
热度 1 徐姗 2012-5-30 00:23
土壤团聚体分析方法总结 2012.5.29 徐姗 土壤团聚体分析方法总结-徐姗-2012.5.29.docx 1. 将取好的土过 8mm 筛,并把石块及大于 8mm 的根系挑出,风干。 2. 用土壤团聚体测定仪 ( 套筛: 2000um, 250um, 53um ) 进行团聚体分级。 3. ...
11476 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
热度 6 徐姗 2012-3-4 22:17
凌乱不成体系的一点点思考: 科学就是数学化吗?“数学在整个科学体系中的终极地位就是给予科学最简明、最高效的表达手法,就是为我们提供一种认识和描绘世界的最精确、最美妙的工具。”?? 1. 我们在科研中有了新的发现,新的想法,这种发现或者想法可能比较抽象,模糊,如何把自己的这种发现与想法用合适 ...
3051 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 6
当我们这样读 Abstract
热度 2 徐姗 2012-3-4 22:07
From GCB ( Stevens et al., 2006 ): 1. In this study we investigate the impact of ... on ... using a field survey of ... 2. Our aim is to identify ... , and to shed light on the mechanisms that may be driving ... 3. ... were studied ... 4. ... were surveyed and ... wer ...
4004 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
徐姗 2012-2-28 23:32
今天的一点心得: 1.清楚概念 ,对某一个概念在一篇文章中用正式的、一致的表达方式。切忌一个概念用多个且不正式(或不专业)的表达方式。防止不小心偷换概念,比如,前面讲“陆地生态系统”,后面却把“陆地生态系统”当成“地下过程”。 2.确定主题 ,围绕一个主题说事,或深或浅,切忌东拉西扯。 3.逻辑清晰 , ...
2694 次阅读|没有评论
Gains from Wood et al. (2009)
徐姗 2012-2-17 17:11
Gains from Wood et al. (2009) – Rain forest nutrient cycling and productivity in response to large-scale litter manipulation Shan Xu There exists time lag between litter production and the release of nutrient from litter . Seasonal variability, forest age and soil fertility influ ...
3566 次阅读|没有评论
Aggregate separation method (1)
热度 1 徐姗 2012-2-17 17:09
Aggregate separation method (1) Shan Xu In the review of Kuzyakov (2010) suggested, “Only a few studies have evaluated the contribution of individual stabilization mechanisms to the extra CO 2 released during PE”. In addition, Janssens et al. (2010) suggested ...
3224 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Some notes for meta-analysis
热度 1 徐姗 2012-2-17 17:08
-Notes for meta-analysis--Shan Xu-Jan.8, 2012.docx http://user.qzone.qq.com/290125425/infocenter
2395 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Literature notes of Fontaine et al.(2011)
徐姗 2012-2-17 17:04
Literature notes of Fontaine et al.(2011) – Fungi mediate long term sequestration of carbon and nitrogen in soil through their priming effect Shan Xu A. Background of this study: What is the importance of microbes in mediating SOM dynami ...
3103 次阅读|没有评论
The notes from Yang et al., 2011
徐姗 2012-2-17 17:01
The notes from Yang et al., 2011- Variation in carbon isotope discrimination in Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng: patterns and drivers at tiller, local, catchment, and regional scales Shan Xu A 13 C natural tracer method was applied in many studies to separate root-derived ...
2967 次阅读|没有评论

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