
水表层是冰或冰表层是水? 超固态:低密、高弹、高熔点、疏水
孙长庆 2014-1-26 12:19
SI-ppt-Movie.pptx A Supersolid Skin Covering both Water and Ice. https://arxiv.org/submit/902255 The mysterous nature and functionality of wter and ice skins remain baffling to thecomnminity since 1985s, the age of Farady. Here we verify our predictions on ...
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<Time/Telegraph/DailyMail/SciAlive>: 姆潘巴佯谬三要素
热度 1 孙长庆 2013-11-2 13:50
News-Water.docx Mpemba Paradox Revisited -- Numerical Reinforcement. http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.1014 自从亚里士多德注意到有时热水比冷水结冰快至今已有 2350 多年的历史。坦桑尼亚一位名叫姆潘巴的中学生在 1963 年制作冰淇凌时进一步确认,并以其姓命名。姆潘巴效应是科学界的十大著名佯 ...
个人分类: 水之魂|3843 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
孙长庆 2013-10-27 11:26
2013-water-BJ-01.ppt Media hearing of http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.6514 :
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H-bond relaxation resolving Mpemba paradox (姆潘巴佯谬可解)
热度 1 孙长庆 2013-10-23 16:54
Heat-stiffened H-O bond resolving Mpemba paradox Mpemba effect-01.docx https://medium.com/editors-picks/d8a2f611e853 We demonstrate that the Mpembaparadox arises intrinsically from the release of energy initially stored in thecovalent H-O part of the hot O:H-O hydrogen bond. Gen ...
个人分类: 水之魂|3877 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 1
《Sci Rep》: 水中分子的体积、间距、排序、及密度
热度 1 孙长庆 2013-10-7 19:13
http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/131021/srep03005/full/srep03005.html Sci Rep, 3, 3005 (2013) DOI: 10.1038/srep03005 Abstract Thestructural symmetry and molecular separation in water and ice remain uncertain.We present herewith a solution to unifying the density, ...
个人分类: 水之魂|4977 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
​H-bond asymmetric local potentials in compressed ice
孙长庆 2013-10-5 18:01
J. Phys. Chem. B DOI: 10.1021/jp407836n http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp407836n Abstract Acombination of the Lagrangian mechanics of oscillators vibration, moleculardynamics decomposition of volume evolution, and Raman spectroscopy of phononrelaxation has enabled us to ...
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<JPCL>: 冰和水的密度及声子频率的温驱四段反常振荡
孙长庆 2013-9-14 01:59
ACS LiveSlides TM : http://pubs.acs.org/iapps/liveslides/pages/index.htm?mscNo=jz401380p 水在结冰后其密度降低使约十分之一体积的冰浮在水面上。这一现象对人类生存以及维持地球和生态环境的协调至关重要。譬如,浮冰屏蔽外界低温可使水内如鱼类生物在寒冷的冬天能够持续生存繁衍。但是 ...
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Water mysteries focus forum
孙长庆 2013-8-28 20:06
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/waterandicegroup Useful link: Water Science by Prof Martin Chaplin: http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/guestb2.html
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