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【1】       周涛,傅忠谦,周佩玲,张建荣,张德学,基于遗传算法的大规模流量工程问题求解,计算机应用,2003年第6期,4345

【2】       杨春霞,周涛,周佩玲,刘隽,基于Multi_Agent的股市经济系统建模与分析,自动化理论、技术与应用卷十,中国科学技术大学出版社,2003年,596-601(中国自动化学会第18届青年学术年会会议论文集)

【3】       周佩玲,许民,赵亮,周涛混沌信号奇异性检测与外界冲击度量,数据采集与处理,Vol.19195-1982004

【4】       周涛,徐俊明,刘隽,图直径和平均距离极值问题研究,中国科学技术大学学报,Vol.34410-4132004

【5】       周佩玲,杨春霞,周涛,李立文,虚拟股市建模与混沌分析,中国科学技术大学学报,Vol.34442-4482004

【6】       T. Zhou, P. -L. Zhou, B. -H. Wang, Zi-Nan Tang and J. Liu, “Modeling Stock Market Based on Genetic Cellular Automata”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 18, 2697-2702 (2004)

【7】       T. Zhou, J. –M. Xu and J. Liu, “On diameter and average Distance of Graphs”, Oper. Res. Tran. 8(4), 33-38 (2004).

【8】       韩筱璞,周涛,汪秉宏,基于元胞自动机的国家演化模型研究,复杂系统与复杂性科学,1(4), 74-78 (2004)

【9】       周涛,柏文洁,汪秉宏,刘之景,严钢,复杂网络研究概述,物理, 34, 31-36(2005).

【10】   G. Yan, T. Zhou, J. Wang, Z. -Q. Fu, B. -H. Wang “Epidemic spread in weighted sacle-free networks”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 510-513 (2005)

【11】   C. -X. Yang, T. Zhou, P. -L. Zhou, J. Liu, Z. -N. Tang, “Evolvement Complexity in an Artificial Stock Market”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 1014-1017 (2005)

【12】   Y. –B. Xie, B. –H. Wang, B. Hu and T. Zhou, “Power-law distribution of wealth in population based on a modified EZ model”, Phys. Rev. E 71, 046135 (2005)

【13】   T. Zhou, G. Yan and B. –H. Wang, “Maximal planar networks with large clustering coefficient and power-law degree distribution”, Phys. Rev. E 71, 046141(2005)

【14】   周涛,傅忠谦,牛永伟,王达,曾燕,汪秉宏,周佩玲,复杂网络上传播动力学研究综述”,自然科学进展,15(5)513-5182005

【15】   T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, “Catastrophes in scale-free networks”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 1072-1075 (2005)

【16】   P. -Q. Jiang, B. –H. Wang, T. Zhou, Y. –D. Jin, Z. –Q. Fu, P. –L. Zhou and X. –S. Luo, “Networks emerging from the competition of pullulation and decrepitude”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 1285-1288(2005)

【17】   刘隽,周涛,周佩玲,“GA优化支持向量机用于混沌时间序列预测”, 中国科学技术大学学报, 352),258-2632005

【18】   汪秉宏,周涛,何大韧,统计物理学与复杂系统研究最新发展趋势分析,中国基础科学,20053):37-43

【19】   J. Wang, C. –X. Yang, P. –L. Zhou, Y. –D. Jin, T. Zhou and B. –H. Wang, “Evolutionary Percolation Model of Stock Market with variable agent number”, Physica A 354505-5172005

【20】   T. Zhou, W. –J. Bai, L. -J. Cheng and B. –H. Wang, “Continuous extremal optimization for Lennard-Jones Clusters”, Phys. Rev. E, 72, 016702(2005).

【21】   严刚,汪秉宏,傅忠谦,周涛,“复杂网络上的交通动力学”,交通运输工程2005博士生论坛论文集,中国铁道出版社,903-906, 2005.

【22】   P. –L. Zhou, C. –X. Yang, T. Zhou, M. Xu, J. Liu, and B. –H. Wang, “Avalanche Dynamics of the Financial Market”, New Math. Natl. Comput., 1, 275-283 (2005)

【23】   赵明,汪秉宏,蒋品群,周涛,“复杂网络上动力系统同步的研究进展”,物理学进展,25273-295(2005)

【24】   周涛周佩玲,刘隽,汪秉宏,规则网络上的耗散级联动力学 复杂系统与复杂性科学2(1)18-232005

【25】   C. –X. YangJ. Wang, T. Zhou, J. Liu, M. Xu, P. –L. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, ”Financial market model based on self-organized percolation”, Chin. Sci. Bull. 50(19), 2140-2144(2005).

【26】   T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, P. –L. Zhou, C. –X. Yang, and J. Liu, “Self-organized Boolean game on networks”, Phys. Rev. E 72, 046139(2005).

【27】   W. –X. Wang, B. Hu, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and Y. –B. Xie, “A mutual selection model for weighted networks”, Phys. Rev. E 72, 046140(2005).

【28】   杨春霞,王杰,周涛,刘隽,许民,周佩玲,汪秉宏,基于自组织逾渗的金融市场模型科学通报,50(20), 2309-2313(2005).

【29】   J. -M. Xu, Q. Zhu, X. -M. Hou and T. Zhou, “On Restricted Connectivity and Extra Connectivity of Hypercubes and Folded Hypercubes” Journal of ShangHai JiaoTong University, 10(2), 203-207(2005).

【30】   P. –P. Zhang, K. Chen, Y. He, T. Zhou, B. –B. Su, Y. –D. Jin, H. Chang, Y. –P. Zhou, L. –C. Sun, B. –H. Wang, D. –R. He, “Model and empirical study on some collaboration networks”, Physica A 360, 599-616 (2006)

【31】   M. Zhao, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and W. –X. Wang, “Enhance synchronizability by structural perturbations”, Phys. Rev. E 72, 057102(2005).

【32】   Y. –B. Xie, B. –H. Wang, C. –K. Hu, and T. Zhou, “Global optimization of minority game by intelligent agents”, Eur. Phys. J. B 47, 587(2005).

【33】   W. –X. Wang, B. –H. Wang, W. –C. Zheng, C. -Y. Yin and T. Zhou, “Advanced information feedback in intelligent traffic systems”, Phys. Rev. E 72, 066702 (2005).

【34】   章忠志,荣莉莉,周涛,一类无标度合作网络的演化模型, 系统工程理论与实践, 25(11): 55-60 (2005).

【35】   张培培,何阅,周涛,苏蓓蓓,常慧,周月平,汪秉宏,何大韧,一个描述合作网络顶点度分布的模型,物理学报§P. –P. Zhang, Y. He, T. Zhou, B. –B. Su, H. Chang, Y. –P. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and D. –R. He, “A Model describing the degree distribution of collaboration networks”, Acta Physica Sinica§551):60-672006.

【36】   柏文洁, 汪秉宏, 周涛, 从复杂网络的观点看大停电事故, 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2(3): 29-37(2005).

【37】   C. –Y. Yin, B. –H. Wang, W. –X. Wang, T. Zhou, and H. –J. Yang, Efficient routing on scale-free networks based on local information”, Phys. Lett. A 351220-224 (2006).

【38】   W. –X. Wang, B. –H. Wang, C. –Y. Yin, Y. –B. Xie, and T. Zhou, “Traffic dynamics based on local routing protocol on scale-free networks“, Phys. Rev. E 73: 026111 (2006).

【39】   S. –M. Cai, P. –L. Zhou, H. –J. Yang, C. –X. Yang, B. –H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Empirical study on the volatility of Hang Seng index”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23: 754-757 (2006).

【40】   T. Zhou, M. Zhao and B. –H. Wang, “Better Synchronizability Predicted by Crossed Double Cycle”, Phys. Rev. E 73: 037101 (2006).

【41】   G. Yan, T. Zhou, B. Hu, Z. –Q. Fu, and B. –H. Wang, “Efficient Routing on Complex Networks”, Phys. Rev. E 73: 046108 (2006).

【42】   X. Wu, B. –H. Wang, T. Zhou, W. –X. Wang, M. Zhao, and H. –J. Yang, “The synchronizability of highly clustered scale-free networks “Chin. Phys. Lett. 23: 1046-1049 (2006).

【43】  T. Zhou, Z. –Q. Fu, and B. –H. Wang, “Epidemic Dynamics on Complex Networks”, Prog. Nat. Sci. 16: 452-457 (2006). MR2225952

【44】   T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, P. –M. Hui, and K. P. Chan, “Topological Properties of Integer Networks”, Physica A 367: 613-618(2006).

【45】   S. –M. Cai, P. –L. Zhou, H. –J. Yang, C. –X. Yang, B. –H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Diffusion entropy analysis on the scaling behavior of financial markets”, Physica A 367: 337-344(2006).

【46】   T. Zhou, G. Yan and B. –H. Wang, “Reply to “Comment on “Maximal planar networks with large clustering coefficient and power-law degree distribution”””, Phys. Rev. E 73, 058102(2006).

【47】   B. Wang, H. –W. Tang, Z. –L. Xiu, C. –H. Guo, and T. Zhou, “Optimization of network structure to random failuresPhysica A 368: 607-614(2006).

【48】   C. –X. Yang, S. –M. Jiang, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and P. –L. Zhou, “Self-organized Criticality of Computer Network Traffic”, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 1740-1743.

【49】   W. J. Bai, T. Zhou, Z. Q. Fu, Y. H. Chen, X. Wu and B.H. Wang, “Electric Power Grids and Blackouts in Perspective of Complex Networks“, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 2687-2691.

【50】   P. -L. Zhou, S. –M. Cai, T. Zhou, Z. –Q. Fu, “Scaling behaviors of traffic in computer communication networks”, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 1744-1748.

【51】   周涛,傅忠谦,周佩玲,混合算法在流量工程中的应用研究,中国科学技术大学学报,36(5): 562-566 (2006).

【52】   杨春霞, 周佩玲, 刘隽, 郭立, 周涛, “基于虚拟股市的演化复杂性度量与分析, 中国科学技术大学学报, 36(5): 556-561 (2006).

【53】   Z. –M. Gu, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, G. Yan, C. –P. Zhu and Z. –Q. Fu, “Simplex triangulation induced scale-free networks”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 13: 505-510(2006).

【54】   W. –X. Wang, B. –H. Wang, T. Zhou, B. Hu, G. Yan and Y. –B. Xie, “Traffic Driven model for weighted networks”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 13: 481-488(2006).

【55】   T. Zhou, G. Yan, B. –H. Wang, Z. –Q. Fu, B. Hu, C. –P. Zhu and W. –X. Wang. “Traffic dynamics on complex networks”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 13: 463-469(2006).

【56】   T. Zhou, J. –G. Liu, and B. –H. Wang, Notes on the calculation of node betweenness, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23: 2327-2329(2006).

【57】   周涛,周佩玲,汪秉宏,杨春霞,蔡世民,“元胞自动机用于金融市场建模”,复杂系统与复杂性科学2(4): 10-15(2005).

【58】   李季, 汪秉宏, 蒋品群, 周涛, 王文旭, “节点数加速增长的复杂网络生长模型”, 物理学报§J. Li, B. –H. Wang, P. –Q. Jiang, T. Zhou, and W. –X. Wang, “Growing complex network model with acceleratingly increasing number of nodes”, Acta Physica Sinica§55(8): 4051-4057(2006).

【59】   汪秉宏, 王文旭, 周涛, “交通流驱动的含权网络”, 物理 35(4), 304-310 (2006).

【60】   曾燕,周佩玲,周涛,马婧,杨春霞,网络拓扑结构对于局域少数者博弈行为的影响,中国科学技术大学学报,36(8): 893-897 (2006).

【61】   M. Zhao, T. Zhou, B. -H. Wang, G. Yan, H. –J. Yang and W. –J. Bai, Effects of Average Distance and Heterogeneity on Network Synchronizability”, Physica A 371, 773-780 (2006).

【62】   Q. Guo, T. Zhou, J. –G. Liu, W. –J. Bai, B. –H. Wang, and M. Zhao, “Growing Scale-free Small-world Networks with Tunable Assortative Coefficient”, Physica A 371, 814-822 (2006).

【63】   J. -G. Liu, Y. –Z. Dang, Z. –T. Wang and T. Zhou, “Relationship between the in-degree and out-degree of WWW”, Physica A 371, 861-869 (2006).

【64】   L. Tian, C. –P. Zhu, D. –N. Shi, Z. –M. Gu, and T. Zhou, “Universal scaling behavior of clustering coefficient induced by deactivation mechanism”, Phys. Rev. E 74, 046103 (2006).

【65】   T. Zhou, J. –G. Liu, W. –J. Bai, G. –R. Chen, and B. –H. Wang, “Behaviors of susceptible-infected epidemics on scale-free networks with identical infectivity”, Phys. Rev. E 74, 056109 (2006).

【66】   M. Zhao, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, Q. Ou, and J. Ren, “Better sychronizability predicted by a new coupling method”, Eur. Phys. J. B 53, 375(2006).

【67】   S. –L. Bu, B. –H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Gaining scale-free and high clustering complex networks”, Physica A 374, 864-868 (2006).

【68】   蔡世民,周佩玲,杨春霞,汪秉宏,杨会杰,周涛,“金融市场价格标度行为的实证研究”,中国科学技术大学学报,36(12): 1281-1284 (2006).

【69】   X. –J. Xu, W. –X. Wang, T. Zhou, and G. –R. Chen, “Geographical Effects on Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 1815 (2006).

【70】   M. –H. Li, J. –S. Wu, D. –H. Wang, T. Zhou, Z. –R. Di, Y. Fan, “Evolving Model of Weighted Networks Inspired by Scientific Collaboration Networks”, Physica A 375, 355-364 (2007).

【71】   J. Ma, P. –L. Zhou, T. Zhou, W. –J. Bai, and S. –M. Cai, “Boolean Game on Sclae-free Networks”, Physica A 375, 709-716 (2007).

【72】   S. –M. Cai, P. –L. Zhou, H. –J. Yang, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and F. -C. Zhao, “Diffusion entropy analysis on the stride interval fluctuation of human gait”, Physica A 375, 687-692 (2007).

【73】   C. -J. Fu, B. -H. Wang, C. -Y. Yin, T. Zhou, B. Hu, K. Gao, P. -M. Hui, and C. -K. Hu, “Analytical studies on a modified Nagel-Schreckenberg model with the Fukui-Ishibashi Acceleration Rule”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31, 772-776 (2007).

【74】   刘宏鲲,周涛中国城市航空网络的实证研究与分析,物理学报§H. –K. Liuand T. Zhou”Empirical Study on Chinese City Airport Networks” Acta Physica Sinica§56, 106-112 (2007).

【75】   H. T. Zhang, C. –K. Qi, T. Zhou, and H. –X. Li, “Greatly enhancing the modeling accuracy for distributed parameter systems by nonlinear time/space separation”, Physica A 376, 215-222 (2007).

【76】   Z. –M. Gu, M. Zhao, T. Zhou, C. –P. Zhu, and B. –H. Wang, “Phase synchronization of non-Abelian Oscillators om Small-World Networks”, Phys. Lett. A 362, 115-119 (2007).

【77】   Q. Ou, Ying-Di Jin, T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, and B. –Q. Yin, “Power-law strength-degree correlation from resource-allocation dynamics on weighted networks”, Phys. Rev. E 75, 021102 (2007).

【78】   B. –H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Traffic flow and efficient routing on scale-free networks: A survey”, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 50, 134 -141 (2007).

【79】   Y. –B. Xie, T. Zhou, W. –J. Bai, G. –R. Chen, W. –K. Xiao, and B. –H. Wang, “Geographical networks evolving with optimal policy”, Phys. Rev. E 75, 036106 (2007).

【80】   R. Yang, B. –H. Wang, J. Ren, W. –J. Bai, Z. –W. Shi, W. –X. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Epidemic spreading on heterogeneous networks with identical infectivity”, Phys. Lett. A 364, 189-193 (2007).

【81】   S. –M. Cai, G. Yan, T. Zhou, P. –L. Zhou, Z. –Q. Fu, and B. –H. Wang, “Scaling behaviors of an artificial traffic model on scale-free networks”, Phys. Lett. A 366, 14-19 (2007).

【82】   T. Zhou, B. –H. Wang, Y. –D. Jin, D. –R. He, P. –P. Zhang, Y. He, B. –B. Su, K. Chen, Z. –Z. Zhang, and J. –G. Liu, “Modeling collaboration networks based on nonlinear preferential attachment”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 18, 297-314 (2007).

【83】   J. –M. Xu, T. Zhou, Y. Du and J. Yan, “A New Upper Bound on Forwarding Index of Graphs”, Ars Combinatoria. 83, 289-293 (2007). MR2305766

【84】   T. Zhou, M. Zhao, G. –R. Chen, G. Yan, and B. –H. Wang, “Phase synchronization on scale-free networks with community structure”, Phys. Lett. A 368, 431-434 (2007).

【85】   W. –J. Bai, T. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Immunization of susceptible-infected model on scale-free networks”, Physica A 384, 656-662 (2007).

【86】   W. –J. Bai, T. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Interplay between HIV/AIDS Epidemics and Demographic Structures Based on Sexual Contact Networks”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 18, 1025-1045 (2007).

【87】   周涛,肖伟科,任捷,汪秉宏,“网络集团度的幂律分布”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学4(2): 10-17(2007).

【88】   W. –K. Xiao, J. Ren, Q. Feng, Z. –W. Song, M. –X. Zhu, H. –F. Yang, H. –Y. Jin, B. –H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Empirical study on clique-degree distribution of networks”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 037102 (2007).

【89】   S. –M. Cai, H. Peng, H. –J. Yang, T. Zhou, P. –L. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Scaling Behaviour and Memory in Heart Rate of Healthy Human”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24: 3002-3005 (2007).

【90】   T. Zhou, J. Ren, M. Medo, and Y. –C. Zhang, “Bipartite network projection and personal recommendation”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 046115 (2007).

【91】   M. Zhao, T. Zhou, G. –R. Chen, and B. –H. Wang, “Enhancing the network synchronizability”, Front. Phys. China 2: 460-468 (2007).

【92】   Y. –C. Zhang, M. Medo, J. Ren, T. Zhou, T. Li, F. Yang, “Recommendation model based on opinion diffusion”, EPL 80, 68003 (2007).

【93】   T. Zhou, “Efficient routing on scale-free networks”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 21: 4071-4075 (2007).

【94】   Y. –F. Lu, M. Zhao, T. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Enhance synchronizability via age-based coupling”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 057103 (2007).

【95】   S. –M. Cai, Z. –H. Jiang, T. Zhou, P. –L. Zhou, H. –J. Yang, and B. -H. Wang, “Scale-invariance of human EEG signals in sleep”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 061903 (2007).

【96】   J. –G. Liu, Y. –Z. Dang, Z. –T. Wang, W. –X. Wang, T. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Self-learning Mutual Selection Model for Weighted Networks”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 14(S7): 33-36 (2007).

【97】   H. –K. Liu, and T. Zhou, “Topological properties of Chinese city airline network”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 14(S7): 135-138 (2007).

【98】   B. Wang, T. Zhou, Z. -L. Xu and B. J. Kim, “Optimizing synchronizability of networks”, Eur. Phys. J. B 60: 89-95 (2007).

【99】   韩筱璞, 周涛, 汪秉宏, “基于自适应调节的人类动力学模型”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学4(4): 1-5 (2007).

【100】    Y. –B. Xie, T. Zhou, and B. –H. Wang, “Scale-free networks without growth”, Physica A 387: 1683-1687 (2008).

【101】    Q. Guo, J. -G. Liu, B. -H. Wang, T. Zhou, X. -W. Chen, and Y. -H. Yao, “Opinion spreading with mobility on scale-free networks” Chin. Phys. Lett. 25(2): 773-775 (2008).

【102】    C.-P. Zhu, T. Zhou, H.-J. Yang, S.-J. Xiong, Z.-M. Gu, D.-N. Shi, D.-R. He, and B.-H. Wang, “The process of coevolutionary competitive exclusion: speciation, multifractality and power-laws in correlation”, New J. Phys. 10, 023006 (2008).

【103】    T. Zhou, “Reply to “Comment on ‘Epidemic spreading on heterogenrous networks with identical infectivity’””, Phys. Lett. A 372: 1725-1726 (2008).

【104】    T. Zhou, L.-L. Jiang, R.-Q. Su and Y.-C. Zhang, “Effect of initial configuration on network-based recommendation”, EPL 81, 58004 (2008).

【105】    W. Li, H.-T. Zhang, M.Z.Q. Chen, and T. Zhou, “Singularities and symmetry breaking in swarms”, Phys. Rev. E 77, 021920 (2008).

【106】    T. Zhou, “Mixing Navigation on Networks”, Physica A 387: 3025-3032 (2008).

【107】    P. Li, B. -H. Wang, H. Sun, P. Gao, and T. Zhou, “A limited resource model of fault-tolerant capability against cascading failure of complex network”, Eur. Phys. J. B 62: 101-104 (2008).

【108】    T. Zhou, H.-A. T. Kiet, B. J. Kim, B.-H. Wang, and P. Holme, “Role of Activity in Human Dynamics”, EPL 82, 28002 (2008).

【109】    J. Ren, T. Zhou, and Y.-C. Zhang, “Information Filtering via Self-Consistent Refinement”, EPL 82, 58007 (2008).

【110】    周涛, “在线电影点播中的人类动力学模式”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 5(1): 1-5 (2008).

【111】    张子柯, 吕琳媛, 刘建国, 周涛,“基于关键词的语义动力学实证分析”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 5(1): 37-42 (2008).

【112】    S.-M. Jiang, S.-M. Cai, T. Zhou, and P.-L. Zhou, “Note on two phase phenomena in financial markets”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25: 2319-2322 (2008).

【113】    刘宏鲲, 周涛, “航空网络研究综述”, 自然科学进展 18(6): 601-609 (2008).

【114】    H.-X. Yang, B.-H. Wang, J.-G. Liu, X.-P. Han, and T. Zhou, “Step-by-Step Random Walk Network with Power-Law Clique-Degree Distribution”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25: 2718-2720 (2008).

【115】    赵明, 周涛, 陈关荣, 汪秉宏, “复杂网络上动力系统同步的研究进展II – 如何提高网络的同步能力”, 物理学进展 28(1): 22-34 (2008).

【116】    X.-P. Han, T. Zhou, and B.-H. Wang, “Modeling Human Dynamics with Adaptive Interest”, New J. Phys. 10, 073010 (2008).

【117】    H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou and G.-B. Stan, “Ultrafast consensus via predictive mechanisms”, EPL 83, 40003 (2008).

【118】    H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, G.-B. Stan, T. Zhou, and J. Maciejowski, “Collective behavior coordinating with predictive mechanisms”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 2008(3): 67-85 (Feature Article).

【119】    N.-N. Li, N. Zhang, and T. Zhou, “Empirical analysis on temporal statistics of human correspondence patterns”, Physica A 387: 6391-6394 (2008).

【120】    L.-L. Jiang, D.-Y. Hua, J.-F. Zhu, B.-H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Opinion dynamics on directed small-world networks”, Eur. Phys. J. B 65: 251-255 (2008).

【121】    J.-G. Liu, T. Zhou, Q. Guo, and B.-H. Wang, “Structural Effects on Synchronizability of Scale-Free Networks”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 19: 1359-1366 (2008).

【122】    J. Li, B.-H. Wang, W.-X. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Network Entropy Based on Topology Configuration and Its Computation to Random Networks”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25: 4177-4180 (2008).

【123】    李楠楠,周涛,张宁,“人类动力学基本概念与实证分析”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 5(2): 15-24 (2008).

【124】    李楠楠,张宁,周涛,“人类通信模式中基于时间统计的实证研究”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 5(3): 43-47 (2008).

【125】    Z.-K. Zhang, L. Lü, J.-G. Liu, and T. Zhou, “Empirical analysis on a keyword-based semantic system”, Eur. Phys. J. B 66: 557-561 (2008).

【126】    G.-Q. Zhang, G.-Q. Zhang, Q.-F. Yang, S.-Q. Cheng, and T. Zhou, “Evolution of the Internet and its cores”, New J. Phys. 10: 123027 (2008).

【127】    R. Yang, T. Zhou, Y.-B. Xie, Y.-C. Lai, B.-H. Wang, “Optimal contact process on complex networks”, Phys. Rev. E 78, 066109 (2008).

【128】    汪秉宏,周涛,王文旭,杨会杰,刘建国,赵明,殷传洋,韩筱璞,谢彦波,“当前复杂系统研究的几个方向”,复杂系统与复杂性科学 5(4): 21-28 (2008).

【129】    R.-R. Liu, C.-X. Jia, T. Zhou, D. Sun, and B.-H. Wang, “Personal Recommendation via Modified Collaborative Filtering”, Physica A 388: 462-468 (2009).

【130】    W. Hong, X.-P. Han, T. Zhou, and B.-H. Wang, “Heavy-tailed statistics in short-message communication”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 028902 (2009).

【131】    刘建国周涛汪秉宏,“个性化推荐系统的研究进展”, 自然科学进展 19(1): 1-15 (2009).

【132】    J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. Tian, L. Peng, H.-T. Zhang, B.-H. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Accelerating consensus of self-driven swarm via adaptive speed”, Physica A 388: 1237-1242 (2009).

【133】    H.-T. Zhang, M. Chen, and T. Zhou, “Predictive protocol of flocks with small-world connection pattern”, Phys. Rev. E 79, 016113 (2009).

【134】     L.-N. Wang, J.-L. Guo, H.-X. Yang, and T. Zhou, “Local preferential attachment model for hierarchical networks”, Physica A 388, 1713-1720 (2009).

【135】    L.-Q. Peng, Y. Zhao, B.-M. Tian, J. Zhang, B.-H. Wang, and T. Zhou, "Consensus of self-driven particles with avoidance of collision", Phys. Rev. E 79, 026113 (2009).

【136】    赵庚生,张宁,周涛,“网页浏览中的标度行为研究”,统计与决策,2009年第1期,18-19页。

【137】    T. Zhou, “Personal Recommendation in User-Object Networks”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 4, 247-253 (2009).

【138】    M. Zhao, T. Zhou, H.-J. Yang, G. Yan, B.-H. Wang, “Synchronization in Complex Networks with Different Sorts of Communities”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 4, 924-933 (2009).  

【139】    M. Z.-Q. Chen, Z. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang, T. Zhou, I. Postlethwaite, “Collective Aggregation Pattern Dynamics Control via Attractive/Repulsive Function”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 4, 2064-2077 (2009).

【140】    H.-T. Zhang, M. Z.-Q. Chen, T. Zhou, Z. Cheng, P.-Z. Yu, “Collective Behavior Coordination and Aggregation with Low-Cost Communication”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 4, 2159-2170 (2009).

【141】    X.-P. Han, L.-L. Jiang, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, “Internal-Evolution Driven Growth in Creation-Annihilation Cyclic Games”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 4, 2377-2387 (2009).

【142】    J.-G. Liu, M. Z. Q. Chen, J. Chen, F. Deng, H.-T. Zhang, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Recent Advances in Personal Recommender Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 5, 230-247 (2009).

【143】    Y.-L. Wang, T. Zhou, J.-J. Shi, J. Wang, D.-R. He, “Empirical analysis of dependence between stations in Chinese railway network”, Physica A 388, 2949-2955 (2009).

【144】    B.-M. Tian, H.-X. Yang, W. Li, W.-X. Wang, B.-H. Wang, T. Zhou, “Optimal View Angle in Collective Dynamics of Self-propelled Agents”, Phys. Rev. E 79, 052102 (2009).

【145】    B. Xiang, E.-H. Chen, T. Zhou, “Finding Community Structure Based on Subgraph Similarity”, Studies in Computational Intelligence 207, 73-82 (2009).

【146】    H.-T. Zhang, M. Chen, and T. Zhou, “Improve consensus via decentralized predictive mechanisms”, EPL 86, 40011 (2009).

【147】    刘宏鲲,张效莉,曹莨,汪秉宏,周涛,“中国城市航空网络航线连接机制分析”,中国科学G2009年第39卷,第7期,935-942.

【148】    D. Sun, T. Zhou, J.-G. Liu, R.-R. Liu, C.-X. Jia, B.-H. Wang, “Information filtering based on transferring similarity”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 017101 (2009).

【149】    M.-S. Shang, C.-H. Jin, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, “Collaborative filtering based on multi-channel diffusion”, Physica A 388, 4867 (2009).

【150】    L.-L. Jiang, M. Zhao, H.-X. Yang, J. Wakeling, B.-H. Wang, T. Zhou, “Reducing the heterogeneity of payoffs: An effective way to promote cooperation in Prisoner's dilemma game”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 031144 (2009).

【151】    S.-M. Cai, Z.-Q. Fu, T. Zhou, J. Gu, P.-L. Zhou, “Scaling and memory in recurrence intervals of Internet traffic”, EPL 87, 68001 (2009).

【152】    L.-L. Jiang, T. Zhou, M. Perc, X. Huang, B.-H. Wang, “Emergence of target waves in paced populations of cyclically competing species”, New J. Phys. 11, 103001 (2009).

【153】    G.-Q. Zhang, G.-Q. Zhang, S.-Q. Cheng, T. Zhou, “Symbiotic effect: A guideline for network modeling method”, EPL 87, 68002 (2009).

【154】    H.-X. Yang, Z.-X. Wu, C.-S. Zhou, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, “Effects of social diversity on the emergence of global consensus in opinion dynamics”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 046108 (2009).

【155】    T. Zhou, L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, “Predicting missing links via local information”, Eur. Phys. J. B 71, 623 (2009).

【156】    L. Lü, C.-H. Jin, T. Zhou, “Effective and Efficient Similarity Index for Link Prediction of Complex Networks”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 046122 (2009).

【157】    M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Adaptive model for recommendation of news”, EPL 88, 38005 (2009).

【158】    L. Lü, T. Zhou, “Role of Weak Ties in Link Prediction of Complex Networks”, CIKM’09/CNIKM’09 (ACM Press, New York, 2009), p. 55-58.

【159】    T. Zhou, R.-Q. Su, R.-R. Liu, L.-L. Jiang, B.-H. Wang, and Y.-C. Zhang, “Accurate and diverse recommendations via eliminating redundant correlations”, New J. Phys. 11, 123008 (2009).

【160】    M.-S. Shang, L. Lü, W. Zeng, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Relevance is more significant than correlation: Information filtering on sparse data”, Europhys. Lett. 88, 68008 (2009).

【161】    J.-G. Liu, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, Y.-C. Zhang, Q. Guo, “Effects of User’s Tastes on Personalized Recommendation”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 20, 1925 (2009).

【162】    刘建国,周涛,郭强,汪秉宏,“个性化推荐系统评价方法综述”,复杂系统与复杂性科学,2009年第63期,1-10页。

【163】    Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, “Personalized Recommendation via Integrated Diffusion on User-Item-Tag Tripartite Graphs”, Physica A 389, 179 (2010).

【164】    J.-G. Liu, T. Zhou, H.-A. Che, B.-H. Wang, Y.-C. Zhang, “Effects of high-order correlations on personalized recommendations for bipartite networks”, Physica A 389 (2010) 881.

【165】    M.-S. Shang, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, “Collaborative filtering with diffusion-based similarity on tripartite graphs”, Physica A 389, 1259 (2010).

【166】    L. Lü, T. Zhou, “Link Prediction in Weighted Networks: The Role of Weak Ties”, Europhys. Lett. 89, 18001 (2010).

【167】    M.-S. Shang, G.-X. Chen, S.-X. Dai, B.-H. Wang, T. Zhou, “Interest-Driven Model for Human Dynamics”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 048701 (2010).

【168】    J.-G. Liu, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, Y.-C. Zhang, Q. Guo, “Degree Correlation of Bipartite Network on Personalized Recommendation”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 21, 137-147 (2010).

【169】    T. Zhou, Z. Kuscsik, J.-G. Liu, M. Medo, J. R. Wakeling, Y.-C. Zhang, “Solving the apparent diversity-accuracy dilemma of recommender systems”, PNAS 107, 4511-4515 (2010)

【170】    T. Zhou, M. Zhao, C.-S. Zhou, “Synchronization on Effective Networks”, New J. Phys. 12, 043030 (2010).

【171】    M.-S. Shang, D.-B. Chen, T. Zhou, “Detecting Overlapping Communities Based on Community Cores in Complex networks”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 058901 (2010).

【172】    Y.-H. Chen, B.-H. Wang, L.-C. Zhao, C. Zhou, T. Zhou, “Optimal transport on supply-demand networks”, Phys. Rev. E 81, 066105 (2010).

【173】    S.-M. Cai, Y.-B. Zhou, T. Zhou, P.-L. Zhou, “Hierarchical organization and disassortative mixing of correlation-based weighted financial networks”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 21, 433-441 (2010).

【174】    M.-S. Shang, L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Empirical analysis of web-based user-object bipartite networks”, EPL 90, 48006 (2010).

【175】    赵飞,周涛,张良,马明卉,刘金虎,余飞,查一龙,李瑞琪,“维基百科研究综述”,电子科技大学学报,201039卷第3期,321-334页。

【176】    H.-K. Liu, X.-L. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Structure and External Factors of Chinese City Airline Network”, Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1781.

【177】    L. Lam, D. C. Bellavia, X.-P. Han, C.-H. A. Liu, C.-Q. Shu, Z. Wei, T. Zhou, J. Zhu, Bilinear effect in complex systems, EPL 91, 68004 (2010).

【178】    X.-Q. Cheng, F.-X. Ren, H.-W. Shen, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Bridgeness: A Local Index on Edge Significance in Maintaining Global Connectivity”, J. Stat. Mech. P10011 (2010).

【179】    W. Zeng, M.-S. Shang, Q.-M. Zhang, L. Lü, T. Zhou, “Can Dissimilar Users Contribute to Accuracy and Diversity of Personalized Recommendation?”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 21, 1217 (2010).

【180】    Z.-K. Zhang, C. Liu, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Solving the cold-start problem in recommender systems with social tags”, EPL 92, 28002 (2010).

【181】    L. Lü, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, “Zipf’s Law Leads to Heaps’ Law: Analyzing Their Relation in Finite-Size Systems”, PLoS ONE 5, e14139 (2010).

【182】    H.-T. Zhang, N. Wang, M. Z. Q. Chen, R.-Q. Su, T. Zhou, C. Zhou, “Spatially quantifying the leadership effectiveness in collective behaviors”, New J. Phys. 12, 123025 (2010).

【183】    汪秉宏,周涛,刘建国,“推荐系统、信息挖掘及基于互联网的信息物理研究”,复杂系统与复杂性科学,20109月,第72-3期,46-49页。

【184】    韩筱璞,汪秉宏,周涛,“人类行为动力学研究”,复杂系统与复杂性科学,20109月,第72-3期,132-144页。

【185】    吕琳媛,陆君安,张子柯,闫小勇,吴晔,史定华,周海平,方锦清,周涛,“复杂网络观察”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学,20109月,第72-3期,173-186页。

【186】    L. Lü, T. Zhou, “Link Prediction in Complex Networks: A Survey”, Physica A 390, 1150 (2011).

【187】    周涛,汪秉宏,韩筱璞,尚明生,“社会网络分析及其在舆情和疫情防控中的应用”,系统工程学报,201012月,第25卷第6期,742-754页。

【188】    崔爱香,傅彦,尚明生,陈端兵,周涛,“复杂网络局部结构的涌现:共同邻居驱动网络演化”,物理学报,60, 038901 (2011)§A.-X. Cui, Y. Fu, M.-S. Shang, D.-B. Chen, T. Zhou, “Emergence of local structures in complex networks: common neighborhood drives the network evolution”, Acta Physica Sinica 60, 038901 (2011).

【189】    X.-P. Han, Q. Hao, B.-H. Wang, T. Zhou, “Origin of the scaling law in human mobility: Hierarchy of traffic systems”, Phys. Rev. E 83, 036117 (2011).

【190】    G. Cimini, M. Medo, T. Zhou, D. Wei, Y.-C. Zhang, “Heterogeneity, quality, and reputation in an adaptive recommendation model”, Eur. Phys. J. B 80, 201-208 (2011).

【191】    D. Wei, T. Zhou, G. Cimini, P. Wu, W. Liu, Y.-C. Zhang, “Effective mechanism for social recommendation of news”, Physica A 390, 2117-2126 (2011).

【192】    刘宏鲲,吕琳媛,周涛,“利用链路预测推断网络演化机制”,中国科学G2011年,417期,816-823页。

【193】    X.-P. Han, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, “Scaling mobility patterns and collective movementsDeterministic walks in lattices”, Phys. Rev. E 83, 056108 (2011).

【194】    Z.-D. Zhao, H. Xia, M.-S. Shang, T. Zhou, “Empirical Analysis on the Human Dynamics of a Large-Scale Short Message Communication System”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 068901 (2011).

【195】    Y.-B. Zhou, T. Lei, T. Zhou, “A robust ranking algorithm to spamming”, EPL 94, 48002 (2011).

【196】    L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, C. H. Yeung, T. Zhou, “Leaders in social networks, the Delicious case”, PLoS ONE 6, e21202 (2011).

【197】    J. Zhang, Z. Jin, G.-Q. Sun, T. Zhou, S. Ruan, “Analysis of Rabies in China: Transmission Dynamics and Control”, PLoS ONE 6, e20891 (2011).

【198】    Z. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou, N. V. Valeyev, “Aggregation Pattern Transitions by Slightly Varying the Attractive/Repulsive Function“, PLoS ONE 6, e22123 (2011).

【199】    L.-L. Jiang, T. Zhou, M. Perc, B.-H. Wang, “Effects of competition on pattern formation in the rock-paper-scissors game”, Phys. Rev. E 84, 021912 (2011).

【200】    T. Zhou, M. Medo, G. Cimini, Z.-K. Zhang, Y.-C. Zhang, “Emergence of Scale-Free Leadership Structure in Social Recommender Systems”, PLoS ONE 6, e20648 (2011).

【201】    C.-G. Gu, S.-R. Zou, X.-L. Xu, Y.-Q. Qu, Y.-M. Jiang, D.-R. He, H.-K. Liu, T. Zhou, “Onset of cooperation between layered networks”, Phys. Rev. E 84, 026101 (2011).

【202】    M. Tang, T. Zhou, “Efficient routing strategies in scale-free networks with limited bandwidth”, Phys. Rev. E 84, 026116 (2011).

【203】 赵飞, 刘金虎, 查一龙, 周涛, 在线协作写作的人类动力学分析, 物理学报, 2011年,第60卷,第11期,118902页。

【204】Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, "Tag-Aware Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Survey", J. Comput. Sci.  Technol. 26, 767-777 (2011).

【205】Z. Yang, A.-X. Cui, T. Zhou, "Impact of heterogeneous human activities on epidemic spreading", Physica A 390, 4543-4548 (2011).

【206】W. Zeng, Y.-X. Zhu, L. Lu, T. Zhou, "Negative ratings play a positive role in information filtering", Phyisca A 390, 4486-4493 (2011).

【207】J.-G. Liu, T. Zhou, Q. Guo, "Information filtering via biased heat conduction", Phys. Rev. E 84, 037101 (2011).

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[210] X.-Y. Yan, X.-P. Han, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, "Exact Solution of Gyration Radius of Individual's Trajectory for a Simplified Human Regular Mobility Model", Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 120506 (2011).
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[214] Y. Wang, Z. Jin, Z. Yang, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, G.-Q. Sun, "Global analysis of an SIS model with an infective vector on complex networks", Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 13, 543-557 (2012).

【215】D.-B. Chen, L. Lu, M.-S. Shang, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, "Identifying influential nodes in complex networks", Physica A 391, 1777-1787 (2012).
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[217] X.-Z. Ren, Z. Yang, B.-H. Wang, T. Zhou, "Mandelbrot Law of Evolving Networks", Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 (2012) 038904.

[218] J. Huang, X.-Q. Cheng, H.-W. Shen, T. Zhou, X. Jin, "Exploring social influence via posterior effect of word-of-mouth recommendations", WSDM'12, ACM Press, 2012, pages 573-582.

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[222] W.-Q. Wang, Q.-M. Zhang, T. Zhou, "Evaluating Network Models: A Likelihood Analysis", EPL 98 (2012) 28004.

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【224】汪秉宏, 周涛, 周昌松, "人类行为、复杂网络及信息挖掘的统计物理研究", 上海理工大学学报,2012年34卷2期,103-117页.

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[226] Z.-M. Gu, C.-P. Zhu, T. Zhou, M. Zhao, Analyzing percolation of networks inspired by the 3x+1 problem, Physica A 391 (2012) 4986-4994.

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[230] Z. Yang, T. Zhou, P.-M. Hui, J.-H. Ke, Stability in Evolutionary Game, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) e49663.

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[234] Z. Yang, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Anchoring Bias in Online Voting, EPL 100 (2012) 68002.

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[236] Q.-M. Zhang, Y.-X. Zhu, L. Lu, T. Zhou, Potential Theory for Directed Networks, PLoS ONE 8 (2013) e55437.

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[238] F. Guo, Z. Yang, T. Zhou, Predicting link directions via a recursive subgraph-based ranking, Physica A 392 (2013) 3402–3408.

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