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热度 2 2018-12-24 11:43
低覆盖度基因组 测序 获取系统发育组学数据 Phylogenomics from Low-coverage Whole-genome Sequencing Zhang, Feng; Nanjing Agricultural University, Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection Ding, Yinhuan; Nanjing Agricultural University ZHU, Chao-Dong; Institut ...
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2018-12-22 22:40
我们了解多少? 自然选择是科学界最好的评论家 How much are we learning? Natural selection is science's best critic December 18, 2018 by Brian Stallard, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 原始文献: Brad Gulko et al, An evolutionary framework for measuring epigenomi ...
3517 次阅读|没有评论
2018-12-20 18:24
农场研究更清晰地揭示授粉过程 Research on real-world farms gives a clearer picture of how pollination works June 8, 2015 by Ken Branson, Rutgers University 原始报道: https://phys.org/news/2015-06-real-world-farms-clearer-picture-pollination.html 根据罗格斯大学和 ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|2224 次阅读|没有评论
2018-12-20 18:22
蜜蜂越多,人类就越好 The more kinds of bees, the better for humans, study finds February 15, 2018, Rutgers University 原始文献: R. Winfree el al., Species turnover promotes the importance of bee diversity for crop pollination at regional scales, Science &nbs ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|2468 次阅读|没有评论
2018-12-20 18:20
传粉者生物多样性 Pollinator biodiversity July 6, 2018, National Science Foundation 原始报道: https://phys.org/news/2018-07-pollinator-biodiversity.html 如果您将花粉从一个植物移动到另一个植物,您也可能是一个传粉者。 传粉者形状和大小各异:蝴蝶,甲虫,鸟类,蝙蝠甚至人 ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|3820 次阅读|没有评论
北极高地主要传粉媒介 - 蝇类
2018-12-20 08:10
蝇类是北极高地的主要传粉媒介 Flies are the key pollinators of the High Arctic September 28, 2016, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 原始文献: Mikko Tiusanen et al. One fly to rule them all—muscid flies are the key pollinators in the Arctic, Proceedings of the Royal ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|4354 次阅读|没有评论
2018-12-19 21:52
没有蜜蜂,蝇类负责北极地区的授粉 In the absence of bees, flies are responsible for pollination in the Arctic region October 9, 2018 by Laura Hiisivuori, University of Helsinki 原始报道: https://phys.org/news/2018-10-absence-bees-flies-responsible-pollination.html Mikko Tiu ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|3092 次阅读|没有评论
2018-12-19 21:52
植物生物学家发现了从虫媒到风媒传粉转变机制 Plant biologists identify mechanism behind transition from insect to wind pollination December 17, 2018, University of Toronto 原始文献: Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2018). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.2251 & ...
个人分类: 传粉昆虫|6435 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2018-12-19 21:48
毛虫拟态吸引不必要的注意和攻击 Researchers observe a defense mechanism for caterpillars can attract unwanted attention December 17, 2018, Ecological Society of America 原始文献: James H Marden et al, Anti ‐ predator behavior by a nesting hummingbird in response to ...
个人分类: 物种互作|6456 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
2018-12-19 21:47
解析进化速率差异 Explaining differences in rates of evolution December 18, 2018 by Claudia Hoffmann, ETH Zurich 原始文献: Daniele Silvestro et al. Closing the gap between palaeontological and neontological speciation and extinction rate estimates, Nature Communicati ...
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