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  • 中国医学科学院,病原生物学研究所,研究员

    • 医学科学->医学病原微生物与感染->病毒、病毒感染与宿主免疫

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个人简介 (CV)
先后毕业于武汉大学,意大利国际高等研究院(SISSA),获学士和博士学位。2005-08年在慕尼黑大学基因中心(Gene Center Munich)进行博士后研究,获Dr. Klaus Römer奖金。现任中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所结构生物学课题长;“协和学者特聘教授”;获人社部高层次回国留学人才资助,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。从事冠状病毒、肠道病毒等重要RNA病毒入侵和复制机制研究。主持了 “国家自然科学基金”等多项国家级项目和“ICGEB CRP”等国际项目。以通讯作者及第一作者在《Science》,《Sci Adv.》,《Mol Cell》,《Nat Commun.》,《Nucleic Acid Res.》,《PNAS》,《IUCrJ》,《PLOS Pathog》,《FASEB J.》,《J Biol Chem.》和《J Virol.》等期刊上发表研究论文。

Since 2009: Principal Investigator, Institute of Pathogen Biology at Chinese Academy of Medical Science.
2005-08: Postdoc, Hopfner's group, Gene Center, University of Munich.
2000-04: Ph.D., ICGEB & SISSA, Trieste Italy;
1993-97: B.S., Wuhan University.
Research interests
We are interested in understanding the structural basis and molecular mechanism underlying virus entry and replication. These processes are important for identifying antiviral targets and drug design, therefore, structure determination of proteins involving in entry or replication will provide invaluable information for drug development. Particularly, we have two focuses: employing hybrid and integrated methods in structural biology to study 1) the interplay between virus glycoprotein (HIV Env, CoV spike, etc.) and their cellular receptors. 2) the structure and function of virus replicases (helicase, proteinase, etc.) and the assembly of virus replication-transcription complex.
人才招聘(Job opportunity)



(有意者直接Email联系)。 联系方式:崔胜:cui.sheng@ipbcams.ac.cn;或 秦博: qbone@163.com

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