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如何在word 2007中使正文分栏而脚注不分栏?

已有 11918 次阅读 2010-4-27 09:13 |个人分类:文摘|系统分类:生活其它| word, 2007, 脚注不分栏

在用WORD 2007分栏时,发现正文和脚注总是同时分栏,如何使正文分栏而脚注不分栏?,在GOOGLE上搜索了很多办法不好用。


Here is the information you need, and the http://word.mvps.org/ can solve
almost all the questiones about Office.

Another limitation of columns is that they don't play well with footnotes.
Footnotes in a multicolumn document will be wrapped to the column width.
Moreover, if the footnote occurs in a multicolumn section in a single-column
document, that section will insist on being on a page by itself even though
you have used Continuous section breaks before and after it.

The workaround for this is so clumsy that you may well decide it is not
worth it, but if you must combine footnotes with columns and insist on
full-width footnotes (and especially if the multicolumn section is part of a
primarily single-column document), here's how to solve the problem:

1.Insert the footnote in a single-column section as close as possible to the
desired location of the actual footnote reference mark (so that the footnote
will be on the same page and in the correct order).

2.Where you want the footnote reference mark, insert a cross-reference to
the number of the footnote you just inserted. In Word 2003 and earlier, do
this with Insert | Reference | Cross-reference | Reference type: Footnote;
Insert reference to: Footnote number (formatted). In Word 2007, the
Cross-reference dialog is accessed via References | Captions |
Cross-reference or Insert | Links | Cross-reference.

3.Select the actual footnote reference mark (in the single-column text) and
format it as Hidden (Ctrl+Shift+H).

From: http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/formatting/UsingColumns.htm

Hope you are all doing well.


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