
Penguin colonies in decline because of global warming
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:27
From The Times December 11, 2007 Penguin colonies in decline because of global warming
beaked whales
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:13
General Description One of the most poorly known of the marine mammal groups is the family Ziphiidae, the beaked whales. Although the taxonomy of the beaked whales is largely uncertain, there are at present twenty recognised species in six genera. At least five genera and twelve species are seen ...
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"Sexy" Tusks Led to New Whale Species?
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:12
Tasha Eichenseher National Geographic News December 19, 2008 The two curled, tusklike teeth of the male beaked whale evolved to attract females as well as to battle other males, according to new research. Female beaked whales' apparent attraction to the tusks may have spurred the d ...
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Geology of the East Siberian Sea, Russian Arctic from seismic images
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:07
Geology of the East Siberian Sea, Russian Arctic from seismic images Status of project: 02.01.2006 Arctic Ocean Source: BGR The kinematics and history of the opening of the Arctic Ocean Basin, comprising the Eurasia and the geologically m ...
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The East Siberian Sea is a Natural Laboratory for Studying Climate Change
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:05
The East Siberian Sea is a Natural Laboratory for Studying Climate Change February 3, 2005 Ocean water chemistry is an important indicator of climate change in arctic environments. Ocean water is strongly affected by several factors. Among them are temperature, amount of fre ...
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Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost
管卫兵 2009-1-29 08:04
Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost? Mason Inman in San Francisco, California for National Geographic News December 19, 2008 The East Siberian Sea is bubbling with methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, being released from underwater reserves, according to a recent expedition ...
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管卫兵 2009-1-29 07:51
COPENHAGEN (AFP) The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field , according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming . Our results show a strong correlation be ...
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