
肖波 2017-1-16 14:53
The relationships between biocrusts andshrubs in semiarid areas, are of great importance, however, not yet sufficientlyinvestigated. It is unknown whether or not biocrusts will decrease soilmoisture and result in the degradation of artificially planted shrubs insemiarid climates. In a semiari ...
5265 次阅读|没有评论
Biological Soil Crusts: An Organizing Principle in Drylands
肖波 2016-12-20 14:57
生物结皮领域的新书: Biological Soil Crusts: An Organizing Principle in Drylands Duringthe last decades, and probably at least partly triggered by the firstEcological Studies volume on this topic (volume 150), biological soil crusts(biocrusts) have quickly gained increasing interest fro ...
5510 次阅读|没有评论
肖波 2015-9-29 11:33
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) have been recognized as a vital influence factor to desert terrestrial ecosystems under semiarid climate. However, their effects on soil moisture and temperature, which play very important roles in many ecological and hydrological processes, have not yet been well und ...
4832 次阅读|没有评论
Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management
肖波 2015-4-29 10:46
Jayne Belnap (U.S. Geological Survey inMoab, Utah), Otto Ludwig Lange. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function,and Management. Springer, 2001, 503 页 . 本书是全世界第一本有关生物结皮的专著,是由该领域相关研究的权威——美国地质调查局 Belnap Jayne 撰写,是当前生物结皮研究人员公认的圣经( ...
5351 次阅读|没有评论
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution:能源草修复锌、铬污染土壤的能力
肖波 2014-6-23 18:16
两种优异能源草(芦竹和荻)对重金属锌、铬污染土壤的修复能力,发表在Water, Air, Soil Pollution上面。有兴趣的可以一读。 Phytoremediation of Zn- and Cr-contaminated soil using two promising energy grasses.pdf
5253 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 肖波 2014-6-23 16:51
路过北京市丰台区老庄子乡北天堂村垃圾填埋场,偷拍了几张照片,场面壮观、触目惊心、怪味四溢。 北天堂垃圾填埋场可能是离北京市中心最近的填埋场,以北京市的实力和该地段的重要性,垃圾填埋场都只能做成这样,那其他省市就更不用说了。 垃圾无害化处理,有可能么?
11632 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 肖波 2014-4-28 18:03
 2015年北京市自然科学基金申请书的部分内容。 1. 研究意义   由于降水不足和人为破坏,北京及周边地区植被覆盖较低,常年经受水土流失、土地沙化、扬沙浮尘、城市热岛、雾霾等问题困扰。为了迅速增加植被覆盖、有效改善生态环境,北京于 2012 年启动了平原地区百万亩 ...
6392 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
热度 3 肖波 2014-4-24 15:36
摘要:荒漠化地区土壤水分状况对于植被恢复和荒漠化控制十分关键,因此生物结皮扰动后的自然恢复过程及其对荒漠化生态系统的长期影响、尤其是对土壤水分状况的长期影响十分重要,但目前对此仍不清楚。本项目在黄土高原荒漠化地区,将发育良好的生物结皮层通过人工扰动的方式去除,其后观测了生物结皮的自然恢复过程,并连 ...
6381 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3

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