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[笔记,趣闻,科普] 三维(3D)电子技术,晶体管

已有 1194 次阅读 2024-12-5 22:50 |个人分类:集成电路(资料)|系统分类:科普集锦

[笔记,趣闻,科普] 三维(3D)电子技术,晶体管


三维(3D)电子技术: three-dimensional electronics

玻尔兹曼暴政: Boltzmann tyranny

垂直纳米线: vertical-nanowire

异质结: heterojunction

隧道晶体管: tunnelling transistors



   2023-08-16,Nature 提倡像“盖大楼”一样去研发新的晶体管。

   果然,2024 年 Nature Electronics 就推出来几种“大楼”式样的新型晶体管。

   其中, MIT 的博士后邵彦杰(Yanjie Shao)盖的纳米楼最漂亮!他们使用锑化镓和砷化铟,设计了隧穿场效应晶体管。







   Numerous developments in three-dimensional electronics have emerged in 2024, creating new opportunities for conventional and emerging electronic systems.

   Back in June, we selected three-dimensional (3D) electronics as our technology of the year for 2024. Building vertically — be it by stacking silicon chips with advanced packaging technologies or using two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors to achieve monolithic 3D integration — is a technique that can increase device density and create novel computational systems. And it is a key approach for both the immediate development of computer chips and the longer-term development of emerging electronic devices.








Fig. 1 3D monolithic integration of In2O3 TFTs.jpg

图1  原文 Fig. 1: 3D monolithic integration of In2O3 TFTs.



   ac, Two-dimensional and 3D schematic representations of BG (a), TG (b) and DG (c) transistors. d, 3D schematic representation of 10-S DG transistors on an Si/SiO2 substrate.

   【机器翻译】ac,BG(a)、TG(b)和DG(c)晶体管的二维和三维示意图。dSi/SiO基板上10-S DG晶体管的3D示意图。


   thin-film transistor (TFT)  薄膜晶体管

   bottom-gate (BG) and top-gate (TG)  底栅(BG)和顶栅(TG)

   dual-gate (DG) transistors (Fig. 1c)  双栅极(DG)晶体管(图1c)



图2  原文 Fig. 4: MoS2 transistors with 2 nm HfO2/Pd based as top-gate dielectric and electrode.



   a, Schematic diagram of top-gate MoS2 transistors using 2 nm HfO2 (sub-1 nm CET) and 2D Pd as top-gate dielectric and electrode. b, The dual-sweep transfer curves measured under different Vds from 0.1 to 1.0 V. c, Corresponding output curves under different gate bias (Vgs = 1 to −1 V). d,e, The benchmark of the normalized gate hysteresis13,15,18,26,27,49,50,51,52 (d, Norm. ΔVH) and leakage current13,15,18,19,21,26,29,49,50,51 (e) as a function of CET value for the ALD-Pd gated MoS2 FETs compared to state-of-the-art representative 2D FETs.

   【机器翻译】a、 使用2nm HfO2(亚1nm CET)和2D Pd作为顶栅电介质和电极的顶栅MoS2体管的示意图。b、 在0.1至1.0 V的不同Vds下测量的双扫描传输曲线,c、 以及在不同栅极偏压(Vgs=1至-1 V)下的相应输出曲线。de,与最先进的代表性2D FET相比,ALD-Pd 门控 MoS2 FET的归一化栅极滞后电阻13,15,18,26,27,49,50,51,52d,范数ΔVH)和漏电流13,15,18,19,21,26,29,49,50,51 e)的基准是CET值的函数。


   capacitance-equivalent thickness (CET)  电容等效厚度

   atomic-layer deposition (ALD)  原子层沉积

   Pd, Palladium  钯



Fig. 1 Ultra-scaled vertical-nanowire device design.jpg

图4  原文 Fig. 1: Ultra-scaled vertical-nanowire device design.



   a,b, Heterostructures in the fabrication of a heterojunction Esaki diode (a) and a tunnelling transistor (b). c,d, False-coloured 30°-tilted SEM images of vertical nanowires in the Esaki diode (c) and the tunnelling transistor (d), which were fabricated by dry-etching and citric acid:H2O2 wet-etching with DInAs of around 6 and 8 nm at the tunnelling junction, respectively. e,f, Schematics of the finished device structures for the vertical-nanowire Esaki diode (e) and vertical-nanowire tunnelling transistor (f). Lg denotes the gate length, which is around 50 nm. W denotes tungsten, the gate metal. g,h, Schematic energy band diagrams for a vertical-nanowire diode and a vertical-nanowire transistor along the cut lines A–A' (e) and B–B' (f). EcEvEf,S and Ef,D denote the lowest conduction sub-band, the highest valence sub-band, the source Fermi level and the drain Fermi level, respectively. Inset of h, Fermi–Dirac distribution for a finite temperature in the source. E and P denote the energy and occupation probability, respectively. Scale bars, 20 nm (c,d).

   【机器翻译】ab、异质结Esaki二极管(a)和隧道晶体管(b)制造中的异质结构。cd,Esaki二极管(c)和隧道晶体管(d)中垂直纳米线的假色30°倾斜SEM图像,分别通过干法蚀刻和柠檬酸:H2O2 湿法蚀刻在隧道结处制备,DInAs约为6和8 nm。ef,垂直纳米线Esaki二极管(e)和垂直纳米线隧穿晶体管(f)的成品器件结构示意图。Lg表示栅极长度,约为50nm。W表示栅极金属钨。gh,沿切割线a-a’(e)和B-B’(f)的垂直纳米线二极管和垂直纳米线晶体管的能带示意图。EcEvEf,S  Ef,D 分别表示最低导带、最高价带、源极费米能级和漏极费米能级。h插图,源中有限温度的费米-狄拉克分布。E和P分别表示能量和占用概率。比例尺,20 nm(cd)。




[1] Wei Cao, Huiming Bu, Maud Vinet, Min Cao, Shinichi Takagi, Sungwoo Hwang, Tahir Ghani, Kaustav Banerjee. The future transistors [J]. Nature, 2023, 620(7974): 501–515.   16 August 2023

doi:  10.1038/s41586-023-06145-x


[2] Editorial, Build it up again [J]. Nature Electronics, 2024, 7(11): 935.


[3] Saravanan Yuvaraja, Hendrik Faber, Mritunjay Kumar, Na Xiao, Glen Isaac Maciel García, Xiao Tang, Thomas D. Anthopoulos, Xiaohang Li. Three-dimensional integrated metal-oxide transistors [J]. Nature Electronics, 2024, 7(9): 768-776

doi:  10.1038/s41928-024-01205-0


[4] Lei Zhang, Zhaochao Liu, Wei Ai, Jiabiao Chen, Zunxian Lv, Bing Wang, Mingjian Yang, Feng Luo,  Jinxiong Wu. Vertically grown metal nanosheets integrated with atomic-layer-deposited dielectrics for transistors with subnanometre capacitance-equivalent thicknesses [J]. Nature Electronics, 2024, 7(8): 662-670

doi:  10.1038/s41928-024-01202-3


[5] 科普中国,2024-12-03,实现重要概念突破!MIT中国博后研制超高效3D晶体管


[6] Yanjie Shao, Marco Pala, Hao Tang, Baoming Wang, Ju Li, David Esseni, Jesús A. del Alamo. Scaled vertical-nanowire heterojunction tunnelling transistors with extreme quantum confinement [J]. Nature Electronics, 2024,

doi:  10.1038/s41928-024-01279-w




[1] 2023-09-09 17:05,[小资料] FinFET(鳍式场效应晶体管 fin field effect transistor)







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