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小道消息:Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛)

已有 3094 次阅读 2009-11-2 10:19 |个人分类:讨论班课题推荐|系统分类:科研笔记| 原子

小道消息:Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛)

The intensity gradients of inhomogeneous laser-light fields impose ponderomotive forces on charged particles. Such forces have been used to trap and manipulate ions, diffract electrons, and generate charge waves in plasmas. But they were thought to act only very weakly on neutral atoms—having to rely on the polarizability of an atom’s charge distribution. Now, however, a group at the Max Born Institute in Berlin has reported the use of intense ultrashort laser pulses to accelerate neutral helium atoms for about 100 femtoseconds at 1015 m/s2. That’s eight orders of magnitude greater than the acceleration (or deceleration) one can get with the continuous-wave techniques used in laser cooling of neutral atoms. The ponderomotive force of an inhomogeneous light field pushes a charged particle toward lower light intensity with a force proportional to the square of its charge—irrespective of sign—and inversely proportional to its mass. The Berlin group argues that the strong laser pulse excites an electron to the outer reaches of the helium atom where it “quivers” in the oscillating light field and experiences the ponderomotive force almost as a free electron would. But still bound to the atom’s ionic core, it tugs the much heavier core with it away from the laser beam’s focus. The figure shows how the maximum velocity thus acquired by neutral atoms in the Berlin experiment increases with pulse duration. The dashed curves show the theoretical expectation for the group’s model of electron excitation and the consequent ponderomotive force. Such “ultrastrong” acceleration of neutral atoms, they suggest, could be exploited for atomic-beam optics, atom deposition, and controlled chemical reactions.

参考文献:U. Eichmann et al., Nature 461, 1261, 2009.


下一篇:小道消息:Universe's quantum 'speed bumps' no obstacle for light (董成伟)09.11.12
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