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已有 3860 次阅读 2019-3-10 20:22 |个人分类:传粉昆虫|系统分类:科研笔记


“第四届传粉昆虫学术研讨会”将于2019年6月在北京举办。5月31日报到,6月1-2日会议。按照惯例,中国昆虫学会传粉专业委员会委托周青松博士(zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn)接收报告申请,并及时更新报告人、报告题目和单位等信息。Michael Orr博士(中国科学院PIFI学者,michael.orr@ioz.ac.cn和张丹同学(zhangdan2016@ioz.ac.cn一同负责协调国外参会学者注册、报告人和来访事宜。



Speaker, Title, Institution, Email-box, Mobile, WeChat/QQ



Speaker, Title, Institution



  1.        孔宏智,中国科学院植物研究所,题目待定

  2.         李捷,山西省农业科学院园艺研究所,题目待定

  3.         李学燕,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,蝴蝶基因组特征与进化

  4. 刘云慧,中国农业大学,农业景观传粉服务提升途径

  5. 刘彦杰,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所,蜜蜂PGRP-SA蛋白结构解析

  6. 龙春林,中央民族大学,题目待定

  7. 孟丽峰,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所,题目待定

  8. 孙成,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所利用熊蜂的泛基因组研究熊蜂的起源、进化及生物学

  9. 杨柏云,南昌大学,杨氏丹霞兰(Danxiaorchis yangii)传粉生物学研究

  10. 张敏华,华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院,亚热带森林林下光环境对植物与传粉者群落的影响

  11. 周欣,中国农业大学,使用genome-skimming检测蜜蜂携粉多样性的种间差异和种内变化

  12. 邹怡,西交利物浦大学,量化昆虫授粉: 从物种的传粉效率到区域的服务评价

  13. Leon Marshall, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Netherland, 

  14. Muhammad Naeem,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所,东亚地区熊蜂多样性正面临环境变化的巨大威胁

  15. Natapot Warrit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

  16. Nicolas J Vereecken,Université Libre de Bruxelles,比利时,题目待定

  17. Paul William, Natural History Museum, 英国,题目待定

  18. Pierre Rasmont,Université de Mons,比利时,题目待定

  19. Tuanjit Sritongchuay,西双版纳热带植物园,题目待定

  20. Timothy Weekers,Université Libre de Bruxelles,比利时,题目待定

  21. Vasuki Belavadi, University of Agricultural Sciences,GKVK,Bangalore,题目待定

List of Speakers (Updating)

Speaker, Title, Institution (Following the above order)

  1.       Hong-Zhi KONG, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Titlte to be decided

  2.         Jie LI, Gardening Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Title to be decided

  3.         Xue-Yan LI, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of SciencesGenome characteristics and evolution in Butterflies(Insecta, Lepidotera, Papilionoidea)

  4. Yun-Hui LIU, China Agriculture University, Conserving wild bees for pollination service in agriculture landscape

  5. Yanjie Liu, Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS, Structural determination of PGRP-SA of bees

  6. Chun-Lin LONG, Minzu University of China, 

  7. Li-Feng Meng, Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS, 

  8. Cheng SUN, Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS, The pan-genome of bumblebees shed light on the origin, evolution and biology of the genus Bombus

  9. Bo-Yun YANG, Nanchang University, Pollination Biology of Danxiaorchis yangii

  10. Minhua Zhang, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences(SEES),East China Normal University (ECNU), The influence of light enviroment on plant-pollinator communities in a subtropical forest

  11. Xin ZHOU, China Agriculture University, Interspecific diversity and intraspecific heterogeneity in honey bee pollen transportation revealed by genome-skimming

  12. Yi Zou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Quantifying insect pollination: from species effectiveness to regional service evaluation

  13. Leon Marshall, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Netherland, 

  14. Muhammad Naeem, Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS, East Asian bumblebees is under threat of future environment change

  15. Natapot Warrit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

  16. Nicolas J Vereecken,Université Libre de Bruxelles,Belgium

  17. Paul William, Natural History Museum, Lonon, UK

  18. Pierre Rasmont,Université de Mons, Belgium

  19. Tuanjit Sritongchuay, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, China

  20. Timothy Weekers, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium,

  21. Vasuki Belavadi, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore


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