


已有 28589 次阅读 2011-4-5 10:11 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:论文交流

------ BioMedLib Bipartite Networks Top 10 ------

[1] Zhou T, Ren J, Medo M, Zhang YC: Bipartite network projection and personal recommendation. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2007 Oct;76(4 Pt 2):046115
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[2] Wang RL, Tang Z, Cao QP: A hopfield network learning method for bipartite subgraph problem. IEEE Trans Neural Netw; 2004 Nov;15(6):1458-65
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[3] Brynildsen MP, Tran LM, Liao JC: Versatility and connectivity efficiency of bipartite transcription networks. Biophys J; 2006 Oct 15;91(8):2749-59
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[4] Lind PG, Gonz谩lez MC, Herrmann HJ: Cycles and cluste ring in bipartite networks. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2005 Nov;72(5 Pt 2):056127
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[5] Burgos E, Ceva H, Hern谩ndez L, Perazzo RP, Devoto M, Medan D: Two classes of bipartite networks: nested biological and social systems. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2008 Oct;78(4 Pt 2):046113
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[6] Barber MJ: Modularity and community detection in bipartite networks. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2007 Dec;76(6 Pt 2):066102
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[7] Liu Q, Cao J: A recurrent neural network based on projection operator for extended general variational inequalities. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B Cybern; 2010 Jun;40(3):928-38
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[8] Wang J, Tang Z, Wang R: An annealed chaotic maximum neural network for bipartite subgraph problem. Int J Neural Syst; 2004 Apr;14(2):107-16
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[9] Lambiotte R, Ausloos M: Uncovering collective listening habits and music genres in bipartite networks. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2005 Dec;72(6 Pt 2):066107
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[10] Chakraborty A, Manna SS: Weighted trade network in a model of preferential bipartite transactions. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys; 2010 Jan;81(1 Pt 2):016111
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------ Google Scholar Bipartite Networks Top-10 ------
一般都是和BioMedLib重复的,说明还是比较靠谱的,BioMedLib可能对生物的更强调 中的 [PDF]T Zhou, J Ren, M Medo… - Physical Review E, 2007 - APS
One-mode projecting is extensively used to compress bipartite networks. Since one-mode projection
is always less informative than the bipartite representation, a proper weighting method is required
to better retain the original information. In this article, inspired by the network-based ...
被引用次数:112 - 相关文章 - 所有 12 个版本 中的 [PDF]RK Ahuja, JB Orlin, C Stein… - SIAM J. Comput., 1994 - Citeseer
Abstract. In this paper, we study network ow algorithms for bipartite networks. A network G =
(V;E) is called bipartite if its vertex set V can be partitioned into two subsets V1 and V2 such that
all edges have one endpoint in V1 and the other in V2. Let n = jVj, n1 = jV1j, n2 = jV2j, m ...
被引用次数:97 - 相关文章 - HTML 版 - 所有 14 个版本 中的 [HTML]R Guimerà, M Sales-Pardo… - Physical Review E, 2007 - APS
Modularity is one of the most prominent properties of real-world complex networks. Here, we
address the issue of module identification in two important classes of networks: bipartite networks
and directed unipartite networks. Nodes in bipartite networks are divided into two ...
被引用次数:71 - 相关文章 - 所有 21 个版本 中的 [PDF]PG Lind, MC Gonzalez… - Physical review E, 2005 - APS
We investigate the clustering coefficient in bipartite networks where cycles of size three are absent
and therefore the standard definition of clustering coefficient cannot be used. Instead, we use
another coefficient given by the fraction of cycles with size four, showing that both ...
被引用次数:59 - 相关文章 - 所有 19 个版本 中的 [PDF]MJ Barber - Physical Review E, 2007 - APS
The modularity of a network quantifies the extent, relative to a null model network, to which vertices
cluster into community groups. We define a null model appropriate for bipartite networks, and
use it to define a bipartite modularity. The bipartite modularity is presented in terms of a ...
被引用次数:61 - 相关文章 - 所有 8 个版本 中的 [PDF]R Lambiotte… - Physical Review E, 2005 - APS
In this paper, we analyze web-downloaded data on people sharing their music library, that we
use as their individual musical signatures. The system is represented by a bipartite network,
nodes being the music groups and the listeners. Music groups' audience size behaves ...
被引用次数:54 - 相关文章 - 所有 13 个版本 中的 [PDF]D Gusfield, C Martel… - SIAM J. Comput., 1987 -
We will not describe how to construct a layered graph and update the flow, but it is well known
[E] that both those operations can be done in time linear in the number of edges in the
graph. In G(F) the nodes are partitioned into layers which are ordered so that edges only ...
被引用次数:52 - 相关文章 - 所有 6 个版本

[8] [PDF] Network flows 中的 [PDF]RK Ahuja - 2008 -
... 8 MAXIMUM FLOWS: ADDITIONAL TOPICS, 250 8.1 Introduction, 250 8.2 Flows in Unit Capacity
Networks, 252 8.3 Flows in Bipartite Networks, 255 8.4 Flows in Planar Undirected Networks,
260 8.5 Dynamic Tree Implementations, 265 vi Contents Page 4. ...
被引用次数:6729 - 相关文章 - HTML 版 - 所有 14 个版本 中的 [HTML]JC Liao, R Boscolo, YL Yang… - Proceedings of the …, 2003 - National Acad Sciences
... Fortunately, for many biological systems partial prior knowledge about the connectivity patterns
of the bipartite networks is beginning to become available via high-throughput experiments (7)
or data mining of interaction knowledge (8–10), even though the detailed mechanisms ...
被引用次数:292 - 相关文章 - 所有 25 个版本

JL Guillaume… - Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 2006 - Elsevier
It appeared recently that the classical random graph model used to represent real-world complex
networks does not capture their main properties. Since then, various attempts have been made
to provide accurate models. We study here a model which achieves the following ...
被引用次数:35 - 相关文章 - 所有 3 个版本

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