鲍海飞 2014-06-03
《冰雪奇缘》讲述了一个神奇而又美丽的动人故事。王室家中的两个小女孩,姐姐在小时候就具有魔力,手脚触及,顿时便让世界瞬间变成冰天雪地,而一次她又在和妹妹的戏耍时,无意间却把妹妹给伤了。后来,他们的父母为了隐藏这个秘密,便将姐姐与妹妹隔离,而妹妹却经常去敲姐姐的门,于是唱起了那动听的歌声,“Do you want to build a snow man, Come on, let’s go and play.”而姐姐却不敢开门,一直在逃避。随着岁月的增长,她们都长大了。但更糟糕的是,姐姐的魔力更强了,并且在加冕的盛会上,不幸被人发现了。于是姐姐带着愤怒,连夜出走,来到了偏远的大山之上,一路之上施展魔力,将远远近近的春色,瞬间造就了神奇的冰天雪地世界,同时又创造了属于她自己的美丽冰殿。在那里,只有她一个人,她的内心却越来越孤寂。但在宫殿中的妹妹却坚信,姐姐一定会回来,一定会把人间从新变成温暖的春天。于是,妹妹不惧严寒和恐惧,就到冰天雪地的地方去寻找姐姐。后来,是妹妹的真情和爱意将姐姐带回人间,冰天雪地的世界消失了,春天又回来了。
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, 今夜的山上白雪晶莹,
not a footprint to be seen. 一望无垠没有脚印。
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen. 广寒宫里只有我孤独一人。
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. 风在狂吼血在汹涌。
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried. 我无法掩饰,苍天知我心。
Don't let them in, don't let them see.别去理他们,别让他们看见。
Be the good girl you always have to be. 其实我一直是个好女孩。
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.我一直隐藏,我不去想,也不想让他们知道。
Well, now they know! 但,他们现在已经知道。
Let it go, let it go! 让它去,让它去!
Can't hold it back any more.我再也不能掩饰。
Let it go, let it go! 让它去,让它去!
Turn away and slam the door. 关上门就离去。
I don't care what they're going to say. 何必在意他们说三道四。
Let the storm rage on. 让暴风雪来吧。
The cold never bothered me anyway. 我何曾惧怕过寒冷孤寂。
It's funny how some distance, 曾经遥远的距离,
makes everything seem small. 今天早已经跨过去,
And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all曾经的恐惧,也随之而去。
It's time to see what I can do, 这是一个全新的我,
to test the limits and break through. 我要勇敢向前,向前穿越,
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.是是非非,已不属于我,
I'm free! 我自由啦!
Let it go, let it go. 让它去,让它去!
I am one with the wind and sky. 我随着风舞徘徊。
Let it go, let it go. 让它去,让它去!
You'll never see me cry. 你们再也不会看见那个哭泣的小孩。
Here I'll stand, and here I'll stay. 我站在这里,我迎风而立。
Let the storm rage on. 让暴风雪来吧。
My power flurries through the air into the ground. 我的力量从天贯穿到大地,
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. 缤纷的世界到处是我的写意,
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast. 即使是一个念头也会瞬间如冰而立,
I'm never going back; the past is in the past! 我要一直向前,不再想遥远的过去。
Let it go, let it go. 让它去,让它去!
And I'll rise like the break of dawn. 我将依然和黎明同起。
Let it go, let it go. 让它去,让它去!
That perfect girl is gone. 曾经的女孩早已不在。
Here I stand, in the light of day. 迎着朝阳,我就站在这里。
Let the storm rage on! 让暴风雪来吧。
The cold never bothered me anyway.我何曾惧怕过寒冷孤寂。.
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