1948 年,诺伯特·维纳出版其跨时代的巨著《控制论——关于在动物和机器中控制和通讯的科学》,今天,它的思想和方法已经渗透到了几乎所有的自然科学和社会科学领域。《控制论》的核心思想——控制、反馈和人机交互,至今依然在影响并塑造今天的智能科技!它所引发的哲学问题,诸如自动机和思维的关系、思考的机器、信息的本质、机器的意识等等,一直到现在都是唯物主义和唯心主义激烈争论的课题。
Special Issue in
IEEETransactions on Cybernetics
FromIntelligent Control to Smart Management of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems:
A Celebrationof 70th Anniversary of Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener
In 1948, NorbertWiener published Cybernetics, which definedcybernetics as ‘the scientific study of control and communication in theanimaland the machine’. In the recent years, cybernetics has contributedtotremendous advances from intelligent control to smart management ofCyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS). A variety of specialized journals andbookshas been published to tackle various aspects of these topics. Theintelligent control techniques of cybernetics usually include, but are notlimited to: artificial intelligence, machine learning and evolutionarycomputation. It is known that control system and external environment areusually treated separately in the traditional control. With the help of noveltechnologies suchas cloud computing, big data and intelligent systems, theconcept cyber-physical systems (CPS) was coined to describe the seamlessconnection and coordination between computational (or cyber) and physical resources.Inaddition, due to the unprecedented sphere and speed of influence experiencedinthe cyberspace and its profound impact on the way, we behave and interactwith each other in some extent. Therefore, social and human dynamics mustbeintegrated as a part of any effective CPS design and operation, thusinsertingsocial factors into CPS is reasonable and well justified. Based on theabove discussions, CPSS is presented, in which CPS is tightly conjoined,coordinated, and integrated with human and social characteristics. It willoffer new opportunities and call for the advancement of interdisciplinarytheory in both human and computational studies.
The aim of this special issue is tocelebrate the 70thAnniversary of Cybernetics byNorbert Wiener, andcall for the most advanced research in the field ofcybernetics. Specifictopics of interest include but are not limited to:
· History and Survey ofCybernetics;
· Recent Developments of Learning,ComputationalGames, and Artificial Intelligence;
· Modeling, Analysis, andIntelligent Control of Cyber-Physical Systems;
· Representation, Analytics, and SmartManagement of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems;
· Knowledge Automation andAutomation of Intelligence;
· Perspectives on IntelligentTechnologyand Future Cybernetics;
· Deadlinefor submission: December 31, 2017
· Firstround of review: April 15, 2018
· Deadlinefor submission of revised manuscripts: May 31, 2018
· Finaldecision of acceptance: June 30, 2018
· Tentativepublication date: October 30, 2018
· Prospective authors are invitedtosubmit their manuscripts electronically, adhering to the IEEE Transactions onCybernetics guidelines.
· Note that the page limit is thesame as that of regular papers. Please submit your papers through the onlinesystem (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cyb-ieee) and besure toselect the special issue name “Celebration of 70th Anniversary ofCyberneticsby Norbert Wiener.” Manuscripts should not be published or currentlysubmittedfor publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended forreview, not abstracts, to the Scholar One portal. If requested, abstractsshould be sentby e-mail to the Guest Editors directly.
Prof.Fei-Yue Wang, The State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, China. Email:feiyue@ieee.org
Prof.Dimitar P. Filev, Ford Motor Company, USA. Email: dfilev@ford.com
Prof.Witold Pedrycz,University of Alberta, Canada. Email: wpedrycz@ualberta.ca
Prof.Hongyi Li,Guangdong University of Technology; Bohai University, China. Email:lihongyi2009@gmail.com
Prof.Chelsea C. White III, GeorgiaInstitute of Technology, USA. Email: cwhite@isye.gatech.edu
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