

2016年Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society值得关注的文章

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去年Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society发表的文章最著名的当属APG IV,此外还有2个专刊:Advances in and perspectives on evolution in Bromeliacea (凤梨科)Palms – emblems of tropical forests,还发表了一个新的红藻科Plagiosporaceae


1. The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. (2016). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV.  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181 (1), 1-20.


2. Dodsworth, S., Chase, M. W., & Leitch, A. R. (2015). Is post-polyploidization diploidization the key to the evolutionary success of angiosperms?. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 180(1), 1-5.

Advances in recent years have revolutionized our understanding of both the context and occurrence of polyploidy in plants. Molecular phylogenetics has vastly improved our understanding of plant relationships, enabling us to better understand trait and character evolution, including chromosome number changes. This, in turn, has allowed us to appreciate better the frequent occurrence and extent of polyploidy throughout the history of angiosperms, despite the occurrence of low chromosome numbers in some groups, such as in Arabidopsis (A. thaliana was the first plant genome to be sequenced and assembled). In tandem with an enhanced appreciation of phylogenetic relationships, the accumulation of genomic data has led to the conclusion that all angiosperms are palaeopolyploids, together with better estimates of the frequency and type of polyploidy in different angiosperm lineages. The focus therefore becomes when a lineage last underwent polyploidization, rather than simply whether a plant is ‘diploid’ or ‘polyploid’. This legacy of past polyploidization in plants is masked by large-scale genome reorganization involving repetitive DNA loss, chromosome rearrangements (including fusions and fissions) and complex patterns of gene loss, a set of processes that are collectively termed ‘diploidization’. We argue here that it is the diploidization process that is responsible for the ‘lag phase’ between polyploidization events and lineage diversification. If so, diploidization is important in determining chromosome structure and gene content, and has therefore made a significant contribution to the evolutionary success of flowering plants.


3. Tosh, J., James, K., Rumsey, F., Crookshank, A., Dyer, R., & Hopkins, D. (2016). Is DNA barcoding child's play? Science education and the utility of DNA barcoding for the discrimination of uk tree species. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181(4), 711–722.

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Abstract: We present the findings of a DNA barcoding study of the UK tree flora, implemented as part of an innovative, research-based science education programme called ‘Tree School’. The UK tree flora comprises native and introduced species, and is a taxonomically diverse study group for the exploration of the potential and limitations of DNA barcoding. The children participating in the project collected voucher specimens and generated DNA barcode sequences from trees and shrubs found in the grounds and surrounding woodlands of a residential field centre in Dorset, UK. We assessed the potential of rbcL and matK markers for amplification and DNA sequencing success and for species discrimination among the 67 tree and shrub species included in this study. Although we achieved 100% PCR amplification and sequencing success for rbcL and matK, mononucleotide repeats affected sequence quality in matK for some taxonomic groups (e.g. Rosaceae). Species discrimination success ranged from 65% to 71% using tree-based methods to 86% using BLASTN. The occurrence of known hybrids (diploid and polyploid) and their progenitors on the study site reduced the overall species discrimination success for both loci. This study demonstrates that, even in a floristic context, rbcL and matK alone are insufficient for the discrimination of UK tree species, especially where taxonomically complex groups are present. From a science education perspective, DNA barcoding represents a compelling and accessible platform for the engagement of non-experts in ongoing research, providing an opportunity for them to contribute authentic scientific data to an international research campaign.


4. Sven Landrein and Gerhard Prenner. 2016. Structure, ultrastructure and evolution of floral nectaries in the twinflower tribe Linnaeeae and related taxa (Caprifoliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181 (1): 37–69.

Abstract: Linnaeeae is a small tribe of Caprifoliaceae consisting of six genera and c. 20 species. In Linnaeeae, floral nectaries are located on the corolla-filament-tube and nectar is produced from unicellular glandular hairs. We studied 23 taxa using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and found two distinct nectary morphologies, zonate and gibbous types, and two distinct types of glandular hair, clavate and smooth base types. Plesiomorphic characters associated with the nectary and identified in the tribe include hypocrateriform corollas, dichogamous flowers, zonate nectaries, wet papillate stigmas, vestigial nectary disc and smooth pollen grains. Apomorphic characters include bilabiate corollas, homogamous flowers, bulging nectaries, dry papillate stigmas and echinulate pollen grains. The nectary structure is similar in Vesalea and Linnaea and differs from the rest of the tribe, in accordance with recent phylogenetic results. Nectar secretion is typically granulocrine with subcuticular accumulation of nectar, which we compared with the secretion in multicellular hairs of Adoxa moschatellina. The cuticle on the hair becomes detached from the cell wall and large subcuticular spaces filled with nectar are formed. Nectar is probably released in areas with a thin cuticle. In Zabelia, the smooth basal part of the hair could help to build up the hydrostatic pressure.

Systematic relationships in Linnaeeae and close relatives (Wang et al., 2015). One of the most parsimonious trees from an analysis of plastid data (rbcL, trnS-G, matK, trnL-F, ndhA, trnD-psbM, petB-D, trnL-rpl32 and trnH-psbA). Bootstraps consistent with the strict consensus tree are shown above the branches.

Important info:

It emerged that the genus Abelia R.Br. is not monophyletic as a result of the position of Vesalea Martens & Galeotti and series Serratae Graebn., and that series was segregated as a new genus, Diabelia Landrein (Landrein, 2010). It also emerged that Vesalea is sister to Linnaea (Wang et al., 2015). Zabelia (Rehder) Makino, which was segregated from the tribe on the basis of several morphological characters as well as chromosome number, is sister to the Morina L. and Linnaea clade (Wang et al., 2015).

5. Ghimire, B., Jeong, M. J., Lee, K. M., Heo, K., Lee, C. H., & Suh, G. U. (2016). Achene morphology of Saussurea species (Asteraceae, Cardueae) in Korea and its systematic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181(4), 692-710.



Book review by Michael F. Fay. Hybrid Flora of the British Isles by Clive A. Stace, Chris D. Preston and David A. Pearman. Bristol: Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, 2015. 500 pp. Hardback. ISBN 978-0-901158-48-2. £45.00. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181(4), 723.

....the main body of the text is made up of the accounts for the 909 hybrid taxa organized by family [lycopods, ferns (including horsetails), conifers and flowering plants]. Each account includes the accepted names of the hybrid and its parents [more or less following the taxonomy, nomenclature and sequence used by Stace (2010)], followed by descriptions of the hybrid and parents in sufficient detail to permit recognition of the hybrid and notes on distributions and habitats. Information on illustrations, chromosome numbers, fertility/sterility and experimental work (including resynthesis of hybrids) and common names, synonyms, invalid names and photographs are also included for some taxa.

A major and very useful addition relative to Stace (1975) is the inclusion of distribution maps for many of the hybrids and their parents. These maps provide a very useful visualization of the distributions and flag up potential areas where the hybrids could be found in the future.

Inevitably in a work of this scope, occasional errors and omissions have slipped in. Thymeliaceae (sic) occurs in several places, and the names of the hybrids of the frog orchid (treated under ×Dactyloglossum because Coeloglossum is recognized) under Dactylorhiza are missing. Despite these minor issues, however, I strongly recommend this book for all botanical libraries in the UK and Ireland and the libraries of botanists with an interest in the flora of Britain and Ireland.


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