
近期 美国有机化学家的变迁及其变动
热度 1 韩建伟 2013-3-29 10:03
Poaches: Dan Nocera ( MIT to Harvard ) M.G. Finn ( Scripps to Georgia Tech ) K.C. Nicolaou ( Scripps to Rice ) John Wood ( Colorado State to Baylor ) Corey Stephenson ( Boston University to Michigan ) Sharon Hammes-Schiffer ( Penn State to Illinois ) Kyoung-Shin Choi ( Purdue to Wisconsin ) Shi ...
8953 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
The rising star in Orgnanic Chemistry
热度 1 韩建伟 2012-3-7 20:03
今天要介绍的这位是哥伦比亚大学的刚刚得到晋升的副教授 Tristan Lambert ; DWC Macmilland 的弟子;曾经追随着 Macmillan 从 UC berkeley 辗转到 Princeton U ;随后在合成界的大牛 Samuel J. Danishefsky 做 POSTdoc ;做了两年后就在 Columbia Uni. 至今 ; 博士跟博士后期间一共有两篇 ...
5557 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
有机化学界的巨擘-Albert Eschenmoser:a titan of org. chem.
热度 1 韩建伟 2011-12-9 12:46
最近 Albert Eschenmoser ,一个 86 岁的老人,在 Angewandte chemie 上发表一篇论文,长达 61 页,引文 300 篇之多,可能是封关之作了: Etiology of Potentially Primordial Biomolecular Structures: From Vitamin B12 to the Nucleic Acids and an Inquiry into the Chemistry of Life's Origin—A Retro ...
10917 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 韩建伟 2011-9-25 23:45
我弄了一个祛痘的东西,结果很多长痘的同事嗤之以鼻~ 化学人不信化学,却相信化学是毒,源于自然便是好~~任自己的豆子疯长~~不要忘记,是化学的发展,人才少了很多痛苦,多了健康~长了长寿~~ 日化工业更是如此,洋洋我大中华却落后了很多很多,无论是美国,法国,德国,瑞士,日本,韩国,在该领域都是翘 ...
4296 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
韩建伟 2011-9-10 11:20
清 桐城学派三祖之 姚鼐 说到: 学者当潜心玩索,令胸中有浸润深厚之味,不须急急著述,斯为善学。 当下人谁有能做到?!
4102 次阅读|没有评论
韩建伟 2011-9-1 09:16
A paper,Enantioselective Metal-Free Diamination of Styrenes, published on Angew. Chew as ASAP article by Kilian MuÇiz from Spain; Wonderful; The diamination reaction of alkenes is very interesting and important approach for diamime compounds, which are extremely useful moities. the author use ...
4395 次阅读|没有评论
A new paper by B. List
韩建伟 2011-9-1 09:11
A new paper, named Direct Asymmetric a Benzoyloxylation of Cyclic Ketones, was reported by B list; Generally, the branched aldhyde, this paper changed to cyclic ketones, although I dont think it a challenge for cyclic ketones with high reactivity.
3239 次阅读|没有评论

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