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written English (长期有效:请帮忙改进英文翻译结果)

已有 4213 次阅读 2017-2-23 15:51 |个人分类:writing|系统分类:科研笔记| English

in the strict sense of ...: 从严格意义上说

e.g. Krill are not planktonic, in the strict sense of the word, because they can swim.


be borne in mind: 牢记在心

e.g. However, it should be borne in mind that these are average values that mask local, seasonal and even annual variations.


have a decisive impact on...:对...有决定性的影响

e.g. Furthermore, the conditions in winter certainly have a decisive impact on the biological cycle of numerous planktonic species,and consequently on the build-up of a stock of nourishment for the larvae of several species of fish.


unaided eye:肉眼

e.g. phytoplankton is generally too small to be individually seen with the unaided eye.


discoloration:n. 变色

e.g. When present in high enough numbers, phytoplankton can appear as a green discoloration of the water due to the presence of chlorophyll within their cells (colour may vary with the plant species).



e.g. 1) To human eyes, the ocean appears as shades of blue; sometimes blue-green.


2) The ocean over regions with high concentrations of phytoplankton will appear as certain shades, from blue-green to green,depending upon the type and density of the population there.


have no parallel: 与...不同

If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time. If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else.

e.g. The current rapid rate of warming has no parallel within the last million years. Even when the globe did warm towards the end of an ice age the process was very gradual, warming up over a period of about 5,000 years. Our Earth is heating up, and heating up quickly.



similar to: different

e.g. Standards for harmonising SST data from diverse satellite sensors have been set (by the GHRSST2 project).


analogous: 类似的

e.g. The analogous expression for total backscattering is defined as ...

akin to: 类似的

e.g. The spectral slope in absorption at this wavelength pair is not propagated linearly to the other wavelengths in a manner akin to an atmospheric correction scheme.

over the coming decades: 在未来的几十年

e.g. Tropical hurricanes and cyclones may become stronger and sea levels will rise over the coming decades.


at this stage: 现阶段,眼下

e.g. Governments of the world are slowly responding, but is the response quick enough? At this stage the answer is, no.


more importantly:更重要的是

most importantly:最重要的是

e.g. These higher temperatures are causing some floating icebergs to melt, but more importantly are affecting the polar-caps.

human induced climatic change:由人类(活动)引起的气候变化

e.g. Sea level rise associated with increased flows from the ice sheets, exacerbated by immense moulins represents one of the greatest threats from human induced climatic change.


devastating consequences:毁灭性的后果

e.g. The North Pole is warming up faster than the rest of the world, with potentially devastating consequences.

impossible to overstate:怎么夸张都不为过

e.g. The importance of the global conveyor belt to climate is impossible to overstate.


mitigate this problem:缓解这个问题

e.g. Multiple looks per day by different satellite sensors will help mitigate this problem and improve our ability to monitor and manage ecosystem health and water quality.


alleviate the impact on ...:减轻对...的影响


e.g. To alleviate the impact on climate of rising atmospheric CO2, one could alternatively investigate ways to trap transmitted sunlight below the mixed layer.



similar to: reduce

e.g. Phytoplankton pigment concentrations in the Equatorial Upwelling Zone, particularly near the Galapagos Islands, were markedly diminished during this El Niño event.



e.g. Clouds warm the atmosphere by intercepting and radiating back the radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface.

be expected to:有望做某事;被期待做某事

e.g. MODIS, MERIS and potentially SeaWiFS are all expected to continue providing data over the coming years.

MODIS, MERIS可能和SeaWiFS都有望在未来几年持续提供数据。


e.g. Understanding the ecology, biogeochemistry and hazards of our oceans in a varying and changing climate is critical to sustaining Earth as a habitable planet.



beyond all doubt:adv 毋庸置疑

e.g. The proof of concept that chlorophyll concentration could be observed all over the oceans on synoptic scales, with useful accuracy and precision, has been demonstrated beyond all doubt.


unquestionable:adj 毋庸置疑的

e.g. The immense value of primary production estimates based on ocean-colour radiometry and other remote-sensing data products is unquestionable.


with respect to:关于

similar to: with regard to

e.g. Key scientific objectives of EnMap with respect to coastal and inland waters include improved chlorophyll quantification, differentiation between ecologically important phytoplankton groups and dissolved organic compounds...



with regard to :关于

e.g. Independent observations are also needed to evaluate the tuned or calibrated model with regard to its generality and reliability.



in support of :支持

e.g. Despite the promise of benefits from using ocean colour data in support of ecosystem models, many operational ocean forecasting agencies may hesitate to set up operational systems until they can be reasonably sure of the continuity of data provision and the timeliness of delivery.


in conjunction with:连同

similar to: together with; in synergy with; in combination with

e.g. Models are needed in conjunction with satellite ocean colour data primarily because information about the ocean needs to be supplied for operational purposes.

e.g. Ocean colour satellite data, in synergy with data from an extensive array of moorings across the equatorial Pacific, have contributed enormously to our understanding of ENSO dynamics and their ecosystem impacts.


be conceived as:认为

similar to: be considered/regarded as

at a given time:在一个给定的时间

e.g. The combination of satellite data, in situ measurements and numerical model is conceived as an operational ocean or coastal ‘observing system’, in which the output of the model provides the best available estimate of the state of the ocean at a given time.


put forward:vt 提出

e.g. With analysis of ocean spectral reflectance imagery in comparison with other remotely-sensed properties and model results, a number of hypotheses have been put forward including horizontal advection...


transient event:短暂出现的事件;瞬变事件

storm passage:风暴过境

e.g. Whereas it is relatively straightforward to use in situ observations to monitor the supply of nutrients to the surface layer through winter mixing, it is much more difficult to rely on in situ techniques to monitor physical and biological responses to transient events such as the passage of storms.


open new perspectives for ...:为...打开了新的视角

e.g. The availability of CDOM absorption maps from ocean colour (see section 5.1.4) thus opens new perspectives for quantifying a complex array of biogeochemical rates.


revolutionise: vt. 革新,彻底改变

e.g. The results of ocean colour have revolutionised the field of biological oceanography, and have made important contributions to biogeochemistry, to physical oceanography, to ocean system modelling, to fisheries oceanography and to coastal management.



e.g. Remotely-sensed data provide unprecedented views into the biological consequences of such transient phenomena.


immediate vicinity:紧邻地带

e.g. Unlike non-solar heat fluxes, which act in the immediate vicinity of the surface, solar irradiance may reach, and therefore heat, waters below the mixed layer.



e.g. Knowledge of the magnitude of the carbon pools and fluxes in the ocean is a prerequisite to gaining a better understanding of the biogeochemical cycles.


critical aspect:重要的方面

term:n. (代数式等的)项

e.g. Regardless of the complexity of the model formulation, a critical aspect of estimating productivity is specifying the photosynthetic parameters that are contained in the term f in Equation 5.2.


term:vt 把...叫做

e.g. Ocean colour from satellite sensors offers the possibility of providing global estimates of the most important transformation occurring in the ocean carbon cycle: the conversion of inorganic carbon to organic carbon through photosynthesis, termed primary production.


in the domain of ...:在...领域

e.g. In this domain, satellite ocean colour radiometry (OCR) has emerged as an essential tool to understanding and quantifying several aspects of the biogeochemical cycles of carbon as well as other elements.


as stated previously:如前所述

spectral domain:谱域

e.g. As stated previously, the absorption of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) increases exponentially towards the blue and ultraviolet wavelengths, a spectral domain that is very energetic for photochemical reactions.


span a broad range:跨度范围广

e.g. These constituents span a broad size range from water molecules and dissolved matter to large zooplankton particles, and include a variety of material such as bacteria, viruses, phytoplankton, organic detritus, minerals, and more.



The water-leaving radiances result from the additive contribution of these constituents to absorption and scattering of light.



similar to: replacement

in unknown ways:以未知的方式

e.g. Substitution by other species will modify the overall ecosystem, as well as the carbon budget in unknown ways.



e.g. Access to estimates of primary productivity at spatial scales of about one kilometre, and at time scales of about one week has thus become a considerable asset in ocean sciences.


in any case:无论如何

similar to: anyway


e.g. In any case, satisfactory representation of algal physiology at the global scale by simple relationships applicable to remote sensing has so far proved elusive, though regional approaches are promising.


yield: vt 产出...的结果

e.g. Most models yielded an annual global primary production estimate in the range 35-60 Gt C y−1.

大部分模型估测的年际全球初级生产力的范围是35-60 Gt C y−1


e.g. The limitations noted above call our attention to the fundamental aspects of the functioning of marine ecosystems and the challenges in their faithful representation in models.

This is not surprising considering ...:这并不奇怪当考虑到...

e.g. This is not surprising considering the comprehensive knowledge on physiology and optics required by all algorithms.


ascertain:vt 确定

similar to : assure (vt); make sure (vi)


e.g. The continuing development of more elaborate, wavelength-resolved and depth-resolved models have the potential to create new parameterizations and to provide better quality estimates as new insights of the various processes involved are ascertained.


decipher:vt 解释,解译

similar to: vt interpret

e.g. Deciphering the complex interactions of DOM with microorganisms and the radiation regime is important in understanding the oceanic system and its relation with climate, and the fate of terrestrial input of DOM into the oceans.


give weight to... :加强,为...提出强有力的证据

e.g. Understanding biogeochemical cycles relies on long-term data series, and the existence of an ocean-colour record that now exceeds 10 years will give more weight to studies addressing time scales beyond the seasonal cycle.


by virtue of:凭借,依靠

e.g. By virtue of the opportunities provided by the first generation of ocean-colour satellite missions during the past decade, we have realised major advances in our ability to resolve multiple in-water constituents from remote sensing data, related these to key components and processes within ocean ecosystems, and integrated this new information into advanced prognostic models.


Initially, ... More recently, ...:起初,...。最近,...。

e.g. Initially, these measurements were made at sea, usually on board a suitable research vessel, which necessarily limited the amount of data that could be collected due to logistical constraints.
More recently, our ability to use satellites to remotely assess phytoplankton distributions
at high spatial and temporal resolution has made it possible to use this information to quantify rates of marine NPP at spatial scales ranging from local to global, and temporal scales ranging from daily to decadal.


subsequent studies:后续的研究

retieve IOPs via ocean color remote sensing:通过水色遥感反演固有光学量

e.g. Subsequent studies, however, have also emphasized the importance of understanding and retrieving, via remote sensing of ocean colour, inherent optical properties (IOPs), namely, the scattering and absorption characteristics of water and its constituents (the dissolved and suspended material).



e.g. Although the ocean-colour community has accomplished a great deal by developing many algorithms for ocean-colour remote sensing, very few broad-range tests, validations, or inter- comparisons have been available hitherto.



e.g. On a more general level, the material discussed in the report illustrates the rich and quantitative information latent in data on visible spectral radiometry (VSR) of the ocean.


defining: 典型的

similar to: typical

e.g. The most defining feature of the Arctic Ocean is its floating sea-ice cover.


similar to: while

e.g. Early Holocene climate is potentially dominated by freshwater outburst events, whilst ~1500 year cycles in the late Holocene are more likely driven by changes internal to the ocean system.

in the light of:鉴于

similar to: because of


similar to: necessary

e.g. In the light of rapidly diminishing sea ice cover in the Arctic during the present atmospheric warming, it is imperative to study the distribution of sea ice in the past in relation to rapid climate  change.

be intimately linked to: 紧密联系

e.g. The near-surface properties of the Nordic Sea climate are intimately linked to the climate of the abyssal Nordic Sea.

irrespective of:不管,不顾

similar to: regardless of

e.g. We included responses irrespective of whether they were consistent with expectations under climate chang or not, as well as null responses.

dearth of: 缺乏

similar to: lack of

e.g. Such under-utilisation of model outputs is due to the current dearth of information on the physiological performance (often expressed as fitness versus environment) of many phytoplankton groups, species or ecotypes that are key players in the biogeochemical cycling of major (C, N, P) and minor (Fe, Zn, Co) elements in the ocean.


similar to: therefore

e.g. Phytoplankton account for about half of global and nearly all of marine primary productivity; consequently, any widespread drop in phytoplankton biomass would almost certainly have severe ecological consequences.

defect: 缺陷

e.g. This sensor is guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the original date of purchase.




similar to: invalid

e.g. Warranty is void if the factory determines the sensor was subjected to abuse or neglect beyond the normal wear and tear of field deployment, or in the event the pressure housing has been opened by the customer.


e.g. This well proven technology has demostrated its worth as a cost effective data gathering tool to oceanographers, marine researchers and naval groups around the world.

ship of opportunity:顺路观测的船

This is certainly the case ..., but is also often true ...:在...中这是肯定的,且在...中经常也是这样的

e.g. This is certainly the case in most oceanic waters, but is also often true in more turbid coastal or inland waters.

inset: 插图

Fig.1 inset shows the lower range of aph(λ) at expanded scale for nano and pico samples.

a plethora of: 过多的,过剩的

e.g. An increasing algorithm complexity has produced a plethora of new products, other than chlorophyll, such as colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM) and suspended particulate matter (SPM).

recourse: n. 求助


e.g. Recently the emphasis of algorithm development has been on analytically determining IOPs from the primary measurands, using a recourse to empiricism only when the mechanisms or parameterizations are poorly understood.

exhaustive: 详尽的

e.g. Several IOP models have been suggested (an exhaustive reference list can be found in Lee et al.) with varying degrees of complexity ranging from empirical regressions to complex semianalytical approaches.

with its attendant ...: 伴随的 (及其...)

e.g. For these equations to be solvable, the neighboring wave bands needed to be selected, together with their attendant spectral slopes.


上一篇:MODIS spatial resolution
下一篇:some funny pictures
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1 LongLeeLu

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