Immortal Meditation分享 I am a PHD candidate of HUST.

  • 华中科大,机械科学与工程学院,博士在读

    • 数理科学->力学->动力学与控制


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Brief Introduction
Who is this guy?
My name is Lei He, and I'm now a Ph.D. candidate of Mechanical Science and Engineering , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan , P. R. China.
·Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Techology, 2012~now
·M.S., Marine Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013
·B.S., Marine Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2010
·973 Program : know more
·State Key Program of National Natural Science of China
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My research interests mainly focus on robotic planning and control. When I was a graduate in the underwater robot laboratory in 2011, I developed a brushless DC motor servo drive for an underwater manipulator. After that, I decided to persue a PhD degree for robotics. I have developed an upper limb prosthesis control system in 2012. My current research directions are:
·Mechatronic design of an underactuated prosthetic hand
Our prosthetic hand consists of 5 fingers and a palm, which is actuated by 4 motors. The integrated control system is placed inside the palm, which implements servo control of motors, motion and force control of the whole hand.
·Natural movement generation and compliant control of a prosthetic limb
The prosthetic limb is designed to work in human enviroment, and anthropomorphism and safty are crucial topics affecting the control. Thus, natural movment in free space and compliant when in contact are very important.
运动控制系统(Motion Control System) 2012-02-09
    注释:本文写于2012年,并在不断更新。由于本人平时学业忙,很少有时间码字,所以内容并非最新。     根据执行器(Ac ...
原子论的兴衰(The history of Atomism) 2011-02-04
1.早期原子论     早期人类对于世界的认识处于萌芽状态,理性还未经开发,人类对于周围世界的种种自然现象惊异不已,由于无法解释这些现 ...
“天赋”引来的思考(Insights into so-called "talent") 2010-07-18
(10年10年7月18日作,10年9月29日第一次修改,10年10月5日第二次修改) (1) 天赋之思——天赋是与生俱来的人的本性还是something else?   &nbs ...


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