
AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'encode\'
陈超 2021-3-4 15:50
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode' 解析: 'NoneType' object 即空值,null 对象,这个对象是没有属性的。所以,后面调用这个属性的时候,就会报错。 解决方法:用if - else 语句处理容易返回none的数据;或者用异常处理。 ...
个人分类: IoT|9268 次阅读|没有评论
AttributeError: module \'serial\' has no attribute \'Serial\'
陈超 2021-3-2 21:38
错误信息: AttributeError: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial' 解决: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37827405/article/details/80879678 遇到该问题正常有两种情况: (1)你的文件名serial.py和引入的第三方库名字重复了,解决方法:重命名文件名 (2)你没有安装第三方库文件,解决方 ...
个人分类: IoT|5180 次阅读|没有评论
陈超 2020-9-14 17:36
# The following 3rd party modules are required: # # * form-input # * headers-more # * http-realip # * lua # * postgres # * set-misc nginx for windows with openresty: https://gitee.com/lomox/nginx-openresty-wi ...
个人分类: IoT|1987 次阅读|没有评论
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column 1721
陈超 2020-9-14 17:23
defhas_cached_observation(self)-bool: Returnswhetherornotacachedobservationexistsinthedatabase. Returns:   ...
个人分类: IoT|4883 次阅读|没有评论
陈超 2020-9-8 16:17
一、传感器端配置 需要注意以下几个地方: 1)mqtt采用默认broker的host、port; intercom: { mqtt: { host:, port: 1883, keepAlive: 60, topic: openadms, tls: false } } ps:mqtt其实是将不同模块之间进行数据传递, ...
个人分类: IoT|2520 次阅读|2 个评论
mqtt - Publishing message failed: no connection
陈超 2020-9-7 17:02
在openadms-node运行中,出现mqtt - Publishing message failed: no connection错误; 查看最起始位置,提示有如下两个问题: Importing Python module HBMQTT failed Importing Python module uptime failed 解决: pipenv install HBMQTT pipenv install uptime ...
个人分类: IoT|1578 次阅读|没有评论
陈超 2020-9-3 17:26
nginx The HTTP front-end runs on `nginx`_ . Either install nginx or OpenResty with the following additional modules: form-input , headers-more , http-realip , lua , postgres , set-misc . 需要的依赖库: LuaJIT 2.1安装: https://www.bnskd.com/2729.htm ...
个人分类: IoT|4266 次阅读|没有评论
陈超 2020-9-1 11:54
{ core: { modules: { schedulerUsb: modules.schedule.Scheduler, com1: modules.port.Seri ...
个人分类: IoT|2312 次阅读|没有评论
AttributeError: module \'serial\' has no attribute \'FIVEBITS\'
陈超 2020-9-1 11:53
2020-08-31T09:48:22 - VERBOSE - preProcessor - Connecting module preProcessor to ... 2020-08-31T09:48:22 - DEBUG - preProcessor - Starting worker preProces ...
个人分类: IoT|2683 次阅读|没有评论
陈超 2020-8-25 15:11
createdb --encoding UTF8 --owner openadms openadms 出现如下错误: createdb: 错误: 创建数据库失败: 閿欒: 鏁版嵁搴?openadms 宸茬粡瀛樺湪 解决办法: database user 建议采用默认的 ' postgres ' psql -h localhost -U postgres -d openadms -a -f timeseries.sql $$ LANGUA ...
个人分类: IoT|2161 次阅读|没有评论

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