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已有 3659 次阅读 2011-1-23 22:45 |个人分类:翻译作品|系统分类:论文交流






动物学中“亲爱的敌人”是指在很多社会性动物中(尤其在鸣禽和哺乳动物中),个体能够把陌生人和熟悉的邻居区别开来并且对前者有更为激进的反应。目前为止,少有关于两栖动物区分邻居和陌生者的研究开展且结果也不一致。因此,尚不清楚这种现象普遍存在所有的蛙蟾类中,以及拥有较大声谱信息的物种是否具有这样的想象。我们对声谱丰富的雄性凹耳蛙开展了录音回放实验以观察它们是否可以区别陌生者和邻居叫声的能力。实验中14个个体被依次放在置于安静房间的箱体中,经过录音回放,9只凹耳蛙对陌生者的叫声有明显的反应(发声应答加上带有攻击性的动作)而对邻居叫声则没有反应。这些结果表明凹耳蛙具有从发声上区别陌生者和邻居的能力。目前为止,凹耳蛙和其它三种声谱信息较为单一的蛙类——牛蛙Rana catesbiana, 青铜蛙Rana clamitans, 捷蛙Rana dalmatina——被研究发现具有这样的能力。考虑到这几种蛙类声信号的复杂程度差异,用来区别邻居和陌生者的声音特征可能差别较大(所谓八仙过海,各显神通,译者注)。




Neighbor–Stranger Discrimination in Concave-Eared Torrent

Frogs, Odorrana tormota




The dear enemy phenomenon in which animals discriminate familiar neighbors from unknown strangers, and respond more aggressively to strangers is well established in various social animals, especially in songbirds and mammals. So far, very few studies of neighbor–stranger discrimination have been carried out in amphibians and the results have been mixed. Thus, it is unclear whether this phenomenon exists commonly in frogs and toads, and whether it is exhibited by species with large vocal repertoires. We conducted acoustic playback experiments with male concave-eared torrent frogs (Odorrana tormota, a species with an unusually large vocal repertoire) kept in a tank in a quiet room to investigate whether or not they can discriminate strangers from neighbors acoustically. Nine of the 14 males tested showed evoked vocal responses to the calls from strangers, but none to calls from neighbors; vocal response to the calls from strangers was accompanied by aggressive motor activity. These results demonstrate that male O. tormota possess the ability to discriminate neighbors from strangers acoustically. Odorrana tormota therefore joins three ranid species (Rana catesbiana, Rana clamitans, Rana dalmatina, all known to have a comparatively small and stereotyped vocal repertoires) as the only anurans demonstrated to have this ability. Given the difference in signaling complexity between these frog species, the salient acoustic features used for discriminating neighbors and strangers are likely to be quite distinct.(Feng et al., 2009)




 Neighbor-stranger Discrimination in Concave Eared Torrent Frogs Odorrana tormota.pdf



Feng AS, Arch VS, Yu Z, Yu XJ, Xu ZM,Shen JX (2009). "Neighbor-stranger Discrimination in Concave Eared Torrent Frogs, Odorrana tormota." Ethology 115(9): 851-856.




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