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已有 2696 次阅读 2022-4-16 18:38 |个人分类:Ubuntu软件安装|系统分类:科研笔记





  1. Overview

    A Samba file server enables file sharing across different operating systems over a network. It lets you access your desktop files from a laptop and share files with Windows and macOS users.

  2. Installing Samba

    To install Samba, we run:

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install samba

    We can check if the installation was successful by running:

    whereis samba

    The following should be its output:

    samba: /usr/sbin/samba /usr/lib/samba /etc/samba /usr/share/samba /usr/share/man/man7/samba.7.gz /usr/share/man/man8/samba.8.gz

  3. Setting up Samba

    Now that Samba is installed, we need to create a directory for it to share:

    mkdir /home/<username>/sambashare/

    The command above creates a new folder sambashare in our home directory which we will share later.

    The configuration file for Samba is located at /etc/samba/smb.conf. To add the new directory as a share, we edit the file by running:

    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

    At the bottom of the file, add the following lines:


    comment = Samba on Ubuntu

    path = /home/username/sambashare

    read only = no

    browsable = yes

    Then press Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit from the nano text editor.

    Now that we have our new share configured, save it and restart Samba for it to take effect:
    sudo service smbd restart

    Update the firewall rules to allow Samba traffic:
    sudo ufw allow samba

  4. Setting up User Accounts and Connecting to Share

    Since Samba doesn’t use the system account password, we need to set up a Samba password for our user account:

    sudo smbpasswd -a username
    Note: Username used must belong to a system account, else it won’t save.

    Connecting to Share

    On Ubuntu: Open up the default file manager and click Connect to Server then enter: 


    On macOS: In the Finder menu, click Go > Connect to Server then enter: 

    On Windows, open up File Manager and edit the file path to:

    Note: ip-address is the Samba server IP address and sambashare is the name of the share.





上一篇:Ubuntu install phoebe
下一篇:phoebe install on Ubuntu 20.04.4
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