


已有 4503 次阅读 2013-10-13 00:15 |系统分类:教学心得| PhD, Student, ECE, BME

Position details

Two fully funded (4-year) Research Assistant positions are now available for PhD students interested in 1) medical image/signal processing, or 2) artificial intelligence (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), in Dr. Forrest Sheng Bao’s lab in the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Akron (Akron, Ohio). Outstanding master students will also be considered.

The positions are expected to start in the Spring 2014 or Fall 2014 semester. The stipend will be no less than $1500/mo. Performance-based bonus is available. Students who are passionate about (or addicted to) research are strongly encouraged to email Dr. Bao at FORREST.BAO [AT] GMAIL.COM, along with his/her CV and an optional brief description of his/her research experience.


Applicants are preferred to have a bachelor degree (or near completion) in computer engineering, computer science, electrical/electronics engineering or biomedical engineering. Research experience in image/signal processing, AI (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), bioinformatics, and medical instrumentation/system is a plus. Requirements at department, college and university level must be met.

About Dr. Bao

Having published 20+ papers (300+ citations and h-index: 7), including several that have been presented at top conferences such as AAAI, Dr. Bao has become widely recognized for his research. In 2013, he was appointed an editorial member of IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine and a Program Committee member of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13). His work has been reported by MIT Technology Review and Epilepsy Foundation of America. For more details, check Dr.Bao's homepage:

About the College, the Department and the City of Akron

University of Akron's College of Engineering is ranked 119th nationally in 2014, according to US News & World Report. It has the 4th fastest growing engineering program in the US (ASEE). The College has set the goal to become Top100 engineering school in the US by 2020.  Two IEEE Fellows are with Electrical & Computer Engineering Department. Within Cleveland metropolitan area, Akron is the 5th most populated city in the state of Ohio. In the middle of everywhere, Akron is 2 hours from Pittsburgh, PA and Columbus, OH; 3 hours from Buffalo, NY and Niagara Fall (Canada!); 4 hours from Cincinnati, OH; 5 hours from Chicago, IL, and Indianapolis, IN; and 7 hours from NYC.

Please do NOT send me CV/resume that contains your personal information, including but not limited to personal photo, date of birth, nationality/residence, race/ethnicity, gender, marital status, etc.

Chinese version:

今有两个4年全额资助的助研岗位面向PhD学生开放。Akron大学电气与电脑工程系鲍博士(助理教授)的实验室邀请对下列两个方向有兴趣的同学加入:1) 医学图像与信号处理 或  2)人工智能 (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics).  热爱(或沉溺)科研的同学请将简历和简短研究经历说明(optional)发送至鲍博士的邮箱 FORREST.BAO [AT] GMAIL.COM. 其个人主页位于 优秀master学生亦会被考虑. 月薪不低于1500美元,并有丰厚绩效奖金.

申请人需有或即将获得在下列领域或相关领域的学士学位: computer engineering, computer science, electrical/electronics engineering or biomedical engineering. 在下列领域的研究经历优先: image/signal processing, AI (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), bioinformatics, and medical instrumentation/system. 系、院和校级录取要求亦须满足。

鲍博士迄今发表了20余篇论文,共被引用超过300次,h指数达7.  在2013年,他担任 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 的编委和International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13)的委员。他的研究被麻省理工技术评论(MIT Technology Review)和美国癫痫基金会(Epilepsy Foundation of America)报道过。

Akron大学的工学院2014年全美排119名(US News & World Report). Akron工学院是全美第四快发展的工学院(ASEE). 工学院的目标是在2020年跻身全美Top100. 电气与电脑工程系(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)共有2位IEEE Fellow.

位于克里夫兰(Cleveland)都市圈,Akron是Ohio州第5大城市。Akron亦近于众多大城市,距匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)和哥伦布(Columbus) 2小时,距水牛城(Buffalo)和Niagara大瀑布(加拿大!)3小时,距辛辛那提(Cincinnati) 4小时,距芝加哥(Chicago)和Indianapolis 5小时,即便纽约城也在7小时之内。



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