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Science Daily专文评价高少培博士Plant Cell文章

已有 4480 次阅读 2016-4-5 11:32 |个人分类:佳作欣赏|系统分类:科研笔记

4月1日Science Daily 发表Plant Cell Science editor Lockhart 博士写的题为 “Feeding the world: Uncovering a key regulator of flower head development in rice”文章(https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160401144547.htm)评价我们组高少培博士3月14日发表在Plant Cell上的文章,全文如下。

Date: 1-April-2016

Source: American Society of Plant Biologists

Feeding the World: Uncovering a Key Regulator of Flower Head Development in Rice

Understanding how wind-pollinated flowers in rice develop may lead to increased crop production

Summary: Discovering how rice flower structures develop in response to environmental cues will help breeders increase the productivity of this crucial food crop. In a groundbreaking study, scientists uncovered an important regulator of this developmental process through mutant and molecular analysis.

Rice is a staple food for more than 3.5 billion people worldwide. Meeting the demand for high-yielding rice is an urgent task for breeders. Superior, high-yielding hybrid plants are often produced by crossing two diverse parental lines. This task is quite complicated in rice, a self-pollinating plant. One approach to solving this problem originated in the 1970s, when Chinese scientists figured out how to produce male sterile (MS) rice lines. The use of MS lines allows breeders to perform controlled pollination, leading to successful hybrid rice production.

Unfortunately, in these MS lines, the panicle (flower head) often remains enclosed in the surrounding leaf sheath because the region of the stem that supports it (the uppermost internode) is short, leading to blocked pollination and reduced seed production. To allow panicles to elongate and emerge from the leaf sheath, breeders use rice plants with a mutation in the gene ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1 (EUI1), which encodes an enzyme that deactivates the plant hormone gibberellin (GA). This deactivation allows GA to stimulate uppermost internode extension, leading to panicle extension, as well as increased plant height. Understanding what regulates the enzyme EUI1 in normal (wild type) plants is crucial, as according to Dr. Chengcai Chu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, "A further understanding of the molecular mechanism through which EUI1 activity is regulated during development will provide a more flexible way to fine-tune panicle extension, which may greatly help breeders improve hybrid rice seed production".

By isolating and exhaustively analyzing a dwarf mutant with impaired panicle extension, Dr. Chu and colleagues uncovered a critical regulator of EUI1 gene expression in rice, as discussed in this week's issue of The Plant Cell. This regulator, HOX12, binds directly to regulatory elements of the EUI1 gene, functioning as a transcription factor, or central regulator. The scientists propose that HOX12 helps regulate plant growth in response to environmental cues through its effect on EUI1, which acts as a switch to regulate the migration of floral-derived GA from the panicle to the stem. The next step will be to determine the upstream initiators of the HOX12-EUI1 regulatory cascade and the physiological conditions under which these modulations occur.

AAAS Science News (http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-04/asop-ftw040116.php).


Jennifer A. Lockhart, PhD jlockhart@aspb.org
Science Editor,
The Plant Cell
Tel: 919-360-7699

This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31430063, 91335203), Transgenic Research Program of the Ministry of Agriculture (2014ZX08001-004-001), and the State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics.

Full citation: Gao, S., Fang, J., Xu, F., Wang, W., and Chu, C. (2016). Rice HOX12 Regulates Panicle Exsertion by Directly Modulating the Expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.15.01021.

Publication date: March 14, 2016, at http://www.plantcell.org/content/early/2016/03/14/tpc.15.01021.full.pdf+html

About The Plant Cell: Published monthly by ASPB, The Plant Cell is the highest-ranking primary research journal in plant biology. The Plant Cell publishes novel research in plant biology, especially in the areas of cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, development, and evolution. The primary criteria for publication are that the article provides new insight that is of broad interest to plant biologists, not only to specialists, and that the presentation of results is appropriate for a wide audience.

About ASPB: ASPB is a professional scientific society, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, devoted to the advancement of the plant sciences worldwide. With a membership of almost 5000 plant scientists from throughout the United States and more than 50 other nations, the Society publishes two of the most widely cited plant science journals: The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology. For more information about ASPB, please visit http://www.aspb.org/. Also follow ASPB on Facebook at facebook.com/myASPB and on Twitter @ASPB.

Restrictions: Use for noncommercial, educational purposes is granted without written permission. Please include a citation and acknowledge ASPB as copyright holder. For all other uses, contact diane@aspb.org.

Key words: Crop yield, plant science, rice, agriculture, plant development, hybrid


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