly differential scattering
cross section for a single crystal and polycrystal. For polar cystals
the LO/TO mode splitting can be included.
A program to calculate phonons using the small displacement method
This program calculates force constant matrices and phonon frequencies
in crystals. From the frequencies it also calculates various
thermodynamic quantities, like Helmholtz free energy, entropy, specific
heat and internal energy of the harmonic crystal. The procedure similar
to the one described in Ref. [1], i.e. is based on the small
displacement method. It needs a code capable to calculate forces on the
atoms of the crystal.
E-mail: d.alfe@ucl.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 2361
Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 5166
is the open source implementation of the frozen phonon method.
Phonon band structure
Phonon DOS (Vibrational spectra)
Thermal properties
Mulliken notation assignment of vibration mode
fropho is the frozen phonon analyzer mainly for first principles (ab
initio) calculation. Periodic boundary condition is assumed. fropho
gives good combinations with VASP code or another codes which can derive
Hellmann-Feynman forces.
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=161614
Contact: atz.togo@gmail.com
Authour: Atsushi Togo
Function Perturbation
effective charge dielectric constant,可以很好的预言LO-TO splitting甚至Kohn
response theory 的方法(或者称为 density perturbation functional
theory,DFPT),直接计算出原子的移动而导致 的势场变化,再进一步构造出动力学矩阵
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