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已有 7570 次阅读 2011-12-9 17:04 |个人分类:生态研究|系统分类:科研笔记| 复旦大学, 互花米草, 生物多样性科学研究

【注】本贴是博文《互花米草是不是入侵种?是否有利于低碳减排?的附件。在web of science上用用“Fudan Univ AND Biod* “作为单位名,AND “Spartina alterniflora”作为关键词获得的结果(截止到2011年12月9日)。


Chen, H. L., et al., 2007a. Exotic plant influences soil nematode communities through litter input. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39, 1782-1793.

Chen, H. L., et al., 2007b. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on benthic nematode communities in the Yangtze Estuary. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 336, 99-110.

Chen, J. Q., et al., 2008. Invasive Spartina and reduced sediments: Shanghai's dangerous silver bullet. Journal of Plant Ecology-Uk. 1, 79-84.

Chen, Z. B., et al., 2009. Effect of the exotic plant Spartina alterniflora on macrobenthos communities in salt marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 82, 265-272.

Chen, Z. Y., et al., 2004. Local competitive effects of introduced Spartina alterniflora on Scirpus mariqueter at Dongtan of Chongming Island, the Yangtze River estuary and their potential ecological consequences. Hydrobiologia. 528, 99-106.

Cheng, X. L., et al., 2008. Assessing the effects of short-term Spartina alterniflora invasion on labile and recalcitrant C and N pools by means of soil fractionation and stable C and N isotopes. Geoderma. 145, 177-184.

Cheng, X. L., et al., 2006. Short-term C(4) plant Spartina alterniflora invasions change the soil carbon in C(3) plant-dominated tidal wetlands on a growing estuarine Island. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 38, 3380-3386.

Cheng, X. L., et al., 2010. Seasonal variation in CH(4) emission and its (13)C-isotopic signature from Spartina alterniflora and Scirpus mariqueter soils in an estuarine wetland. Plant and Soil. 327, 85-94.

Cheng, X. L., et al., 2007. CH(4) and N(2)O emissions from Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis in experimental mesocosms. Chemosphere. 68, 420-427.

Gan, X., et al., 2006. The effect of invasions of the grass Spartina alterniflora on wintering birds on Chongming Island, Dongtan Reserve, China. Journal of Ornithology. 147, 169-169.

Gan, X. J., et al., 2009. Potential impacts of invasive Spartina alterniflora on spring bird communities at Chongming Dongtan, a Chinese wetland of international importance. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 83, 211-218.

Gan, X. J., et al., 2010. Alteration of Habitat Structure and Food Resources by Invasive Smooth Cordgrass Affects Habitat Use by Wintering Saltmarsh Birds at Chongming Dongtan, East China. Auk. 127, 317-327.

Gao, Y., et al., 2009. Clipping at early florescence is more efficient for controlling the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora. Ecological Research. 24, 1033-1041.

Geng, Y. P., et al., 2007. Phenotypic plasticity rather than locally adapted ecotypes allows the invasive alligator weed to colonize a wide range of habitats. Biological Invasions. 9, 245-256.

Guo, H. Q., et al., 2009. Tidal effects on net ecosystem exchange of carbon in an estuarine wetland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149, 1820-1828.

Jiang, L. F., et al., 2009. Ecophysiological characteristics of invasive Spartina alterniflora and native species in salt marshes of Yangtze River estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 81, 74-82.

Li, B., et al., 2009. Spartina alterniflora invasions in the Yangtze River estuary, China: An overview of current status and ecosystem effects. Ecological Engineering. 35, 511-520.

Liao, C. Z., et al., 2008. Litter pool sizes, decomposition, and nitrogen dynamics in Spartina alterniflora-invaded and native coastal marshlands of the Yangtze Estuary. Oecologia. 156, 589-600.

Liao, C. Z., et al., 2007. Invasion of Spartina alterniflora enhanced ecosystem carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Ecosystems. 10, 1351-1361.

Ma, Z. J., et al., 2011. Effects of exotic Spartina alterniflora on the habitat patch associations of breeding saltmarsh birds at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Biological Invasions. 13, 1673-1686.

Ma, Z. J., et al., 2007. Wintering bird communities in newly-formed wetland in the Yangtze River estuary. Ecological Research. 22, 115-124.

Ma, Z. J., et al., 2009. Waterbird Population Changes in the Wetlands at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Environmental Management. 43, 1187-1200.

Nie, M., et al., 2010. Population variation of invasive Spartina alterniflora can differentiate bacterial diversity in its rhizosphere. Plant Ecology. 209, 219-226.

Nie, M., et al., 2009. Effects of salt marsh invasion by Spartina alterniflora on sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Ecological Engineering. 35, 1804-1808.

Peng, R. H., et al., 2011. Spartina alterniflora invasion increases soil inorganic nitrogen pools through interactions with tidal subsidies in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Oecologia. 165, 797-807.

Qin, H. M., et al., 2010. Effects of invasive cordgrass on crab distributions and diets in a Chinese salt marsh. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 415, 177-187.

Quan, W. M., et al., 2007. Tidal marshes as energy sources for commercially important nektonic organisms: stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 352, 89-99.

Quan, W. M., et al., 2009. Trophic relationships in the Changjiang River estuarine salt marshes: preliminary investigation from delta(13)C and delta(15)N analysis. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 28, 50-58.

Tang, L., et al., 2010. How tidal regime and treatment timing influence the clipping frequency for controlling invasive Spartina alterniflora: implications for reducing management costs. Biological Invasions. 12, 593-601.

Tang, L., et al., 2009. Designing an effective clipping regime for controlling the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora in an estuarine salt marsh. Ecological Engineering. 35, 874-881.

Wang, C. H., et al., 2010a. Effects of environmental gradients on the performances of four dominant plants in a Chinese saltmarsh: implications for plant zonation. Ecological Research. 25, 347-358.

Wang, C. H., et al., 2009. Determinants of seed bank dynamics of two dominant helophytes in a tidal salt marsh. Ecological Engineering. 35, 800-809.

Wang, J. Q., et al., 2010b. Bioturbation of Burrowing Crabs Promotes Sediment Turnover and Carbon and Nitrogen Movements in an Estuarine Salt Marsh. Ecosystems. 13, 586-599.

Wang, J. Q., et al., 2008. Exotic Spartina alterniflora provides compatible habitats for native estuarine crab Sesarma dehaani in the Yangtze River estuary. Ecological Engineering. 34, 57-64.

Wang, M., et al., 2007. Characterization of bacterial community structure and diversity in rhizosphere soils of three plants in rapidly changing salt marshes using 16S rDNA. Pedosphere. 17, 545-556.

Wang, Q., et al., 2006a. Invasive Spartina alterniflora: biology, ecology and management. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. 44, 559-588.

Wang, Q., et al., 2006b. Effects of growing conditions on the growth of and interactions between salt marsh plants: Implications for invasibility of habitats. Biological Invasions. 8, 1547-1560.

Wu, Y. T., et al., 2009. Effects of saltmarsh invasion by Spartina alterniflora on arthropod community structure and diets. Biological Invasions. 11, 635-649.

Yan, Y. E., et al., 2010. Variations of net ecosystem CO(2) exchange in a tidal inundated wetland: Coupling MODIS and tower-based fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 115.

Zhao, B., et al., 2009. Monitoring rapid vegetation succession in estuarine wetland using time series MODIS-based indicators: An application in the Yangtze River Delta area. Ecological Indicators. 9, 346-356.


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