在伊斯坦布尔有一座特别的博物馆:“纯真博物馆”,由土耳其作家帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk,1952-)根据自己的同名小说“纯真博物馆”建立。2006年,瑞典皇家学院以“在寻找故乡的忧郁灵魂时,发现了文化冲突和融合中的新的象征”为由,授予帕慕克2006年度诺贝尔文学奖。
帕穆克说起这本小说:“这是我最柔情的小说,是对众生显示出最大耐心与敬意的一部”。“纯真博物馆”讲述了一个看似平淡无奇的故事:伊斯坦布尔实业家家族的年轻继承人凯末尔 (Kémal) 将与外交官的女儿西贝尔 (Sibel) 定婚,这桩婚姻门当户对,但鬼使神差却让凯末尔进了一家精品店帮西贝尔买包,遇上了出身贫寒的远房表妹,美丽的女售货员芙颂(Füsun),一见钟情。但凯末尔想要一切:与西贝尔婚姻的体面及与情人芙颂的激情。芙颂在凯末尔和西贝尔订婚后就消失了,凯末尔最终与茜贝尔解除了婚约,开始穿行于穷困的后街陋巷,流连于露天影院,在被民族主义分子的炸弹破坏的街道上,在被油轮相撞的大火照亮的海峡边,在军事政变后的宵禁里,努力接近芙颂,。。。然而,凯末尔对芙颂的爱注定是没有结果的,于是他搜集所有让自己想起芙颂的物品放置在博物馆中,开始以亚里士多德的方式感知时间,。。。
In Physics Aristotle makes a distinction between Time and the single moments he describes as the « present » Single moments are - like Aristotle’s atoms - indivisible, unbreakable units. But Time is the line that links them.
My life has taught me that remembering Time - that line connecting all the moments that Aristotle called the present - is for most of us rather painful.
However, if we can learn to stop thinking of life as a line corresponding to Aristotle’s Time, treasuring our time instead for its deepest moments, then lingering eight years at our beloved’s dinner table no longer seems strange and laughable. Instead, this courtship signifies 1593 happy nights by Fusun’s side.
It was to preserve these happy moments for posterity that I collected this multitude of objects large and small that once felt Fusun’s touch, dating each one to hold it in may memory.
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