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Maths: The Negative Values of R2

已有 4060 次阅读 2015-3-25 11:03 |个人分类:Mathematics|系统分类:科研笔记

非常地意外,温度及降水数据(自变量)拟合NDVI(因变量)的回归模型复判定系数(Multiple Coefficient of Determination)竟然是负值,为了永远铭记这一百年不遇的发现,特此开贴记录。




R2=-0.11865890F-statistics=4.9956303>F(1,27)=4.21(临界值),p=0.033880889<0.05,通过α=0.05的显著性检验。R2是负值,合理的解释One version of calculating R2 can only give positive numbers as it is effectively the square of r. On the other hand a common method of computing R2 is 1 - sum of square in model/sum of square for uncorrelated (horizontal line) - if the model is completely inappropriate it will give a worse sum of squares than a flat line.


R2 compares the fit of the chosen model with that of a horizontal straight line (the null hypothesis). If the chosen model fits worse than a horizontal line, then R2 is negative. Note that R2 is not always the square of anything, so it can have a negative value without violating any rules of math. R2 is negative only when the chosen model does not follow the trend of the data, so fits worse than a horizontal line.



See Also

Important cases where the computational definition of R2 can yield negative values, depending on the definition used, arise where the predictions that are being compared to the corresponding outcomes have not been derived from a model-fitting procedure using those data, and where line arregression is conducted without including an intercept. Additionally, negative values of R2 may occur when fitting non-linear functions to data. In cases where negative values arise, the mean of the data provides a better fit to the outcomes than do the fitted function values, according to this particular criterion.

Note that it is possible to get a negative R-square for equations that do not contain a constant term. Because R-square is defined as the proportion of variance explained by the fit, if the fit is actually worse than just fitting a horizontal line then R-square is negative. In this case, R-square cannot be interpreted as the square of a correlation. Such situations indicate that a constant term should be added to the model.


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